Amazing juror interview with Anderson Cooper.

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  • WTF
  • 07-16-2013, 03:00 PM
Probably, but Zimmerman broke no laws trying, as he believed, to protect his neighborhood by observing a suspicious character until police arrived. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
One 17 year old kid is dead and Zimmerman's prospects do not look all that great. I'm not questioning the jury's verdict, I'm stating what I think ole Georgie Porgy wished would have happened. His dumb girly screaming ass would have stayed in the truck...Isn't there some law against a grown ass man screaming like that?
I B Hankering's Avatar
One 17 year old kid is dead and Zimmerman's prospects do not look all that great. I'm not questioning the jury's verdict, I'm stating what I think ole Georgie Porgy wished would have happened. His dumb girly screaming ass would have stayed in the truck...Isn't there some law against a grown ass man screaming like that? Originally Posted by WTF
"Screaming" certainly didn't help Howard Dean's career, did it? Everyone who knew Zimmerman and testified, testified that Zimmerman was rather meek and non-confrontational but nevertheless a concerned citizen looking out for his neighbors. And the jurors ruled that Zimmerman broke no laws. The one juror who has talked said she, and the other jurors, believed Martin threw the first punch, and the evidence supports that contention. Hence, it was Martin that violated the law and set the course for his own destruction.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-16-2013, 03:06 PM
One 17 year old kid is dead and Zimmerman's prospects do not look all that great. I'm not questioning the jury's verdict, I'm stating what I think ole Georgie Porgy wished would have happened. His dumb girly screaming ass would have stayed in the truck...Isn't there some law against a grown ass man screaming like that? Originally Posted by WTF

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-16-2013, 03:52 PM
His dumb girly screaming ass would have stayed in the truck...Isn't there some law against a grown ass man screaming like that? Originally Posted by WTF
And isn't it interesting that the guy with the gun is the one (supposedly) screaming for help like a little girl?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-16-2013, 03:55 PM
No, better enforcement of the ones you already have.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And isn't it interesting that the guy with the gun is the one (supposedly) screaming for help like a little girl? Originally Posted by Doove
Actually it is quite notable, Doofus. Using a weapon wasn't Zimmerman's first recourse. He did cry for help, and no help came. So Zimmerman employed the other option at his disposal.
JCM800's Avatar
why not stay in the truck and lay on the horn
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  • WTF
  • 07-16-2013, 04:15 PM
"Screaming" certainly didn't help Howard Dean's career, did it? . Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Do you know the whole story behind that scream?

The microphone was the type that edited out background noise, thus Dean appeared to be a screaming idiot.

As to his career, my guess is Howard Dean will have had a much brighter career than George Zimmerman.

In fact the Dean Scream was a fraud, probably the clearest instance of media assassination in recent U.S. political history.
Last year, a young cable news producer attended one of our twice-yearly Ethics Institutes at Washington and Lee University, in which students and journalists gather to discuss newsroom wrongdoing. He brought two clips.
The first was the familiar pool footage of Dean in Iowa. The candidate filled the screen, no supporters were visible. Crowd noise was silenced by the microphone he held, which deadened ambient sounds. You saw only him and heard only his inexplicable screaming.
The second clip was the same speech taped by a supporter on the floor of the hall. The difference was stunning. The place was packed. The noise was deafening. Dean was on the podium, but you couldn't hear him. The roar from his supporters was drowning him out.
Dean was no longer scary, unhinged, volcanic, over the top. He was like the coach of a would-be championship NCAA football team at a pre-game rally, trying to be heard over a gym full of determined, wildly enthusiastic fans. I saw energy, not lunacy.
The difference was context. As psychiatrist R.D. Laing once wrote: "We see a woman on her knees, eyes closed, muttering to someone who isn't there. Of course, she's praying. But if we deny her that context, we naturally conclude she's insane."
The Dean Scream footage that was repeatedly aired rests on a similar falsehood. It takes a man who in context was acting reasonably, and by stripping away that context transforms him into a lunatic. But that clip was aired an estimated 700 times on various cable and broadcast channels in the week after the Iowa caucus. The people who showed that clip are far more technically sophisticated than I, and they had to understand how tight visual framing and noise-suppression hardware can distort reality
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2013, 04:19 PM
And isn't it interesting that the guy with the gun is the one (supposedly) screaming for help like a little girl? Originally Posted by Doove
Oh, I think it was Zimmerman screaming, people like Zimmerman have no business carrying a gun or doing any law enforcement type work. There was good reason no law agency had hired that little girl, folks like Zimmerman become jailers. They aren't cut out to make quick choices. Nobody would want Zimmerman as a partner. IB would you want the Zimmerman type with you in a tight bind?
10 to 1 if GZ had no firearm he wouldn't have ever left the truck.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh, I think it was Zimmerman screaming, people like Zimmerman have no business carrying a gun or doing any law enforcement type work. There was good reason no law agency had hired that little girl, folks like Zimmerman become jailers. They aren't cut out to make quick choices. Nobody would want Zimmerman as a partner. IB would you want the Zimmerman type with you in a tight bind? Originally Posted by WTF
You're trying to deflect from the fact that Zimmerman's first defensive recourse was not pulling a firearm and shooting the aggressively violent Martin. Zimmerman cried and screamed for help, as you've so ably noted, when he saw neighbor John Good. John Good walked away. Afterwards, -- afterwards -- Zimmerman pulled his weapon and plugged his attacker, Martin, in the chest. Zimmerman did not track Martin down and execute him as the race baiters and the lib-retard MSM would have you believe. Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. End of story, and that's what the jury ruled.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-16-2013, 06:33 PM
If i was being beaten up by a 155lb 17 year old and was screaming like a little girl for help, i would hope that someone would shoot me.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-16-2013, 06:46 PM
You're trying to deflect from the fact that Zimmerman's first defensive recourse was not pulling a firearm and shooting the aggressively violent Martin. Zimmerman cried and screamed for help, as you've so ably noted, when he saw neighbor John Good. John Good walked away. Afterwards, -- afterwards -- Zimmerman pulled his weapon and plugged his attacker, Martin, in the chest. Zimmerman did not track Martin down and execute him as the race baiters and the lib-retard MSM would have you believe. Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. End of story, and that's what the jury ruled. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Neither you nor I know the full extent of what happened.

I'm not trying to deflect....I'm saying that Zimmerman should shoot himself in the dick for screaming like that.
lostincypress's Avatar
If i was being beaten up by a 155lb 17 year old and was screaming like a little girl for help, i would hope that someone would shoot me. Originally Posted by Doove
There'll be no shortage of volunteers.