3 Maryland counties want to secede to West Virginia

ICU 812's Avatar
Something like that (secession to another State) is afoot in Idaho and California too. I don't think any real action is eminent, but the sentiment is there.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That could be one mark of a modern civil war. Counties and municipalities gravitate to another state until only Los Angeles and San Francisco remain. Then it comes down to how much land is the left willing to concede before they do something stupid. Kind of the same concept of 1861. The South seceded months before Lincoln did anything. The attack on Fort Sumter gave Lincoln the moral high ground to move troops into South Carolina. Virginia didn't see it that way. They saw it as an invasion of their state.
The first time part of one state becomes part of another state (and I think it will happen) then everyone will want to realign. That's what I mean about the military. In many modern countries, the military has sit it out until someone becomes the de facto government.