How the Biden Crime Family shook down Burisma for $10 million in Bribes

rmg_35's Avatar
Here is the thing in a nut shell. If the Republican party had the tapes...release them. Tired of hearing the bullshit about the deep state. If it's the deep state, then the Republican party should have been able to cut through that years ago or the republican party is so fucking incompetent that it let it go on for this long. So what is it. The Republican Party has nothing but bullshit websites and no real evidence or are they completely and utterly incompetent that they have left the deep state run over them for decades??m
Biden and Hunter's laptop has been inaccurate....nice try though Originally Posted by matchingmole
... Please explain WHAT has been "inaccurate" about it.

### Salty
Sorry double post.
Wow that's a lot of shit bud?
So tell me is this similar to trump trying to shakedown Ukraine for 250 million dollars worth congressionally approved funds in a time of war?
Funds specifically set aside to kill Russians with?
Not to mention that it doesn't get any more creditable than a decorated and sworn officer of the United States Army than Colonel Alexander Vindman, and what did the Republican party do in response?
They gave the orange turd a pass, and destroyed a brave American officers career in the process!
So I really don't want to hear about some creditable unnamed FBI source!
And hell 10 million is a paultry sum in comparison.

The Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma To Pay $10 Million In Bribes, Says Credible FBI Source

The Bidens allegedly “coerced” a foreign national to pay them $10 million in bribes, according to individuals familiar with the investigation into the FBI’s handling of the FD-1023 confidential human source report. What, if anything, agents did to investigate these explosive claims remains unknown, however, with sources telling The Federalist the FBI continues to stonewall.

On Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed a foreign national — identified by individuals with knowledge of the matter as Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky — allegedly possessed 17 recordings implicating the Bidens in a pay-to-play scandal. While 15 of the audio recordings consisted of phone calls between Zlochevsky and Hunter Biden, two were of calls the Ukrainian had with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to the FD-1023.

The Federalist has now learned the FD-1023 reported the CHS saying the Bidens “coerced” Zlochevsky to pay the bribes. Sources familiar with the investigation also explained the context of Zlochevsky’s statements, and that context further bolsters the CHS’s reporting.

In the FD-1023 from June 30, 2020, the confidential human source summarized earlier meetings he had with Zlochevsky. According to the CHS, in the 2015-2016 timeframe, the CHS, who was providing advice to Zlochevsky, told the Burisma owner to stay away from the Bidens. Then, after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential contest, the CHS asked Zlochevsky if he was upset Trump won.

Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden. According to the CHS, the Burisma executive bemoaned the situation, claiming the Bidens had “coerced” him into paying the bribes.

The CHS responded that he hoped Zlochevsky had taken precautions to protect himself. Zlochevsky then allegedly detailed the steps he had taken to avoid detection, stressing he had never paid the “Big Guy” directly and that it would take some 10 years to unravel the various money trails. It was only then that Zlochevsky mentioned the audio recordings he had made of the conversations he had with Hunter and Joe Biden, according to the CHS.

The broader context of this conversation adds to the plausibility of Zlochevsky’s claims that he possessed recordings implicating the Bidens. And we already know from Grassley and House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer that the FBI considered the CHS, who relayed Zlochevsky’s claims to the FBI, a “highly credible” source.

Further, according to individuals familiar with the investigation, the FBI admitted the CHS’s intel was unrelated to the information Rudy Giuliani had provided the Western District of Pennsylvania’s U.S. attorney’s office — the office then-Attorney General William Barr had tasked with reviewing any new information related to Ukraine.

Sources told The Federalist that investigators out of the Pittsburgh office, in addition to reviewing Giuliani’s information, searched internal FBI databases and came across an earlier FD-1023 related to the CHS. That earlier FD-1023 then led to agents questioning the CHS on June 30, 2020, uncovering the details concerning Burisma’s alleged bribery of the Bidens.

What the FBI did to investigate the allegations is unknown, with sources telling The Federalist the bureau refused to either confirm or deny that the DOJ under Barr sent the FD-1023 to Delaware for further investigation. On the contrary, the FBI allowed Rep. Jamie Raskin, ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, to falsely represent to Americans that Barr and Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney Scott Brady had closed the investigation. Raskin’s deceit, tolerated by the FBI, forced Barr to publicly correct the record.

