See provider in public; what to do

OK, so then you'd have no problem if a lady you just had an appointment with smiled and said hi to you if you were with your wife or child?

It has nothing to do with paranoia, it has to do with keeping real life time seperate from the fantasy world.

Think of it this way, most psychologists/therapists won't even acknowledge you in public because of the pretty much the same reason, discretion.

I told this story before, but its worth repeating. I had a client walk up to me at a mall once. He started calling out my fantasy name, "Elena." Then he starts talking to me without even thinking I might be waiting on someone, with someone, etc. I'm shaking my head is disbelief and as he says my name for the last time, my 10 yr old niece walks up at the same time. She starts to ask, who's Elena and who is this guy? I gave her some money, told her to go into the candy store. Then I proceeded to give that client a piece of mind.

Discretion. Originally Posted by MsElena
Ahh where in my post did you see I am seeing a provider in public,walking up to her and saying"aren't you(fill in the name) from(fill in the website) how much for fucckie succkie providers are human I treat them just like I wouild a friend. with a smile and a hi they could do the same to me.What would be the diff from a complete stranger smiling ,or a client doing the same?
I don't have confirmation, but as the story goes, recently, COG bumped into one of his favorite ladies in a Wichita grocery store, and immediately dropped to his knees and began kissing her ass!

Ahh where in my post did you see I am seeing a provider in public,walking up to her and saying"aren't you(fill in the name) from(fill in the website) how much for fucckie succkie providers are human I treat them just like I wouild a friend. with a smile and a hi they could do the same to me.What would be the diff from a complete stranger smiling ,or a client doing the same? Originally Posted by ekim008

I didn't say that you would do that and you read my post the wrong way. The story I told was an example. The first few sentences were in response to your post.

The only point I was trying to make and obviously failed with you was that paranoia has nothing to do with this, its about discretion. My analogy with the shrinks didn't make my point either I guess.

I've ran into clients at restaurants, malls, etc., we glance at each other and keep walking.

Didn't Dionne Warwick sing a song like that? Walk On By?
I have been reading these posts and I just have to put my two cents in. Me personally don't see why if we are out in public and you recognize me and or I recognize you, that a simple nod or smile and hi is too much to ask for. I smile and say hi to lots of people I don't know throughout the day, at the store, gas station, in traffic..etc. If I am with my child you still can say hi or smile, this doesn't mean now she is gonna start asking me who the hell you are. But common sense will tell you that I don't want you coming up to me while with my daughter and asking me about my sushi picture or when you can make an appt??? This has happened before by the way and even then I didn't know what he could have been thinking.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't have confirmation, but as the story goes, recently, COG bumped into one of his favorite ladies in a Wichita grocery store, and immediately dropped to his knees and began kissing her ass!

Originally Posted by scorpio31
LIAR! It wasn't a grocery store, it was Walgreens.


I apologize, buddy, but I did say that I didn't have confirmation. Evidently I just had the venue wrong! Thanks for correcting me!

Jezz, it's really beyond being parinod, and also beyond discretion.

It's about respecting a person's privacy...or to put it into old school terms, being a gentleman.

Just because a specific person would not have a problem with a smile or quick hello, even if they are with someone...that does not mean the provider thinks similiar.

So I think it's as simple as just being cool about things...or as my Dad would say, being a gentleman.

When I have seen a provider in public, I make eye contact, and base my reaction on her reaction. If she does not respond, then I don't respond. If she smiles, then of course I would.

It's really not that complicated of an issue...but an important one, in terms of respecting the level of privacy the other person wants, rather than yours

So in the example I gave of being with the provider and her B/F...and his reaction to her being notice. Not my place to put judgement on to say "well then that's being parinod" is BS. Good or bad, that was the dynamics of their where was my opinion sought out.
So rather than labeling it as being parinod...ya just respect it. You can play Dr Phil, if they seek out your opinion.
It's not just the guys, providers sometimes run into other providers. It's amazing how many hang out at the jones pool.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-14-2011, 04:38 PM
I doubt i would recognized a provider in public. It's not their face i have committed to memory.
  • KCboy
  • 11-14-2011, 07:04 PM
Im certainly on board with the discretion and lay low idea when this happens. Never know who they may be with that would get either party in hot water. Having said that my only encounter along these lines was running into a girl who I saw and had a good time with at at strip club. Needless to say that atmosphere made for a nice talk and reunion and another time to call her in the future. We just made out like friends but I actually kissed her hello in the club. No one paid attention except my two buddies who were immediately grilling me on who she was. I just said an old friend and left it at that.
bartipero's Avatar
.... The key here is that we were both cautious. It's okay imo to interact in public as long as both parties ar careful ...

I tend to agree and that seems to sum up most points of view.
The last time this happened to me I just dropped my pants and asked for a bj. Was that wrong of me?
bartipero's Avatar
The last time this happened to me I just dropped my pants and asked for a bj. Was that wrong of me? Originally Posted by bigryan222
Well, yea, it was the KCTV5 anchor, and we all--regrettably--saw it.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
In public you just keep walking.

Now try being invited to a small dinner party when she is in attendance.
it's kinda scary that this even has to be discussed!