I have no problems with the interview- If I were Cuban I would be pissed of how Cruz is making a mockery of his own heritage- I doubt if Cruz can even speak Spanish fluently. He is a sellout as I stated before if there existed such a term he would be an Uncle Thomas or Uncle Julio aka a Latino Uncle Tom. I am glad he got exposed for what he is- sorry excuse an a disgrace to cubans worldwide. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Ted is a Texan... you got a problem with it, BOY!
Ted is a Texan... you got a problem with it, BOY! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
He was born in Canada. His father was also part of Fidel's guerrilla army. He's a closet communissss.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ted is a Texan... you got a problem with it, BOY! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Do you realize calling a grown African-American man a BOY is not only insulting, but very racist- I am demanding an apology- if you don't have the courage to do it in this forum send me a pm because that was downright out of line and very distasteful on your behalf.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
More racism WE? First it was Ben Carson and now Cruz. You are a member of the democratic party. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you even know the term racism- where have I insulted cubans? I said this POS wannabe cuban is a disgrace to his race- actually Cruz is a disgrace to the human race- I am very sorry if you can't distinguish the difference. I am a child of God, I don't have a racist bone in my body.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Do you even know the term racism- where have I insulted cubans? I said this POS wannabe cuban is a disgrace to his race- actually Cruz is a disgrace to the human race- I am very sorry if you can't distinguish the difference. I am a child of God, I don't have a racist bone in my body. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
But it's ok to be racist toward him because he is a Republican. Right, God Fearing Christian? You are sure filled with hate for a God Fearing Christian, God Fearing Christian.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
But it's ok to be racist toward him because he is a Republican. Right, God Fearing Christian? You are sure filled with hate for a God Fearing Christian, God Fearing Christian. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You still have an agenda with me huh? I have not uttered one racist word you idiot- it's by definition an African American can't be racist- they can be prejudiced- shows how much of a fool you are you idiot.
You called Cruz an Uncle Julio comparing it to calling someone an Uncle Tom. How is that not an ethnic slur?

You claiming that blacks can't be racist is foolish. Make that phony claim all you want. It just doesn't fly.

According to recent polling data, blacks are more racist than whites (as a percentage).
A poll of American adults that was reported in Rasmussen Reports (July 3, 2013) provides helpful information. According to this poll, 37% of American adults think “most blacks” are racists, compared to 15% who believe the same about “most whites,” and 18% who say that about “most Hispanics.”

Blacks in the poll were more likely to say that “most blacks” are racist (31%), compared to 24% who harbored this view of “most whites,” and 15% who felt that way about “most Hispanics.”
In other words, one-third of your own community thinks blacks are racist.

You still have an agenda with me huh? I have not uttered one racist word you idiot- it's by definition an African American can't be racist- they can be prejudiced- shows how much of a fool you are you idiot. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You still have an agenda with me huh? I have not uttered one racist word you idiot- it's by definition an African American can't be racist- they can be prejudiced- shows how much of a fool you are you idiot. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
That is just plain stupid. Why all the hate, God Fearing Christian?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You called Cruz an Uncle Julio comparing it to calling someone an Uncle Tom. How is that not an ethnic slur?

You claiming that blacks can't be racist is foolish. Make that phony claim all you want. It just doesn't fly.

According to recent polling data, blacks are more racist than whites (as a percentage).
A poll of American adults that was reported in Rasmussen Reports (July 3, 2013) provides helpful information. According to this poll, 37% of American adults think “most blacks” are racists, compared to 15% who believe the same about “most whites,” and 18% who say that about “most Hispanics.”

Blacks in the poll were more likely to say that “most blacks” are racist (31%), compared to 24% who harbored this view of “most whites,” and 15% who felt that way about “most Hispanics.”
In other words, one-third of your own community thinks blacks are racist. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You dumb ignorant fuck please go to Webster and look up racism - in order to be racist your specific race must be in power - a racist by definition is a person or a group of people who feel that their race is superior to others and thereby should stay in power- last time I checked yes we have a black president but blacks by no means hold the wealth or power in this country. Are there blacks who are prejudiced yes but racist - no not by definition.
Merriam Webster makes no reference to power in their #1 definition. Is that bullshit you were indoctrinated with in Black Studies at college?

