Want Input.

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Assuming the lady does not have child or pet care issues, I would surmise she should be happy to receive some percentage more than what she would make in an average week at that time of the year. For example if she makes $2000 a week, $2500 or $3000 would be fair. After all she's gonna be entertained, and if she's an avid skier, would consider it a paid vacation.

My biggest concern would be having Aunt Flo screw up the whole trip. You know when this is taking place, and most ladies know their cycle. Make sure this is discussed also. If your ATF has an irregular cycle, it's a crap shoot.
I was thinking 3500-5500 which is the same that she would make from seeing 2-3 clients evry day for a week.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-10-2012, 07:24 AM
It's a dumb idea to take her on vacation. Seriously, I would rather take a real girl, not a paid girl on vacation. At least have some pride in yourself, you have to be able to find a girl willing to go with you. I mean Damn man you ain't Quasimoto are you? If you are dropping that much dough you should be able to find a civilian nice lady to go with you. It's your cash do what you will, maybe try some e-harmony or somethin.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have been on a few vacations with clients if there is a connection then I usually just charge what a normal day here would be sometimes less if I get to pick the location. And she will need her alone time at least some if thee time and she can't expect you to pay for that. All in all since you are paying all her expenses and I'm sure she will get more gifts once she is there I would have to say give her a min daily rate and let her know what you expect. If it exceeds that you also need to discuss with her what there extras will be.
You also have to consider if this girl would even enjoy this type of trip....
In my experience if I enjoy the company and the spot then I'm reasonable, if not I would more then likely stay home. No amount of money can demand fun. You either click or you don't and having fun in life and taking adventures is what its all about.
Or am I wrong? Originally Posted by CharlieLays
If you click then she will be just like Charlie here describes, if not then pass until you find someone who is.

Also just because you consider it a vacation doesn't mean she does. Some of you gentlemen seem to be missing that concept.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It's a dumb idea to take her on vacation. Seriously, I would rather take a real girl, not a paid girl on vacation. At least have some pride in yourself, you have to be able to find a girl willing to go with you. I mean Damn man you ain't Quasimoto are you? If you are dropping that much dough you should be able to find a civilian nice lady to go with you. It's your cash do what you will, maybe try some e-harmony or somethin. Originally Posted by trey
Eharmony is way more trouble than its worth lol
Not for me EA, but then again okcupid and plentyoffish work better, and are free.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Its different for everyone, I didn't meet anyone i would even consider just hanging out with again.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-10-2012, 08:08 AM
Eharmony is way more trouble than its worth lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I know several people that got married off of that site. If you're looking for something more then playtime it seemed to work great. Maybe all these years of bangin the pros have effected you?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I haven't been around long enough to let it affect me senor. I too know a few that found what they were looking for on there. However when I'm loiking for someone/something special I'll be damned if I'm gonna "settle" for someone less than what I'm looking for. I just never met anyone off there that I found attractive mentally or physically....
dearhunter's Avatar
This place is fucking awesome.....ijs.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not quite as awesome as the spider hole though...
If you click then she will be just like Charlie here describes, if not then pass until you find someone who is.

Also just because you consider it a vacation doesn't mean she does. Some of you gentlemen seem to be missing that concept. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
No, I get that its "work" for her. But unless she's going to be at my beck-and-call 24/7, its not for the entire week. I wouldn't expect her to be anyway, that would annoy me. I even told the one I got the quote from, do what you want with your day. If you want to hang out with me -- great. If you want to do you own thing, hit up the spa, whatever -- great. My only expectations were for sheet-warming during "sleep" time. Aside from that, the rest of the time is hers to with as she pleases.

I don't know, the whole travel-partner aspect to the hobby seems like a scam to me. But what do I know? Apparently, I'm not someone a provider would want to hang out with in civie life....

All kidding aside, a relationship/vacation like the one Charley describes sounds great to me. I suppose I haven't met a provider like that yet.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Maybe you have
Just talk to your ATF, Before I got a SO. All my ATF's would jump at the trips I would take them, and I never once paid a dime to them, their choice. But of the eight(they were all friends), they would decide who was going on which trip each time.
So if you are her ATF and she wants a vaction, talk to her, and ask her, she may surprise you. Don't let the negativity of a few here, who care nothing but the money influence your decision.
Just sit down and discuss it, she will either charge or not, maybe I was just lucky. I just treated them like Queens and they respected our time together, and loved the vacations, if they would have asked, I would have paid. But since we were all so close, it was just a great friendship delveloped over a couple of years. They went on 32 trips with me, and all the othe company guys were always so jealous...lol
Maybe you have Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
yes ea ender and I have met long ago and I was just telling ea once you build a rapport with someone I've gone on short trips no fee at all just with the understanding while on the trip its my vacation as well so all expenses paid.