For people who still believe the 2020 election was legit.

There were more ballots with Biden’s name checked, actual votes are a completely different issue. That’s how elections are done now, through paying collectors by the ballot. Until this changes, casting a vote, like has been done for over 200 years, is meaningless Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Lol. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
chizzy's Avatar
The electoral college made sense, at one point, when we had fewer states and fewer people, when folks were using candlelight and horse-drawn carriages. Now, it's just a way to allow Republicans to "win" by getting fewer votes, thereby rendering the votes of people in Montana, for example, to be far more powerful than the votes of people from Florida or Texas. How can that possibly be fair? Acreage doesn't vote, people do.

You want to talk about a "rigged" system? Well, Exhibit A is the electoral college in the 21st century. Originally Posted by tommy156
your logic is not logical at all....fewer states and fewer people would be the opposite. each state is given the amount based on population,thats why california has 55 and rhode island has 4

your posts have no merit. educate yourself sir
bambino's Avatar
Trump lost, Qpadre. It's over and it's ok to admit he lost a fair election.

We're in 2023 and it's time to focus on 2024. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Being awake and seeking the truth is a choice. Being asleep and being deceived is a choice. It’s obvious what your choice is.
Your argument doesn't hold water when you're talking about the U.S. Senate, however, which is perhaps the most lopsided power grab of them all. And the most potent. But I shouldn't be wasting my time with anyone who still thinks 2020 was rigged. Good day.
HDGristle's Avatar
Being awake and seeking the truth is a choice. Being asleep and being deceived is a choice. It’s obvious what your choice is. Originally Posted by bambino
You sound pretty woke for someone seeking a different destination.

My masters have endured endless slumber, but they shall awaken soon.

Your king is clad in gold veneer, mine the actual King in Yellow.
bambino's Avatar
You sound pretty woke for someone seeking a different destination.

My masters have endured endless slumber, but they shall awaken soon. Your king is clad in gold veneer, mine the actual King in Yellow. Originally Posted by HDGristle
You may be right about people waking from their slumber. They’ll have to.

HOLY COW Elon Musk ��

BREAKING: In private sworn testimony, former acting CIA director Mike Morell says that The Biden campaign asked him to organize 50 colleagues to sign a letter in Oct. 2020 falsely claiming that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The NY Post were Russian disinformation

He says “Antony Blinken, now Secretary of State, was the senior campaign official who reached out to him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptop suggesting Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father”

Elon Replies What say you @SecBlinken?
�� JS ��
On the popular vote point and the electoral college. It’s in the constitution so one state can’t control the election over all the other states.

Take Pennsylvania as an example of a state election.
In Pennsylvania, Philadelphia basically carry’s the entire state, that leaves out all the voters in the state, their vote basically doesn’t count. You win that city you’ll win the entire state.
Think of John Fetterman, enough said.
berryberry's Avatar
Only ill informed idiots believe the 2020 election was "legit"


1. The mail in ballots scam
2. The censorship censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story and the lie that it was Russian disinformation to protect Senile Biden
3. The illegal ballot harvesting as proven in 2000 mules
4. The mysterious Georgia 3am shenanigans and a few other unexplainable in the dark of the night vote spikes in a few areas to flip the count
5. And yes, a myriad of voter fraud in a number of states

No way in hell it was legit. The majority of the public even admits that in several polls over the years

Now if you want to argue that yeah all those things happened but you don't think they impacted the outcome, have at it. Most reasonable people would disagree. But that is a more rational argument that claiming the 2020 was completely legit
bambino's Avatar
Only ill informed idiots believe the 2020 election was "legit"


1. The mail in ballots scam
2. The censorship censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story and the lie that it was Russian disinformation to protect Senile Biden
3. The illegal ballot harvesting as proven in 2000 mules
4. The mysterious Georgia 3am shenanigans and a few other unexplainable in the dark of the night vote spikes in a few areas to flip the count
5. And yes, a myriad of voter fraud in a number of states

No way in hell it was legit. The majority of the public even admits that in several polls over the years

Now if you want to argue that yeah all those things happened but you don't think they impacted the outcome, have at it. Most reasonable people would disagree. But that is a more rational argument that claiming the 2020 was completely legit Originally Posted by berryberry
But Mr. Gristle wants to wipe one of the biggest crimes in history under the rug. Like it didn’t happen. The 3rd coup de tat in American history. Behind Lincoln and Kennedy.
HDGristle's Avatar
But Mr. Gristle wants to wipe one of the biggest crimes in history under the rug. Like it didn’t happen. The 3rd coup de tat in American history. Behind Lincoln and Kennedy. Originally Posted by bambino
I can pantomime a sweeping motion for you if you'd like. Then again, ain't nothing to sweep so that's all I'd have to do

You couldn't even get your case past Judge Judy if you tried, for fucksakes
... Oh, the liberal lads here KNOW the election was rigged.

We conservatives point out the facts here every day.

... See? ... THIS is why they all hate Trump so.

... I'll do a thread on it.

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Media manipulation has ruined a once great country and ingrained a completely corrupt kleptocracy. They went after Trump for years with the full weight of media and government when EVERYONE involved knew it was bullshit, and are still doing it to this day. We’re a late stage empire.

Creation > Growth > Maturity > Decline (you are here) > Death
bambino's Avatar
Media manipulation has ruined a once great country and ingrained a completely corrupt kleptocracy. They went after Trump for years with the full weight of media and government when EVERYONE involved knew it was bullshit, and are still doing it to this day. We’re a late stage empire.

Creation > Growth > Maturity > Decline (you are here) > Death Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
And it took us two short years to get to the Decline phase. Although Covid brought us deaths. Go figure.
bambino's Avatar
Merrick Garland is named as the "senior" official accused of political interference in Hunter Biden case, based on a new whistleblower report.

lustylad's Avatar
The electoral college... it's just a way to allow Republicans to "win" by getting fewer votes...

You want to talk about a "rigged" system? Well, Exhibit A is the electoral college in the 21st century. Originally Posted by tommy156

The electoral rules are known in advance to both parties before the campaign even starts. The same rules are accepted by and apply to everyone. How is that "rigged"?

And whose fault is it that Democrats like to spread their votes the same way as they spend our money - i.e. in all the wrong places?

You evidently haven't thought it all through. If you believe Jan. 6th was an "insurrection" then you should appreciate how the Electoral College helped to save the day! And you would see how switching to a national majority vote would make future Presidential elections much more suspect and susceptible to rigging & corruption.

A couple of years ago, I addressed this issue with one of the more dim-witted posters in this forum. Please try reading the attached analysis with an open mind. It was written a mere 2 days after Jan. 6th by someone who has indeed thought everything through: