Provider Name in Review Titles; Suggested or Required?

There is also this, which can lead to momentary confusion.
Helpful points all around super helpful... Note Trees got lots of feedback from Providers who 'hate' when their reviews do not contain their provider.or.handle name. When we do what the girls' like, we often get more miles with each other. Ahem.

For all of 2013, Trees will neither approve nor reject any review that does not contain provider name or handle in review title (thanks, HBWB), those will be reviewed and rejected or approved by The Fireman and/or by our senior mod Space. Trees still growing and there is lots of wood.

Keep things coming.

Austin Mod Staff
fun2come's Avatar
As usual 19Trees posts while well meant confuse me.

I get: 19Trees will not be a review reviewer in 2013

NO. Trees will not be processing reviews that do not contain provider name in title but will continue to moderate and approve/reject reviews but only those with provider name or handle in title. Thus title unattributed reviews will be moderated by The Fireman and/or Space through 2013.

I don't get: Will the other 2 ModGods now require that name/handle is in the title or not ?

That is up to them on case by case basis; noting that there is currently no rule that requires provider name/handle in title. Thus peeps that do not include provider name/handle, if otherwise qualifying should still get credit.

Fun2come recognizes there is a lot of FUN out there and there is lots of Fun2Come for him.

Fun2Come, Trees regrets posting-in-your thread but believed that direct answers to the questions you presented here were important enough to place them in context so the Community can read the answers above in context thanks for tolerating this!

Austin Mod Staff
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Lion26, That one got me earlier today... lol
Squarenot's Avatar
Note Trees got lots of feedback from Providers who 'hate' when their reviews do not contain their provider.or.handle name. When we do what the girls' like, we often get more miles with each other. Ahem.

Originally Posted by 19Trees
In the ASPD days, I recall a provider specifically request of me that if I did a review to please not use her name/handle in the title. She wanted me to use a witty title thinking that more would view the review as it would be necessary in order to find out the identity of the provider. Point is that some prefer names/handles in the title and others do not. Again, I would like to have the freedom to do either and don't believe it is necessary to make it a requirement.
fun2come's Avatar

Fun2Come, Trees regrets posting-in-your thread but believed that direct answers to the questions you presented here were important enough to place them in context so the Community can read the answers above in context thanks for tolerating this!

Austin Mod Staff
Originally Posted by 19Trees
I don't have any issue tolerating you, my issue is getting you !!!

This time I didn't even score the usual 19 out of 100 points... bummer...
buck14pt's Avatar
Name should be required. I will start doing so. Thanks
fun2come's Avatar
buck14pt, you do realize that your review and my "opinion" started all this? THX for agreeing and doing this little deed in the future.

19Trees, I probably need to apologize (a little) for getting you into some trouble.
I do think you did the right thing with asking the community. And as we have a strong and opinionated community (I had typed CUMminity), things sometimes get a little heated.

It's all a learning experience !!!
Ok, as I understand it, in summary:

-Trees will not process any reviews without the provider's handle or name in the title....even though there is currently no rule that requires provider name/handle in title though there is currently no rule that requires provider name/handle in title...per post #18.

-Those reviews without the handle or name in the title will be processed by the other MODS,
which will still be entitled to receiving credit barring any "failing to meet criteria" factors.

From my limited knowledge and understanding of MODLand I gather it is a thankless
job with no tangible monetary compensation.....but probably does have some small perks somewhere and would think each MOD would want to share the thankless workload.

As far as an opinion on having the name in the title, I prefer to put/have it there myself....just my own personal preference....I still open the ones without names.
19 Trees, Who died and made you God? A couple days ago you're in WW telling a new girl she should change her handle, blah blah blah who cares? Now you start a thread telling guys how they should title THIER REVIEWS, WTF?
And exactly what is up with you hijacking everyone's post with you're pretty red font? Post your own, it's done by typing in the quick reply box at the bottom if threads!
Come back to Earth, you got a little power on a hooker board, you're not omnipotent!

HBWB, Trees proposed a topic for the community to consider, and the feedback has so far been responsive and illuminating and has taken both sides. Makes it helpful when we engage the Community on topics of mutual interest. If you have personal issues with Trees or any other Member please use our PM system. Thanks, 19Trees, Austin Mod Staff Originally Posted by HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit
In answer to your question, no one died and made 19trees God. The owners of the ECCIE did however make him a Moderator which allows....nay compels him to perform certain actions and gives him leeway to do so.

19Trees, ffireman, and myself have worked out our moderating responsibilities and as long as we comply with the Owners expectations, it doesn't matter how or who Moderates which reviews.

Whether you like or appreciate the advice that he gives here is of no concern, but I have already warned you once of this kind of behavior in the open threads. I guess you thought I was just kidding.

BTW, I have been "hijacking" peoples posts around here with blue writing for quite a long time. I/we don't need your permission or approval to do so as that comes with our Moderator Omnipotence.

While we are not omnipotent, I will wager that if your behavior towards Staff doesn't change both myself and 19Trees will be around long after you are not. You might want to take a few minutes and consider whether you really want to remain a member of this community.

MichaelClayton's Avatar
If you can't make a clever title that also includes the provider name.. then you obviously aren't that clever!

Don't really see any advantage to NOT having the name. You wouldn't see a site that rated hotels have titles like

"The rooms are so big!"
"The pool here sucked!"
"The coke machine took my dollar and didn't give me a coke"

Also, in general on message boards.. thread titles like

"You guys gotta see this!"
"Has this ever happened to you?"
"She smelled like..."

Are discouraged... it's just bad form. The poster is trying to get clicks using curiosity and the promise of something interesting but usually the post doesn't live up to the hype created by the title. It just makes the reader feel cheated and these reviews are not much different.

Make your review interesting, fun, and informative and put the provide name in the title somehow. One opinion.

Didn't know about the hover over - but probably doesn't work on phones ?
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Well said, Space...
HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit's Avatar
Lil Tex I don't think they give gold stars for sucking up! lol

2 questions Spacemtn, and I'm asking respectfully, don't you staff members have to identify that you have edited a post? Your partner changed the 5pt bold red font I used, showing no indication that he is tampering with my post. Do you do this to other members? Rhetorical, several members post in colored fonts. And these pointy things you keep giving me, what do they mean? Are they redeemable?
Lil Tex I don't think they give gold stars for sucking up! lol

2 questions Spacemtn, and I'm asking respectfully, don't you staff members have to identify that you have edited a post? Your partner changed the 5pt bold red font I used, showing no indication that he is tampering with my post. Do you do this to other members? Rhetorical, several members post in colored fonts. And these pointy things you keep giving me, what do they mean? Are they redeemable? Originally Posted by HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit
It is recommended that we identify who edited a post in the edit unless it is a security issue. I am not aware of an instance where 19Trees has edited a post and not identified himself, but I admittedly cannot read every post.

Any time an edit is performed, the original post is stored in a staff area and the "trial" of who edited it and what the edits were are there as well. The Admin Staff reviews these and makes sure that any edits are in compliance with the owners wishes as to how the edits should be handled.

Points accumulate over time. Most expire after 6 months, but this is subject to change based on the owner's wishes and desires. When a member accumulates 25 active points, that member is automatically banned from posting for 90 days.

HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit's Avatar
Thanks for explanation Spacemtn.

Might I suggest you post a suggestion in member suggestions, it would be great if the title and provider name boxes were combined, so every title would be Review: Providers Name. I know I skip reviews with lame titles, because I feel their info will be laughable.

Also how about getting fsbm out of independent? Colossal waste of time and data clicking those!