Ask A Provider Anything

Y0yoY0's Avatar
Has anyone ever told you that you look like Salma Hayek?

Also, do you speak Spanish?

It is also nice to be complimented on things other than physical beauty, though! Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
You seem very bright and like you really have your shit together... that's extremely hot
I usually start with a smiling, hi, how are you? Are you the lady in the photo(s)? What part of town are your in? Is it a hotel, motel, Holiday Inn?! Or an office, spa,apt or house? Hey are you near the Hilltop? You don't happen to have a table per chance do you maam? Are you a hot,ebony dominating FBSMer or a reasonable facsimle thereof? Once that get's wrapped we settle on a price and, then we have an appointment and see if we are in love. lol
TheEccie214's Avatar
How often do clients in a brothel ask for sex with no condom? Is it as prevalent there as it is here?
Hobby Jon's Avatar
"Collectors" that your term or is that really a term ladies use for guys who don't repeat?
terrier16973479's Avatar
I used to live in the Seattle area, but haven't lived there in a number of years. I don't miss the rain, but miss the variety of things there are to do.
How much time are you able to take off? When you do take time off, what do you enjoy doing the most? What general area of the city do you like the most to visit?
What do you do with your time when you don't have work scheduled, but want to be available for work if contacted?
As far as ECCIE, there seems to be more providers and more going on in and around Texas, although, since I am new to this hobby and live in Oklahoma, I am probably just ignorant. After all, I once planned a vacation around a trip to Vegas to see a provider. Anyway, what's your impression of the hobby in the areas of the country you are familiar with?
Anyway, I do appreciate what you lovely ladies do, I wouldn't have the courage to! Any, in my opinion, you are a damn site prettier than Selma Hayek!
Has anyone ever told you that you look like Salma Hayek?

Also, do you speak Spanish?

You seem very bright and like you really have your shit together... that's extremely hot Originally Posted by Y0yoY0

Thanks for the compliment.

I do get Salma Hayek occasionally, though some tend to think I am "white". I do speak Spanish, but not as well as I speak English.

How often do clients in a brothel ask for sex with no condom? Is it as prevalent there as it is here? Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Fortunately, it's pretty rare that I've ever been asked for sex with no condom in either case. I can probably count on one hand the times I've been asked in all. I think this is probably because I don't give a dramatic reaction to the question, just a simple "no".

I would be more disturbed if someone actually ATTEMPTED BBFS and I would be on higher alert if it was brought up.
ElBombero's Avatar
Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with CPA competence and everything to do with the high tax rates in America. I typically fall between the 28% and 33% tax brackets (so I use 30% as the average) and am also subject to a 15% self-employment tax, which equals 45%. Luckily, I live in a state with no state income tax but given my expenses, I estimate that I am able to keep between 30-40% of my profits, dependent on how much I am able to keep costs down. Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
You're right. You don't need a better CPA. You need a better understanding of how taxes are calculated. Being in the 33% bracket does not mean you pay 33% of your income as taxes. That's the percentage paid on the last dollar earned. In 2016 the 33% bracket begins at 190,150 (assuming you are single). That means you pay 33% on everything you earn over that amount. Money earned below that amount are taxed at lower rates in their own tiers. Also, these are all calculated after your deductions.

Self employment tax is calculated in net income, which can likely be reduced by claiming many of the expenses you have. And, the employer-equivalent amount of self employment tax due is a deduction itself, reducing your income tax.

So, yes, if you are really giving 45% of the money you earn to the government, there is some incompetency somewhere in the mix.
"Collectors" that your term or is that really a term ladies use for guys who don't repeat? Originally Posted by Hobby Jon
I suppose it's my own term. It wasn't meant in a derogatory fashion as I believe variety is the spice of life. Frankly, providers would not be in business if men did not appreciate variety.

I used to live in the Seattle area, but haven't lived there in a number of years. I don't miss the rain, but miss the variety of things there are to do.
How much time are you able to take off? When you do take time off, what do you enjoy doing the most? What general area of the city do you like the most to visit? Originally Posted by terrier16973479
I began providing independently in Seattle this summer, fully aware that I would be taking significant time off after my surgery. In order to keep up with my financial goals, I worked very hard with very little time off for about four months. When I return to Seattle next year, I will work at a more relaxed pace and probably enjoy taking my dog to the park, watching movies, whale watching, etc.

I actually provided in and prefer Bellevue to Seattle.

What do you do with your time when you don't have work scheduled, but want to be available for work if contacted?
I kept and worked a really busy schedule and as I typed above, didn't have much time for recreation. I do spend a lot of time marketing, making videos, photoshoots, answering/responding to emails/texts, etc.

As far as ECCIE, there seems to be more providers and more going on in and around Texas, although, since I am new to this hobby and live in Oklahoma, I am probably just ignorant. After all, I once planned a vacation around a trip to Vegas to see a provider. Anyway, what's your impression of the hobby in the areas of the country you are familiar with?
Anyway, I do appreciate what you lovely ladies do, I wouldn't have the courage to! Any, in my opinion, you are a damn site prettier than Selma Hayek!

