Compliments vs Symbolism

How long have I been on this board with you? And you still can't spell my name? Originally Posted by Ansley
Sorry, its this #$%^ing new keyboard. I think I'm going to throw it away.
Sorry, its this #$%^ing new keyboard. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I thought maybe you had big fingers.
I do.
we fall in love a few times a week the variety is so great and abundent, just some girls have a little more sense of humor and are a little more thick skinned than others. but believe me the other girl you speak of is an incredibly beautiful woman of that there is no doubt.
Looks like Lauren has stolen Ainsley's suitor. Originally Posted by pjorourke
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One time I was having a horrible day and my friend took me to a coffee shop. I felt so ugly and depressed and was just kind of staring down. I didn't even feel like talking. And then this little girl with Down's syndrome walked in with her mom, and literally grabbed my face in her hands and said "You're so beautiful!" It was the nicest compliment I ever received, and it was from a stranger. Originally Posted by Natalie
Natalie, in my experience, kids with Down's Syndrome are loving and honest to the core. Their first choice is to hug and kiss you, and tell you how they feel. You can bet that if the compliment came from one of these special children, it was as genuine as life gets..

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Looks like Lauren has stolen Ainsley's suitor. Originally Posted by pjorourke

Honestly, the guy makes me crave a shower;

I wonder if there is a corralative between having that effect on ladies and the lack of being able to afford the HDH rate....
Honestly, the guy makes me crave a shower; Originally Posted by Sydneyb
You can shower at my hotel. I'll even scrub your back.
Sydneyb's Avatar

Showers with lovers. Good. Very, very good.
HoneyRose, going to the gym can make a difference! If you increase the size of your pectoralis major muscles, then your breasts will be slightly perkier. Also, my breasts decrease in size less quickly than the rest of me, so even though they are smaller after I lose a few pounds, they look bigger.

As for the topic of this thread, here is my say. Sometimes I can tell when a man is just saying things based on his inflection and the way he says it. Also, when a man says that I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, I know that it isn't literally true, but I take it as a compliment!
Once I got a message from a man who wanted to see me. His message went something like this:


I LOVE your pics! They are absolutely gorgeous, and I have been wanting to meet with you for a long time. Everything about you appeals to me..."

Blah blah blah.

The problem? Alexandria is not my name. He had copied and pasted the same message to everyone. Hardly complimentary for a message filled with compliments. I responded to him with, "I'm not interested in meeting you at this time, but good luck with Alexandria!" Surprisingly, he wrote back and made no mention of his mistake. He wrote back to tell me that he wasn't having luck with her. Ok, budster. Move along.
but really China Doll isnt either [mom and dad didnt see you for the first time and said yeah China doll is who she is]. The guy might of been a little foolish in his methods, alittle ignorant or insensitive in his ways but bottom line is he seen your ad or pics or reviews posted he thought you looked attractive and was willing to pay you good money to have sex with you. once he met you he probably would have enjoyed your personality and connection and you possibly his but thats not what his wanting to meet you is really all about.. he wanted to have sex with you. you werent reallly looking to meet someone nice to hang with or go to dinner you were looking for someone to pay to have sex with you then leave.. if either of you got more than they were looking for awesome if not he gets laid you get paid. people try to make so much more of this than it is.. a couple hrs later China will be entertaining some other nice respectable guy and a couple days later the client will be copying and pasting his cpmpliments. rather than get upset pretend you enjoyed the compliment, remember he found you pretty enough to pay to have sex with you and have an hour of fun that will make sure he never forgets your name or confuses you with another again. have fun stay safe
HoneyRose, going to the gym can make a difference! If you increase the size of your pectoralis major muscles, then your breasts will be slightly perkier. Also, my breasts decrease in size less quickly than the rest of me, so even though they are smaller after I lose a few pounds, they look bigger.

As for the topic of this thread, here is my say. Sometimes I can tell when a man is just saying things based on his inflection and the way he says it. Also, when a man says that I am the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, I know that it isn't literally true, but I take it as a compliment!
Once I got a message from a man who wanted to see me. His message went something like this:


I LOVE your pics! They are absolutely gorgeous, and I have been wanting to meet with you for a long time. Everything about you appeals to me..."

