IMHO, the thing that differentiated ASPD from other boards was the ability to have discussions with providers...less of a sausage fest. I am optimistic that that spirit will carry forward to this board.
Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Old timers will remember Susan's boards. The ladies were always encouraged to speak out. That is an important part of getting to know who and what it is all about and helping each other in many different ways.
The brain is the largest sex organ!
And a smart woman is a prize, eyes are the second key, the body is a distant 3rd third in my books. Let the ladies speak!
Infact that is why I made a comment about ISOs in Co-Ed. I think it keeps the ladies off balance to even go into the room, so it would shift them to the sandbox. I like the co-ed effect in here. On several of the topics, a woman's point of view is important as well.