I have only provided in Seattle and haven't arrived in Texas yet. I will update with my impression of providing in Texas when I know more.
You're right. You don't need a better CPA. You need a better understanding of how taxes are calculated. Being in the 33% bracket does not mean you pay 33% of your income as taxes. That's the percentage paid on the last dollar earned. In 2016 the 33% bracket begins at 190,150 (assuming you are single). That means you pay 33% on everything you earn over that amount. Money earned below that amount are taxed at lower rates in their own tiers. Also, these are all calculated after your deductions.

Self employment tax is calculated in net income, which can likely be reduced by claiming many of the expenses you have. And, the employer-equivalent amount of self employment tax due is a deduction itself, reducing your income tax.

So, yes, if you are really giving 45% of the money you earn to the government, there is some incompetency somewhere in the mix. Originally Posted by ElBombero
Sorry for separate post, having difficulty with mult-quote feature.

Some of the things you described are the reason I chose to use 30% as a simple "average" for federal income tax, though obviously some of my income is taxed at a higher percentage and some of my income is taxed at a lower percentage.

As I explained, I do deduct expenses. However, deducting expenses does not mean I do not have to pay for them. It simply means that I pay the hotel $100 for a room instead of giving the IRS a portion of that money. I'm still out the $100.
Pedrosia's Avatar
In the past, providers who claim to not be broke hit me up with sad stories begging for cash rather than offer to meet for cash. What is the psychological disorder that allows people to ask for a handout rather work?

How often do you vomit after sex with a physically unattractive client?

May I take you to lunch?
ElBombero's Avatar
Sorry for separate post, having difficulty with mult-quote feature.

Some of the things you described are the reason I chose to use 30% as a simple "average" for federal income tax, though obviously some of my income is taxed at a higher percentage and some of my income is taxed at a lower percentage.

As I explained, I do deduct expenses. However, deducting expenses does not mean I do not have to pay for them. It simply means that I pay the hotel $100 for a room instead of giving the IRS a portion of that money. I'm still out the $100. Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
Actually, you stated that you use 30% because you are sometimes in the 28% bracket and in the 33% bracket. In reality, if you do your taxes correctly, your effective rate would be around 20% at the most, after expenses.
In the past, providers who claim to not be broke hit me up with sad stories begging for cash rather than offer to meet for cash. What is the psychological disorder that allows people to ask for a handout rather work?

How often do you vomit after sex with a physically unattractive client?

May I take you to lunch? Originally Posted by Pedrosia

I'm not sure why providers would ask for money without offering a date as I've never engaged in this behavior. Actually, as I described earlier, I do not ever initiate contact with a client.

I care far more about a person's attitude and hygiene than how physically attractive he is. I have never vomited because a person was unattractive. Earlier I described feeling compelled to do something I was uncomfortable with but that is no longer the case. Today, if I felt someone was so unattractive/unclean/unappealing that I would be uncomfortable engaging with them, I simply wouldn't. So far, that hasn't happened.

I would love to go out for lunch!

Actually, you stated that you use 30% because you are sometimes in the 28% bracket and in the 33% bracket. In reality, if you do your taxes correctly, your effective rate would be around 20% at the most, after expenses. Originally Posted by ElBombero
I feel that that the 30% federal income tax and 45% tax rate overall is fairly accurate (within a couple percentage points) to my situation. My taxes were done by a professional who specializes in doing taxes for workers such as myself. Even if you are a tax professional, I'm not sure on what grounds you can dispute this given that you do not know anything about my earnings or expenses other than the very general amount I spoke of here.

Edit: I went back to look at the actual figures from 2015 and it was 29.3% of my profit so I feel 30% was a fair rough estimate. Add on 15% for self-employment tax.
ElBombero's Avatar
I'm not sure why providers would ask for money without offering a date as I've never engaged in this behavior. Actually, as I described earlier, I do not ever initiate contact with a client.

I care far more about a person's attitude and hygiene than how physically attractive he is. I have never vomited because a person was unattractive. Earlier I described feeling compelled to do something I was uncomfortable with but that is no longer the case. Today, if I felt someone was so unattractive/unclean/unappealing that I would be uncomfortable engaging with them, I simply wouldn't. So far, that hasn't happened.

I would love to go out for lunch!

I feel that that the 30% federal income tax and 45% tax rate overall is fairly accurate (within a couple percentage points) to my situation. My taxes were done by a professional who specializes in doing taxes for workers such as myself. Even if you are a tax professional, I'm not sure on what grounds you can dispute this given that you do not know anything about my earnings or expenses other than the very general amount I spoke of here. Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
I'm not a tax professional. But, I fucked a girl in a Holiday Express last night.
You've answered my question some, but do you ever develop feeling for a client who has seen you for over a year?
You've answered my question some, but do you ever develop feeling for a client who has seen you for over a year? Originally Posted by boujangles
Actually, I dated a client for a while. I met him at the brothel and he spent a significant amount of money which meant we spent a significant amount of time together. We went to breakfast, went horseback riding, etc. When it was time for him to leave, I didn't want him to.

He suggested a sugar daddy relationship and I agreed but never accepted any money from him after our initial date. We dated for about a year and split amicably. . .I continued providing throughout and he was aware.

With that said, I think I am the anomaly, not the rule. Were I not in this profession, I would be a clingy, annoying girlfriend. It is easy for me to become attached to people. Other ladies would probably be horrified at the above story.