Blah blah blah.

The problem? Alexandria is not my name. He had copied and pasted the same message to everyone. Hardly complimentary for a message filled with compliments. I responded to him with, "I'm not interested in meeting you at this time, but good luck with Alexandria!" Surprisingly, he wrote back and made no mention of his mistake. He wrote back to tell me that he wasn't having luck with her. Ok, budster. Move along. Originally Posted by China Doll
IMO, one of the most important compliments I can give a provider is to book her.

When I give her that, I am giving her my time (way more time than that of the actual appointment), consideration, opportunity costs and trust -- all of which are valuable. In addition to the money.

So the mere act of my booking a provider is a statement that I think she is a pretty fantastic person; that I think time with her is quite valuable.

And the most sincere compliment is booking her again.

The first time, no matter what, it is sort of blind. I try not to book a woman once unless I think there is a good chance I'll want to see her more than that. But even so, it's a bit of a leap of faith because websites, reviews, board posts and stuff only give a sliver of insight into a person.

I may be able to draw some broad inferences about the woman's beauty or intelligence; but it is sort of like von Clausewitz's noting that no military campaign plan survives the first contact.Everything gets re-evaluated in that first meeting as reality replaces expectations.

So the second booking is a serious compliment indeed. I wouldn't be there the second time if she didn't seriously impress me in a whole bunch of realms.

Yes, I will give verbal compliments; but only to the extent that they really aren't compliments but more a statement of objectively verifiable reality. If I SAY you've got nice legs, I can tell you exactly why I think that. If I SAY I am impressed with your poetry; I can tell you exactly what elements of it I like.

Maybe I'm spoiled but practically every woman I know very well has a lie-detector that would make the FBI envious.

Credibility is important to me. I want to be able to count on the providers I see within the context of the hobby; and I want them to be able to count on me within that same context.

Generally, not blowing smoke up a lady's butt with insincere flattery is a good start.

So the second booking is a serious compliment indeed. I wouldn't be there the second time if she didn't seriously impress me in a whole bunch of realms. Originally Posted by Laurentius
IMO, one of the most important compliments I can give a provider is to book her.

When I give her that, I am giving her my time (way more time than that of the actual appointment), consideration, opportunity costs and trust -- all of which are valuable. In addition to the money.

So the mere act of my booking a provider is a statement that I think she is a pretty fantastic person; that I think time with her is quite valuable.

And the most sincere compliment is booking her again.

:-) Originally Posted by Laurentius
Good point , actions really do speak louder than words.
Laurentius - you are most correct. In fact, it's quite flattering to hear your date mention "next time" unconsciously withing a few hours of first meeting.
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  • 04-29-2010, 02:58 PM
but really China Doll isnt either [mom and dad didnt see you for the first time and said yeah China doll is who she is]. Originally Posted by petiteassman
In a generic sense Steve, i think your post is pretty accurate. But i also think there are some people in this business who are concerned about deflecting the negative stigma associated with it, of which i'm coming to believe China Doll is one of those people. It is possible, i'm sure, to be in this business and respect it as being about more than packing away a couple hundred dollars for a quick roll in the hay. And while it's a little more common for the non physical positive aspects of this business to come across in a repeat client/provider relationship over a number of visits, i don't see why it can't be possible for someone to look for at least some emotional gratification out of the client/provider relationship from the outset.

And even if that's not the motivation, on the one hand i can see where a girl wouldn't give a gosh darn if the prospective paying customer got her name wrong. Bless her for not caring. But i can also see where a girl would expect at least a minimal amount of respect from a potential client. And to that end, a good start would be in getting her name right, whether it's her real name or her screen name. Or not copying and pasting the same message to 10 or 15 different girls hoping for a nibble.

It says something, i believe, about a provider who is selective in whom she sees. Some may not like it, but let me just say this. Compliments can go both ways through actions rather than words.

China can take it from here. And i pray she takes mercy on you