Vorarephilia - Really?


Had to look that one up. He also did a series of comics?

The little that I read with the link above, it's a bit extreme but interesting. I guess that Meredith Vierra has fans all over the place! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
He was best known for his comics.....

Mike pressed the intercom button and leaned into the mini-microphone mounted atop his small metal desk. “Number 103!” Mike scanned the Waiting Room thru the one-way glass, searching for someone…anyone to look up. “Num BER 1—Zero---3!!” he shouted. Suddenly, a man and woman jumped from the wooden bench and shuffled to make their way thru the line of people sitting in the same row. There must’ve been 300 sows waiting for his time. Some were accompanied by friends, others had come alone. All had reported to the main processing building and been sent here when their meat grade had been questioned.

“RRrright here!!” an overweight man in his 50’s stammered while pulling a rather reluctant woman behind him. “One-Zero-Three on the wayyyy” he stammered while shuffling towards the metal entry door. Mike stared at the couple with an expressionless face. He’d been working the Re-Grade Desk for almost 9 hours straight and was ready to tell everyone in the room that they were all Prime just to escape the mind-numbing process! Suddenly a sweaty, overweight man was standing in front of him. Mike could tell that…

“Mrrrrrr………Zom..broooz…neee…ac k?” Mike said cynically. He’d seen just about every name and variation on God’s green Earth but still enjoyed toying with people about how the names should be pronounced.

“Errrr…it’s Zom-bru-nee-yak” the man said in panted breaths. Mike fanned the air to clear away the odor of half-digested salami & garlic before looking over at the women in tow. He noticed that simple gold ring on her finger and then the identical one on the man. Both had obviously been in place for many years, neither appearing that it could be removed without being cut off.

“And I take it this is the lucky….Mrs. Zom-brunee-yak?” She was likely to have been a strikingly beautiful woman in her day Mike quickly concluded but, as many women eventually discovered, stress and a rough life can take their toll. Her hair, although still a striking tint of blonde was frazzled and unkempt. “Dorothy, huh?” The lucky bride nodded her head meekly and looked over at her husband with a look of quiet desperation. Mike looked at her emerald green eyes and imagined how much they must had flashed with life and fire when she was younger. He could see a rather large pair of tits under the loose-fitting top but surmised that their sway was likely the result of childbirth, subsequent nursing and a failure to timely rehabilitate the tit meat. He took the briefest of moments to imagine their appearance when she was in her 20’s. Any man’s breath would likely to have been taken away when he was offered his first glance at the magnificent swell and fullness of her breasts. Her nipples were fat and appeared to have been used many, many more times to nourish a child than to stoke a man’s passions. Still, he concluded that she’d likely have been a Grade A Prime Roaster had her number been called 20 years sooner. He surmised that her hips were broader than when she was last graded and had likely seen better times before bearing…..”How many children have you produced Madame?” he asked dispassionately.

“Ummmm….s…seven…” Mike looked up at the poor sow’s sweaty, fat husband and hoped that his portly gait was a recent condition as he shuddered and struggled to force the image of his bloated form atop a suffering brooding mare named Dorothy.

“Uh..huh” Mike said…"the records showwwwww....4 girls…3 boys….” He noted that 3 of the girls were already over 18 and wished that he had time to scroll thru the billions of pictures on file of sows (some long ago digested and others soon-to-be) and find this woman’s children. In them he would likely have seen this once-beautiful woman in all her youthful glory. Mike clicked the mouse and retrieved her grading report. “Well Mrs. Zombruski….it appears you were a Grade A cut back in….Hmmmpphhh! YOU haven’t been graded since you were…23…!! Tsk..tsk…” Mike looked up at the woman. She was blushing with embarrassment. Everyone knew this wasn’t the kind of meat you’d plop in the Grade A meat bin!

“I…it’s…. what with all the kids…work…..life”

“She’s been awfully busy with all the young uns!” the husband suddenly blurted out. “But I’ll guarantee you that she’s still got some INcredible Grade A parts on ‘er!” Dan heard a frightened gasp from his wife as he was suddenly confronted with Dorothy’s top being pulled up by the attendant to reveal a pair of very white, saggy tits. Dan held back his rage! HE was the ONLY man to have ever had the pleasure of seeing and loving his wife's beautiful breasts. He'd sat by with quiet satisfaction as each of his 7 children drew their first sustenance from their mother's breasts. His anger was near a point of erupting into a consuming rage. He wanted to twist the little fucker's pencil-shaped head clean off but knew that the security guards would simply beat him senseless and toss him off the property. He'd never left his wife's side in tough times, cancer, miscarriages, operations, the birth of every wonderful child he'd been there and he sure as Hell wasn't going to be anywhere but here at this last moment before she was converted. “Look at these babies!” the nervous husband said with all the practiced eloquence of a used car salesman “they’re allllllll natural!” He wanted desperately to ignite his wife's waning self-confidence!

