Just how are hospital ERs doing now right?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
They are laying off nurses and doctors in NY due to no work.
A video was posted after the news stated that the hospitals are over run and the one they talked about was as quiet as can be.

Nurses are whining about no equipment yet no one sees any patients

Not sure where all these people are.

The ones that die of a stroke are tested and test positive and they label them as covid 19 victims Originally Posted by Gotyour6
What's your "news" source for this information?
Because it sure smells like bullshit to me.
Talk to someone who actually lives in New York about what it's like there right now. Originally Posted by SlowHand50
not hospitals in or near NYC. but its true in other part of NYS. Andy stopped many operations to be done in the whole state. but not all areas of NYS having the same problem. No income, no need for staff
Fsn57's Avatar
  • Fsn57
  • 04-04-2020, 12:52 PM
I imagine the demand on hospitals is very specific to region. Urban will see more than rural, NYC probably worse than other parts of the country now. Dallas may not see it as bad as NYC, after all CA and WA are doing OK and they have cities just as crowded (if not more so) and COVID19 started there before NYC.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-05-2020, 09:47 PM
What's your "news" source for this information?
Because it sure smells like bullshit to me.
Talk to someone who actually lives in New York about what it's like there right now. Originally Posted by SlowHand50
There is a certain odor to many of his posts. I have relatives who are Drs in NY. They are all on 6+ days a week, 12-14 hrs a day. Yes, some wards are quiet--ever see a lot of ventalator patients run up and down the halls? And areas of a hospital that specialize in non-critical work (a lot of surgery suites for example) and can't reasonably be converted for Covid use are quiet. But that us not the same as "we're bored".

But then one can always count on fake news on here.
Hobby1750's Avatar
I live north of NYC. Seems hospitals are ghost-towns now. I don't know where all the Covid 19 patients are, but they're not here. Less than ten patients on that massive ship. With surgeries cancelled, hospitals all have extra beds available. No need for the overkill hype.
SlowHand50's Avatar
I live north of NYC. Seems hospitals are ghost-towns now. I don't know where all the Covid 19 patients are, but they're not here. Less than ten patients on that massive ship. With surgeries cancelled, hospitals all have extra beds available. No need for the overkill hype. Originally Posted by Hobby1750
If that massive ship you're talking about is the hospital ship that the feds brought to NYC, there are only a handful of patients on there because the Navy want to only treat non-COVID patients on it, thinking that would take a load off the hospitals struggling to deal with the outbreak. Well there aren't many non-COVID patients so now they are being pressed to re-consider and treat COVID patients on the ship. It's a royal mess.

You say it "seems" like hospitals are ghost towns. Have you actually been to any of them? What is your credible source of information? Have you volunteered to work a shift at one of these ghost town hospitals?

People need to quit spreading stuff they've read on social media gossip sites and get their news from credible news sources. Get informed and quit spreading lies.
I work in a hospital and can say the same thing. Ghost town, but the usual busy weekend via the ER. Less than a dozen cases of Corona in my town, population of ~400,000
SlowHand50's Avatar
I work in a hospital and can say the same thing. Ghost town, but the usual busy weekend via the ER. Less than a dozen cases of Corona in my town, population of ~400,000 Originally Posted by orallvr69
Consider your city lucky -- so far. Hope it stays that way, but it's likely that the outbreak just hasn't come close to peaking yet where you are.

Where I am, the peak is still 2-3 weeks out, according to local officials.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-06-2020, 05:16 PM
Several older (70+) doctors and nurses I know in the NY/NJ area received letters today, asking them to consider unretiering and helping with the current situation there.

Much be because there are no patients to see.

The virus doubters are the new climate change doubters. If it is inconvenient, it must not be true. It it is not blatantly affecting their neighborh it can't be real.

The Dark Ages flat earth mentality is alive and well in some people.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sGEzJYfNfg Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
you need to know how to post a proper video link lol!

let me fix that for ya.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Soooo... she doesn't mind having her face and places of employment on a hooker board? I mean I don't care, she made the video herself. I am curious though Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO

ahem.. this was a youtube and facebook posting, not an eccie posting.

consider the source in the link.
What if you are that fat old fuck who has a heart attack in the next month or so? Good luck getting any medical care, the hospitals will all be busy with pandemic patients. Originally Posted by SlowHand50
Considering I workout 4-5 times per week, eat healthy foods, don't smoke, I am height and weight proportionate, and get blood work annually and the numbers are good with no pharmaceuticals needed, and I can hike up a fucking mountain with no pain I doubt I will be going into the ICU soon - unless I get into a motorcycle accident.

However, the hospitals and ER's and ICU's are still underutilized here in the Dallas area. My point is some people were about to die anyway and it shouldn't be counted as a COVID - 19 death.

I'm betting the price of ventilators will be going down in the next few years due to oversupply.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
ahem.. this was a youtube and facebook posting, not an eccie posting.

consider the source in the link. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Jeez... now why didn't I think of that... thankz "RetiredSubmariner"...
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Jeez... now why didn't I think of that... thankz "RetiredSubmariner"... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
An old girlfriend of mine, from 40 years ago, is now an RN. She told me that the RN in the video is a friend of hers.

That is about all that I know of it.
An old girlfriend of mine, from 40 years ago, is now an RN. She told me that the RN in the video is a friend of hers.

That is about all that I know of it. Originally Posted by RetiredSubmariner
Did I ever tell you about that friend of mine who hopped in someone's car after a shooting broke out at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club?

OK - so a friend of a friend.

OK - So it was really a friend of Brian Williams but still...
MartyRabb's Avatar
Hospital here has geared up for this (Clearing out ICU, extra staffing & supplies, cancelling non-critical surgeries and visits), but don't seem to be getting a lot of traffic. We've had a few dozen COVID cases over the last month or so, but very few (<10) have needed ICU care in that time.

Local .gov isn't expecting a surge in cases, nor do they speak of a plateau. Pretty much "let's take this a week at a time, if we all do what we are supposed to do we can resume normal business that much faster."