The FBI is also refusing to provide any information on what, if any, steps it took to investigate the detailed claims contained in the FD-1023. But sources familiar with investigative procedures maintain there was insufficient time between the June 30, 2020, interview of the CHS and the FBI headquarters’ closing of an assessment related to the FD-1023 in August 2020 to properly probe the matter. “They couldn’t have done much,” one source said.

There is also no independent confirmation from Delaware indicating any investigative steps were taken regarding the FD-1023. Agents in Delaware “could have sat on it,” according to one individual familiar with the investigation.

While the FBI’s efforts to unwind the pay-to-play scheme seem to have been nonexistent, banking records released in May by the House Oversight Committee show congressional investigators are unraveling the complex web behind the Biden family business. Those records provide concrete evidence of a pattern of public corruption involving foreign nationals, with Joe Biden at the helm. There are still more banking records to review, along with the many details recently discovered when the whistleblower came forward with the FD-1023.

Apparently, Zlochevsky wasn’t far from the mark when he said it would take 10 years to unravel the complex payment path that led to Joe Biden. Originally Posted by berryberry
berryberry's Avatar
Yep Originally Posted by matchingmole
Wrong yet again. Not surprising
berryberry's Avatar
To paraphrase Salty from another thread

... Lads - lemme remind EVERYBODY right now:

THIS Thread Does NOT concern former President Trump.

This thread is about How the Biden Crime Family shook down Burisma for $10 million in Bribes

... Please keep you comments and discussions ON THAT.
Thank you.

#### Salty
I would ignore this too were I you.
You know these things and you keep carrying trumps water, it must be getting heavy by now!
But of course hiterites carried Hitlers his water straight to the allied death chambers!
Such dedication, watch what happens to the dedicated Mr. Nadda or however you spell that fellows name!

Wow that's a lot of shit bud?
So tell me is this similar to trump trying to shakedown Ukraine for 250 million dollars worth congressionally approved funds in a time of war?
Funds specifically set aside to kill Russians with?
Not to mention that it doesn't get any more creditable than a decorated and sworn officer of the United States Army than Colonel Alexander Vindman, and what did the Republican party do in response?
They gave the orange turd a pass, and destroyed a brave American officers career in the process!
So I really don't want to hear about some creditable unnamed FBI source!

The orange turds room is waiting for him at the federal Marriott I'll bet Hansen's bunk is still warm!

And hell 10 million is pocket change in comparison. Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe
berryberry's Avatar
Comer expects Biden bank records to show family accepted $20-30M in bribes

Oversight Chair James Comer now claims he will soon obtain bank records showing the Biden family accepted upwards of $20 to $30 million from foreign nationals.

'We have more bank records coming in going to exceed $10 million, this week. And I think we will get between $20 and 30 million,' Comer, R-Ky., told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo.
berryberry's Avatar
Emails from the Biden laptop reveal a newly discovered Hunter Biden Maltese bank account opened by Burisma that coincides with the $10 million bribery allegations involving Biden and Burisma, as reported by an FBI source.

In May 2016, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi informed Hunter Biden that he was opening him a Maltese bank account. Pozharskyi requested the documentation required for the account opening, including a copy of Hunter's passport, a bank reference letter, and a utility bill.

A Burisma attorney sent an email to Hunter, sharing the address and swift code of Satabank, the Maltese bank.

A few days later, Hunter's assistant sent "Hunter's tax ID number and signature" to the Burisma executive, who responded with a confirmation: "All received!"

In 2018, Satabank was closed for money laundering violations. In 2019, all accounts were frozen, and investigations started for suspicious transactions tied to illegal activities. Auditors found in 2020 that around €11 billion in suspicious transactions went through Satabank.
berryberry's Avatar
Hunter Biden sent his banking documentation to a Maltese auction house owner — who was later arrested for money laundering Burisma funds — to open an account at a bank that was subsequently shut down for money laundering, all in a country known for money laundering.