Mike shuddered with pity and conveyed his embarrassment to the soon-to-be plate of cuts by motioning the top down. “I’ll be the judge of grade, sir” he said while motioning the woman forward. “Time to strip Madame” he said while flipping the measuring device On. He watched the frightened sow nervously removing her clothes, obviously quite aware that she was destined to lose a Grade that had been a myth for some time. Once nude Mike could see the wear and tear on the meat and surmised she’d been ridden hard and put away wet far too many times. “Stand on the metal plate” he said. The woman stumbled onto the platform with a nervous patter of feet. “And put your feet in the indentations….” Mike sighed and waited for the words to be absorbed as a pair of feet obviously used too much over the course of a rough life slipped into place “annnnnd reach up with both hands and grab the metal bar.”

Dorothy felt so….exposed as the attendant told her what to do. She was resigned that her end was near but desperately clung to the glimmer of hope that she’d only drop to a Grade B! “God…please!” she said in her head as she dropped her tired feet into the indentations in the cold, metal plate “I know I’m not an A….just keep me from the grinder and sausage factory!” Her heart raced as she reached up and wrapped her fingers around the bar. She felt her tits rise up a bit and hoped that their sudden lift would be noticed by the young attendant. She shuddered with a seldom-felt pride as her titties perked up and took on a bit of the appearance they’d enjoyed 7 children and a 200-pound- lighter-husband ago.

Mike flipped the switch and the low voltage current moved thru the sow’s body, measuring meat density, fat content, weight, relative age and blood flow. The results were as he thought and he turned the machine off before looking up at the soon-to-be widowed husband. “Why don’t ‘cha say goodbye to the Mrs. and step back” Mike said while tapping in the required slaughtering info. This never took as long as couples presumed. The advances in technology had made confirming or re-grading of meats a quick and easy process.

“Is she….will the grade provide any…? Mike now understood.

“You mean……if she’s still a Grade A can you purchase her cuts at a family-first discount and sell them on the after market for a 500% markup?”

Dan Dombruski was struggling for an answer to the horribly accusatory question posed by this……hack! He and Dorothy had known one another since grade school. She’d been the one and only girl he’d hit on the arm thru 3rd grade before moving on to soft conversations until 6th grade. Middle school was a time of mutual confusion and exploration as their feeling deepened and a lifelong understanding of one another blossomed into love by the time they were 14. He’d gone on to work with his Dad and brothers at a local factory while in high school. He’d known what he wanted from life early on. His life was his beautiful Dorothy. Unions provided a life, not a future, so he went to work for his Dad’s company after graduation day and saved every spare dime. By the time he was 20, he dropped to his knee one Christmas Eve, opened the small velvet case and asked the love of his life to be his forever.

Dorothy knew early on that he was The One. He knew what she was going to say before she even felt the words getting ready to come out of her mouth. Her tummy was in knots every time she saw him. Her heart flew at his touch. His Mom had clued her in that her boy was saving his money for something special for his Girl as Dan called Dorothy. They rarely went out on ‘dates’ as that term was used by others. They’d never go to restaurants…or on trips….they’d simply get together…talk…laugh,,, kiss and talk of the future. When he dropped to his knee that Christmas Eve she struggled not to faint as the moment she prayed for was thrust upon her and her dream came true! A simple wedding at the courthouse did the trick. Neither of them had a clue on the wedding night but both were astounded with one another’s….beauty and let Nature take it’s course.

Now 31 years later, cancers, death of parents and 4 still born children they stood before the one man that held both of their lives in his dirty, administrative hands. Dan knew it was his dear wife’s turn. They’d had a better run than most other couples they’d known over the years. He’d retire to a solitary life and fill his last year’s with the abundant memories he and Dorothy had accumulated. He’d do his best to see to it that she maintained her Grade A rank so that she’d go out as she’d entered the world of girlmeat harvesting.

“Bye bye baby” he said as he leaned over and pressed his weathered lips to hers. Both felt the other sigh as they kissed. It'd happened since Day 1 of their lifetime of love for the other. He felt the trembling in her kiss and knew she was trying to be strong for him. “I love you.” He saw her eyes light up with the same fire he’d seen the first time they both realized they were deeply in love. “You still got it” he whispered in her ear.

“I love you” she whispered. She kissed him on his gristly cheek and drew her quivering fingertips along his wonderfully handsome face.

