Zimmerman trial - Amazing Fact...

Where did you get your "amazing fact", which is, of course, false?

It is hard to believe the amount of inaccurate bullshit in the Zimmerman case that is simply repeated as "fact".

Nancy Grace - idiot extraordinaire - has frequently repeated one of the early internet false reports - namely that Zimmerman said "fucking coon" during the 911 call when Zimmerman in fact said "fucking punks".

Does she get all of the news from the Internet? Does no one at HLN vet her stories? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I don't know if it is a fact or not. I just get a kick out of watching everyone get all bent out of shape over it.

texasjohn1965's Avatar
That makes you a troll, and worthless to factual conversation.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nancy Grace - idiot extraordinaire -

Does she get all of the news from the Internet? Does no one at HLN vet her stories? Originally Posted by ExNYer
When she is asleep.....with her eyes open.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
One of the jurors had 8 children and it wasn't the hispanic lady.........
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I did not suggest anything. Any suggestion was in your head. Any sexism may also be in your head Ms. Dunham.
One of the jurors had 8 children and it wasn't the hispanic lady......... Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Then I guess one of the white women was a Mormon...
Draw a blank whirly?
I B Hankering's Avatar
One of the jurors had 8 children and it wasn't the hispanic lady......... Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Maybe she was Irish-Catholic!?!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe you'll let it go, poopy boy...

Just like you let them doo-dahs go when you jerk off...
Regardless, the Obama Aministration now has a major problem.

They race baited and demagogued their way into a prosecution, they got a "all minority" jury, (remember, in Obama's America, everybody but a white male is a "minority"), but now they have to figure out a way to trump up some phoney civil rights crap without offending women, and Hispanics. Zimmerman is just as much a Hispanic as President Obama is Black.

Oh what a dangerous web we weave, when at first we try to deceive. That Shakespearian proverb certainly holds true here.

And I want to see that Fukin Bitch Prosecutor brought up on charges. And then watch the Obama Justice dept throw her under the train as Zimmerman and his legal team bring a unlawful prosecution case against her and her entire staff.

And then go after MSNBC and any other news outlet that deliberately altered things such as cell phone records simply to inflame the idiot public that will swallow any swill fed to them.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
they have decided to continue the progressive war on women by calling the women on the jury white supremists, racists, and Paula Deen.
Anybody here watch this whole story from start to finish? Anybody here actually know a longtime homicide detective? I did. When politicians and professional activists get involved with law enforcement cases it is because they have preconceived agendas. When a homicide happens these days you can bet your ass that there is going to be an investigation. And the investigators know that if the politicians and activists can find any way to get involved they will do it to benefit themselves. That is why todays L E Departments have not only homicide detectives, but all kinds of crime scene investigators. If they can't find anything that gives then very good probable cause THEY DON'T ARREST! If they do find PC they arrest and give their investigation package to the DA's office. It is the DA's office that has to make the decision to prosecute and determine the charge that they can get a conviction on based on the evidence. If the DA's office can't find enough evidence to prosecute or finds that the evidence shows the defendant DID NOT commit the crime they have a duty to dismiss the charges! My friend the retired homicide detective says that's the way the system has to work. He says that anything else is just mob justice that almost always gets it wrong. He said that anybody that likes mob justice deserves to experience it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Anybody here actually know a longtime homicide detective?

If they can't find anything that gives then very good probable cause THEY DON'T ARREST! If they do find PC they arrest and give their investigation package to the DA's office. It is the DA's office that has to make the decision to prosecute and determine the charge that they can get a conviction on based on the evidence. Originally Posted by Dartswinger
Yes, several over the years (as to the first question).

In most jurisdictions there is a little change to what you wrote. In most jurisdictions in the early stages there is an "intake" ADA who communicates with the lead detective to monitor the process and to make a decision regarding any charges to be filed, arrests to be made, and/or search warrants to be obtained, pre-arrest and post-arrest.

FYI: That was one of the "problems" in the OJ case. There were allegations that the ADA "tailored" evidence during the investigation stage and that ADA ended up on the prosecution team in the courtroom......the one with the sexy dress for the cameras.

My personal belief is that it is a mistake to have an ADA (or sometimes for show even THE DA) involved at crime scenes, raids, and search warrant executions. It makes them a witness in the case and that is problematic for the attorney to become a witness in the case the attorney is tasked with trying ... and can potentially disqualify an entire DA's office..... then a special prosecutor is required to take over the case.
Regardless, the Obama Aministration now has a major problem.

They race baited and demagogued their way into a prosecution, they got a "all minority" jury, (remember, in Obama's America, everybody but a white male is a "minority"), but now they have to figure out a way to trump up some phoney civil rights crap without offending women, and Hispanics. Zimmerman is just as much a Hispanic as President Obama is Black.

Oh what a dangerous web we weave, when at first we try to deceive. That Shakespearian proverb certainly holds true here.

And I want to see that Fukin Bitch Prosecutor brought up on charges. And then watch the Obama Justice dept throw her under the train as Zimmerman and his legal team bring a unlawful prosecution case against her and her entire staff.

And then go after MSNBC and any other news outlet that deliberately altered things such as cell phone records simply to inflame the idiot public that will swallow any swill fed to them. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Wondered how long till one of you idiots blamed Obie for a local trial .Was local pressure that brought on the fiasco way Florida law is written he had to be not guilty.