Full Definition of RACISM (from merriam webster)
1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

To be a racist one doesn't have to be a member of the white power class.

And again, polling data says one-third of your own community thinks most blacks are racists. I guess they haven't read your bogus Merriam Webster dictionary definition. Or attended your black power seminars.

You are just making shit up to fit your mis-informed ideas. You are the dumb lying fuck.

You dumb ignorant fuck please go to Webster and look up racism - in order to be racist your specific race must be in power - a racist by definition is a person or a group of people who feel that their race is superior to others and thereby should stay in power- last time I checked yes we have a black president but blacks by no means hold the wealth or power in this country. Are there blacks who are prejudiced yes but racist - no not by definition. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you realize calling a grown a BOY is not only insulting, but very ..... very distasteful on your behalf. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I removed all the racial victimization out of it ... so you could see that sometimes statements using certain words are not really racially motivated.

If it is offensive for you to be called a "boy," then concentrate on being mature.

Growing up and being responsible for your own conduct takes less energy and is far more productive than being a victim. I realize that's a novel idea, but I recommend it.
LexusLover's Avatar idiot- it's by definition an African American can't be racist- they can be prejudiced- shows how much of a fool you are you idiot. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I'm not sure he calls himself an "African-American" .. but it appears he is ..

He's a racist. And see the guy below "poll watching" with a club ...

He's a racist, and belongs to an organization dedicated to racism.
I removed all the racial victimization out of it ... so you could see that sometimes statements using certain words are not really racially motivated.

If it is offensive for you to be called a "boy," then concentrate on being mature.

Growing up and being responsible for your own conduct takes less energy and is far more productive than being a victim. I realize that's a novel idea, but I recommend it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're so goddamn ignorant it's infuriating. It has nothing to do with being mature or immature, you fucking ignoramus. Boy was a way for white people to put black men in their place. It has nothing to do with maturity and the fact that you think it does shows just how goddamn stupid you really are. I'm done pulling punches with you. You're one of the worst on here when it comes to just being a straight-up dumbass. Do you think people like being victims? I think that's a common misconception among whites, that minorities somehow like their victim status. Would you like to be watched like a hawk whenever you enter a store, because they automatically think the black or brown brother is going to steal something? Pulled over by police for things that white people would never get pulled over for? Getting a ticket when white people would get a warning? Getting a beating when white people would get a ticket? You just have no idea. I don't know why you insist on continuing to have an opinion on this when you don't have the first fucking clue about what you're talking about. You've never been a minority. You have no room to talk about it. Period. It's easy to spout your fucking platitudes from up on high.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm done pulling punches with you. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I recommend the ignore "button"! Primarily because I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself throwing punches ... you might throw something out of joint or accidentally hit yourself with one of your "hay-makers"!!!!

Oh, I almost forgot..... You are STUPID.

Is that why your Black GF booted your ass to the curb? Or was it your racism.

It has everything to do with maturity and personal responsibility ...

..... see below..

Do you see those CHILDREN stealing shit out of a store, because Gray died while he was on the custody .... ? One is a "boy" and the two in the background are "girls"! Now they may be old enough to go to prison or buy their own cigarettes, but they are acting immature.
I recommend the ignore "button"! Primarily because I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself throwing punches ... you might throw something out of joint or accidentally hit yourself with one of your "hay-makers"!!!!

Oh, I almost forgot..... You are STUPID.

Is that why your Black GF booted your ass to the curb? Or was it your racism.

It has everything to do with maturity and personal responsibility ...

..... see below..

Do you see those CHILDREN stealing shit out of a store, because Gray died while he was on the custody .... ? One is a "boy" and the two in the background are "girls"! Now they may be old enough to go to prison or buy their own cigarettes, but they are acting immature. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You don't have a clue. Put your white pointy hood back on and proceed to the nearest woods.