Franklin Roosevelt was in office for twelve years

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, the first thing I noticed is that Lubed is a dumb ass and demonstrated it with his hysterical post about three terms. Other people were wrong as well but weren't as strident about it. Roosevelt was ELECTED to FOUR terms, not three. He died shortly after being sworn in 1945 and was replaced by Harry Truman who did serve as a Captain of Artillery in the First World War.

In a lot of ways the jury is still out on Roosevelt even after 70 years. He did try to transform the political structure of the country and in many ways succeeded. He increased the intrusive power of government into our everyday lives. There were several cases that the Supreme Court threw out when Roosevelt by executive order tried to insinuate the government into our lives;
Schecter vs. The U.S (1935) FDR attempted to regulate farmers on how they conducted business and defined for the farmers what was fair and foul. A poultry producers was charged with violating these laws by conducting his usual non harmful practices (the government did not try to make a case of public protection) or processing chickens for market. The SCOTUS threw out the EO.
Curtis-Wright vs. The U.S. (1936) FDR charged through an EO that the aircraft company could not sell war materials (in this case machine guns) to countries that he deemed embargoed. The country in question was Bolivia and we were not at war with anyone yet. The SCOTUS found that the president did have the power as Command in Chief to determine which countries could or could not recieve military aid from an American company.
Wickard vs. Filburn (1942) As a friend of the court, FDR defended a New Deal order that told farmers who they could or could not sell their products to or how much they could sell. Farmer Filburn grew wheat in Ohio. He held some back in his own silos for his animals on the farm. It was discovered that he was not selling all of his available produce on the open market. The bean counters who were trying to create a scientific formula for running the economy (socialism) charged that IF he sold his wheat rather than feed it, it would create a ripple in the economy that the government could not account for. It was found that the amount of wheat was negligible in the grand scheme of things but it was CONSTITUTIONAL for the government to have oversight on the personal produce of a farmer! The SCOTUS found that the executive branch did have the power because of the Interstate Commerce clause. This case has been used to justify even Obamacare.

FDR played fast and loose with the truth sometimes. We traded a bunch of naval destroyers to England when they needed escorts against German submarines. Of course, this created a "crisis" and Congress was forced to order more destroyers built which was something that they had opposed. FDR allowed aircraft to be sold to Spain and France from our fledgling Army Air Corps which created another "crisis" that Congress had to bail him out of. FDR stuck our chin way out there in both Europe and Asia with our escorts of British shipping, our patrols on the rivers of China, and our forced embargo of oil and steel to Japan from countries that didn't belong to the US in any way shape or form.

Roosevelt failed to fix the Great Depression unlike every other country in the world. In most of Europe they didn't even call it the "Great" Depression they recoverd so quickly. Only the war saved Roosevelt's legacy. Which brings me to some good things about Roosevelt; he got good people people to not only run the war (Marshall, Nimitz, and Eisenhower) but he got good people to ride herd on the economy to get us over to a wartime footing. These unnamed heroes allowed industry to run full blast with little regulation. It takes about ten years to build an aircraft carrier today from the plans to the ship being manned. In World War II (yes, the ships were much smaller) we produced 16 fleet carriers and over 40 jeep carriers within four years plus all of the support ships. We ended the war with a 1200 ship navy. This doesn't even take into account the supply ships like the Liberty class freighters which the Kaiser Shipyard of San Fransisco could build in eight days.
The United States produced over 100,000 aircraft for the war. B-25s were produced right here in Kansas City at the Fairfax plant.
A negative of this was the power of govenment was increased once again. I can't recall the name but one man had a literal field of scrap metal (farm equipment, cars, and the like). The goverment came and confiscated all of it without payment for the war effort. The man said that is was his retirement fund but that didn't stop the federal government from stealing the material.

As for FDR's administration, his Vice President Henry Wallace was feeding information to Stalin including progress on the atom bomb. This we know from the papers published after the fall of the USSR. There were others with a similar mindset in his administration. Roosevelt turned a blind eye to FBI reports.

In 1940 Wendell Willkie would likely have won the election if Roosevelt had stood down according to custom established by George Washington. Willkie was a businessman and believed, rightly, that the US was going to be involved in a two front war. I expect that our fleet builds would have started two years earlier which would saved thousands of lives in the Pacific, our aircraft would have been improved to the point of at least parity with the Zero and the Messerschimdt. I expect World War II would have ended sooner with less loss of lives under Willkie and the atom bomb may not have been necessary. Both Willkie and his Vice President McNary would have died in office in 1944 leaving the country to the great unknown...Vice President Thomas Dewey?
Like Lincoln, didn't FDR ignore many of the Supreme Court Rulings that limited the President's power during a time of crisis, such as the Civil War, the Great Depression, and WW-2.

