For 100 would you expect more. Anyway, probably beating a dead horse.
Originally Posted by Azzman53
I do know that a BP ad was posted and all it says is 75/100/200.
I don't know what that means for sure.
If I had to guess I would think
75 is a B&G.
100 is 30 minute FS session
200 is 60 minute FS session
But that's a guess just from seeing how others post ads.
I'm not really addressing the review or the session that took place because only those two know what happened so who am I to say who is right or wrong?
So yeah based on the BP ad I would expect more than what was stated in the review. But again only those two really know.
But saying that because you saw Lisa and enjoyed her company that there's no way somebody else could have a bad experience is big time WK'ing.