“C’mon..C’mon! folks!” Mike said with a growing tone of impatience “you’re not the only ones in the building.” Dorothy and Dan’s hands finally parted as he slowly walked towards the metal door. Mike kept pointing to him, motioning him to leave the room as he waited to push the electric door lock upon his dramatic, drawn out exit. As the door clicked shut Mike swirled back around and clicked the proper setting on his screen. “Alright, hon” he said to Dorothy without looking up “let’s get the last of your readings finished so we can figure out your new grade. Dorothy swallowed and nodded nervously. “Alllright…feet in the indentations…..grab the bar firmly….annnnnddddd..” Mike clicked the ON icon and watched.

1500 volts at 8 amps surged from the plate and thru the metal bar now firmly grasped in the sow’s hands. The current made the meat grasp the bar involuntarily, ensuring that the connection would remain until the current was terminated. Her emerald green eyes were truly ablaze as they opened wide and her teeth clamped shut until they shattered. Urine and feces poured from her lower orifices as her body temperature rose and partially cooked. Mike watched the meters and the once-beautiful woman hop and bob about as the final 10 seconds passed. The automatic timer disconnected the power and the now-partially-cooked meat dropped to the floor in a smoking heap.

The rear door opened and two surly workers strode in with a wheeled platform. Gloved hands tied the woman’s hands together before she was hoisted up and sprayed down to remove the excrement. Mike busily entered the final cooking instructions as the workers dropped the meat onto the cart and turned towards Door 4. Mike raised his hand and pointed to Door No. 2. The workers stood in silence wondering what the Hell their bud was doing.

“Errrr……Mikey….isn’t this one sausage bait?”

“Nope” he said while signing his digital signature to the Exception Form. “Take ‘er on to Spitting Room 16. Josh is waiting to get this one done up special.” Mike had sent a message to his brother, telling him a "huge favor" was on the way down. He entered the override code of his boss to verify that the sow's Grade, despite contrary information remained an A. His boss wouldn't say a word. He'd slipped enough cuts of meat in his duffle bag over the years to end up in the unemployment line if her opened his fat mouth! The workers shook their heads and walked thru Door No. 2.

“Fattest Grade A sow I’ve ever seen” one of them muttered as Mike closed the file.

Mike sent an E-Flash to Dorothy’s husband advising him that his Grade A wife’s spitted and roasted meat could be picked up or seen For Sale in 4 hours. “Bye Dorothy.” Mike pressed the intercom button and leaned into the mini-microphone mounted atop his small metal desk. “Number 104!” Mike scanned the Waiting Room thru the one-way glass, searching for someone…anyone to look up. “Num BER 1—Zero---4!!” he shouted.
Sorry, but the pictures of two women with skewers rammed lengthwise through their bodies (in the anus and out the mouth) tells me all I need to know about this "fantasy".

There are sick freaks out there that get off on twisted murder/torture/cannibalism fantasies. And every once in a while, one of them acts on it for real. This type of shit just feeds their sickness.

There is/was a recent trial in NYC involving a NYC cop who was actively planning some type of cannibal fantasy involving unsuspecting women.
Sorry, but the pictures of two women with skewers rammed lengthwise through their bodies (in the anus and out the mouth) tells me all I need to know about this "fantasy".

There are sick freaks out there that get off on twisted murder/torture/cannibalism fantasies. And every once in a while, one of them acts on it for real. This type of shit just feeds their sickness.

There is/was a recent trial in NYC involving a NYC cop who was actively planning some type of cannibal fantasy involving unsuspecting women. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Gross....eat a Yankee! I think I'm goona throw up!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Reading that story did upset my stomach a bit. Although I'm exceptionally accepting of most things, and I do think that this is just a fantasy, it's certainly not for me.

I'm almost wishing that I hadn't started this topic. The stories, etc., are so dark.

With Muki's Kitchen, I've always thought of it as a unique art. The stories, etc., are almost too much for me to * cough * digest.

Ok EW, I kind of agree with you on the topic.

Surely I'm not the only one that's ever gotten off to something, then had a few minutes to clear my head of the *horniness*, and realized that I scared myself with what I just got off to?

For example- rape fantasy videos, some of the more crudely shot videos have made me question the realty, and that scares me, because for me it is just fantasy....but there's a fine line between laughable fakeness and "OMG was that real?"


Had to look that one up. He also did a series of comics?

The little that I read with the link above, it's a bit extreme but interesting. I guess that Meredith Vierra has fans all over the place! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
He was best known for his comics.....

http://www.necrobabes.org/dolcett/gy...erideth/01.htm Originally Posted by txcwby6
Great. A fantasy about slaughtering, cooking and eating Meredith Vierra. Oh, and mounting her severed head on a plaque. I wonder how Meredith or her family members feel after reading this.

This makes me disgusted to be part of the same species as the author and anyone who enjoys reading it.