Also, many of FDR's programs to get people back to work during the Great Depression were later declared Unconstitutional.

True, WW-2 was probably the biggest instrument in reviving America's industrial might, but FDR did many of the things that Prsident Trump is advocating now, especially in the realm of infrastructure. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And it was under orders from FDR that the Japanese-Americans were interred in camps for " security " concerns, yet German-American nor Italian-Americans were free to move about at will.

correct! his so-called new deal didn't do shit. right up until the onset of WWII it had failed to make much if any progress in ending the Great Depression. WWII fixed that problem

bahhahaaa u stupid fat whopper .. FDR was elected to 4 .. FOUR terms u idiot not 3. and u think u are gonna give history lessons here? NOT

"A Democrat, he won a record four presidential elections and emerged as a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century. He directed the United States government during most of the Great Depression and World War II."

it doesn't matter that he didn't live to see the end of his 4th term he is the only president to be elected more than twice.

can u count? how many whoppers did u eat today? 15? 20? bhhaaa

u ate your way to being a morbidly obese fatass. it's your fault whopperboy.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The only time LUBE'S mind " get's right " with numbers is when he's counting all of those honey buckets, and the turds that are in them, that he stands down wind of while burning !!!! The only other time his mind works " right " with numbers is when he remembers the phone numbers to the trannies he has peg him !
bambino's Avatar
A lazy whooker? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're a lazy PIG. A slovenly, Stupid, Hitler worshipping, cocksucking, lazy PIG.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Princess YUGE Twat is damned near 40?


So am I!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a lazy PIG. A slovenly, Stupid, Hitler worshipping, cocksucking, lazy PIG. Originally Posted by bambino
Let me guess.


Let me guess.


Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
YOU sure do like posting that picture of YOUR protégé and boyfriend Lubed Wide Ass, doncha assup !!! Proud of him, are ya !!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And it was under orders from FDR that the Japanese-Americans were interred in camps for " security " concerns, yet German-American nor Italian-Americans were free to move about at will. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Not all but some were detained. It was a small number but I guess they didn't take them as seriously as the Japanese.

I like the story about a German POW who escaped from a camp in Kansas. 20 years later he called the FBI and told them that he was an escaped prisoner from the war. They asked what he'd been up to in the last 20 years. He told them that he made it to Chicago, met a great woman and got married. He worked the same job all these years and raised some children. Now his oldest was about to start college and he felt guilty about being an enemy combatant. They asked if had committed any crimes other than escaping and he said no. They told him to carry on with his life and don't worry about it.
seriously you have to be the dumbest CUNT on this site- everyone fucking knows he was the only 3 term President- you are damn near 40 and just found it out? You think it's cool huh- do you really or are you trying to just fit in? If there were no term limits Obama would be in office right now you dumb CUNT. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
He was first elected in 1932 won reelection in 1936,1940, and 1944. That equals four times, damn you liberals are so fucking dumb.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-17-2017, 05:21 PM
He was first elected in 1932 won reelection in 1936,1940, and 1944. That equals four times, damn you liberals are so fucking dumb. Originally Posted by Stockinglover
He most certainly is the most fattest and stupid trick on this board. Sad.
He most certainly is the most fattest and stupid trick on this board. Sad. Originally Posted by R.M.
Mebbe that's why he has to write fake reviews ! Or just not post his reviews of those street-walking trannies that he pays to have peg him !
He most certainly is the most fattest and stupid trick on this board. Sad. Originally Posted by R.M.
And quite the charmer, too. The way he sweet talks the ladies is really something to behold!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FDR was most certainly not an isolationist as historians made him out to be.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
A lazy whooker? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
be quiet knob head, you might learn something here.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
seriously you have to be the dumbest CUNT on this site- everyone fucking knows he was the only 3 term President- you are damn near 40 and just found it out? You think it's cool huh- do you really or are you trying to just fit in? If there were no term limits Obama would be in office right now you dumb CUNT. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
yer dumber than RM. you got FDRs term in govt. wrong.

she can be excused for being ignorant of history.

most people forget their history lessons once they graduate from school. its not relevant or important to them. that is about I'd say 60% of the population.