Presidential Rankings

eyecu2's Avatar
Trump was being compared to Reagan during good ol Mark Levin last night. Cause Mark had all his old cronies from his days of yore on, and how he thinks Trumps the best things since a smores on a cold night in front of the fireplace. Biden while isn't going to be top of any list cept for Hannity's focal point du jour, Trump has made so many ppl divided he's certainly gonna make tops for that.


Biden- top Ice cream officianodo.
Trump was being compared to Reagan during good ol Mark Levin last night. Cause Mark had all his old cronies from his days of yore on, and how he thinks Trumps the best things since a smores on a cold night in front of the fireplace. Biden while isn't going to be top of any list cept for Hannity's focal point du jour, Trump has made so many ppl divided he's certainly gonna make tops for that.


Biden- top Ice cream officianodo. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Congratulations!!!!!!!! How to say you believe the lies of the main stream media.

Obama and Biden divide everyone into groups which is truly divisive.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Congratulations!!!!!!!! How to say you believe the lies of the main stream media.

Obama and Biden divide everyone into groups which is truly divisive. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Were you born yesterday?

Lee Atwater is grinning from the grave.
Precious_b's Avatar
President Buchanan (sp) family give heartfelt thanks to #HeWhoShallBeNamed.
tman1847's Avatar
Nothing to see here except corrupt rankings by socialist/marxist/communist historians Originally Posted by farmstud60

As soon as you saw they had Obama at 7th, you knew it was trash
  • Tiny
  • 02-19-2024, 05:11 PM


Trump should be bragging about this. Since He’s 45 of 45. 100%. Im sure he believes that. Makes him the top. I’m sure his dummy followers believe the same. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Well, Trump did try to overturn an election. While I believe his policies were generally good, except for the deficits and the trade wars, I can see why political scientists might rate him poorly.

But Obama #7? Come on man. He may have been a lot better than Biden, Carter, Warren G. Harding and Ulysses S. Grant. But Reagan and Coolidge blew him away, not to mention Washington, Jefferson and a number of other ex-presidents. I'd put him in the middle of the pack. A mediocre president.

This reminds me of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. He was awarded it in October, 2009, nine months into his presidency, for "promoting nuclear nonproliferation, and ushering in a new climate in international relations, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world." In reality, he got it because Norwegians on the Nobel Committee thought he was a black American, and his middle name was Hussein, which sounds Muslim. Like Saddam Hussein.

A year after he was awarded the Nobel Prize for reaching out to the Muslim world, in 2010, deaths in Afghanistan reached a new high. Then Obama started in on targeted killings of Muslims, including Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen and Islamic scholar. Obama's henchmen weren't satisfied with the head of al-Awlaki. In a separate drone attack, they killed his 16 year old son, also an American, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. And a Navy SEAL team subsequently killed his 8 year old daughter in an operation authorized by Trump. At the risk of going off topic for a moment, how exactly are we different from Russia under Putin?

Yeah, so Obama really did reach out to the Muslim world.

Obama is a good orator, he's cool, he looks and acts presidential, and his political views likely coincide with what a lot of the political scientists surveyed believe. Most importantly he was the first non-white president. Now if he were the first descendant of slaves and disadvantaged American blacks that went through decades of discrimination, like Tim Scott, that would be reason enough to elevate him in the presidential rankings list. But he's not. He's the son of an absentee Kenyan father who was raised by his left-of-center mother and grandparents. By upbringing, he's just another white American.

None of the preceding qualifies him as a great president. What exactly did he do that was great?

Obama Number 7. Bah humbug.
Did you even bother to read the article.

Barack Obama ranked an average of 6 among Democrat respondents and 15th by Republicans. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, was ranked higher by Republican respondents (10th) than he was by Democrats (12th).

The divide resulted in an overall ranking of 7th for Obama, 12th for Clinton, 14th for Biden, 16th for Reagan, and 32nd for Bush
winn dixie's Avatar
Ahhhh sir Tiny is turning the thread into a real discussion.
I'll expand Tiny.
By most metrics any bottom 10 of presidents almost always includes Jackson and Polk. And yes Grant as well.
lustylad's Avatar
But Obama #1? Come on man. Originally Posted by Tiny
Actually, Obama was ranked #7 overall. (Your critique of him is spot-on, though.)

The top 5 rankings were as follows:
1. Abe Lincoln
2. FDR
3. George Washington
4. Teddy Roosevelt
5. Thomas Jefferson

Not surprising that four of them are carved into Mount Rushmore.

Apparently the professors and political scientists taking the survey were grouped by party affiliation. I found this interesting:

"Bill Clinton, a Democrat, was ranked higher by Republican respondents (10th) than he was by Democrats (12th)."
  • Tiny
  • 02-19-2024, 05:36 PM
Did you even bother to read the article.

Barack Obama ranked an average of 6 among Democrat respondents and 15th by Republicans. Bill Clinton, a Democrat, was ranked higher by Republican respondents (10th) than he was by Democrats (12th).

The divide resulted in an overall ranking of 7th for Obama, 12th for Clinton, 14th for Biden, 16th for Reagan, and 32nd for Bush Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Actually, Obama was ranked #7 overall. (Your critique of him is spot-on, though.) Originally Posted by lustylad
Thank goodness for the Edit button!
  • Tiny
  • 02-19-2024, 05:41 PM
"Bill Clinton, a Democrat, was ranked higher by Republican respondents (10th) than he was by Democrats (12th)." Originally Posted by lustylad
Clinton was a good president. His administration and Republicans in Congress balanced the budget, reformed welfare, cut the capital gains tax, and promoted free trade. He didn't get us into any wars except Kosovo, and at least there was arguably a legitimate humanitarian reason to be involved in that.

Biden and Clinton are like night and day.
winn dixie's Avatar
My bottom 5 in no order.....
Worst of the worst-
In reality Lincoln edges out trump for worst EVER.
winn dixie's Avatar
Top 3-
  • Tiny
  • 02-19-2024, 06:21 PM
My bottom 5 in no order.....
Worst of the worst-
In reality Lincoln edges out trump for worst EVER. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Lincoln's a difficult one to rank WD. On the one hand his administration ended slavery. On the other hand, 620,000 people died, not including civilians. Too bad the institution didn't end like in Britain, thirty years early and peacefully.
lustylad's Avatar
Lincoln's a difficult one to rank WD. On the one hand his administration ended slavery. On the other hand, 620,000 people died, not including civilians. Originally Posted by Tiny
Huh? What choice did he have? The South seceded, was that Lincoln's fault? He preserved the Union. Yeah, the cost was enormous, but if you apply the same logic then FDR was an awful President for navigating us through a global conflict in which 418,000 Americans died.

WD is obviously trolling us by ranking Lincoln last. Don't take the bait.