To the conservatives and ultra conservative MAGA minions

Or maybe I'm capable of reading and comprehending a book that is trying to be banned, that is about the state of society when books are banned?

Rambling BS that is cut and pasted, doesn't deserve my attention to that level.
chefnerd's Avatar
Standard response I see from someone with NO INTELLIGENT reply. So MAGA person who do think this is from? I doubt you have the smarts to figure it out and will probably answer with some moronic answer like before
chefnerd's Avatar
Or maybe I'm capable of reading and comprehending a book that is trying to be banned, that is about the state of society when books are banned?

Rambling BS that is cut and pasted, doesn't deserve my attention to that level. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
If you are reading banned books then I commend you. And no what I posted is NOT rambling. It is an actual historic and recorded speech.
If you are reading banned books then I commend you. And no what I posted is NOT rambling. It is an actual historic and recorded speech. Originally Posted by chefnerd

If I'm reading banned books we are already fucked. Think about it...that would mean the FIRST amendment has been suppressed.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
In other words you are incapable of comprehending anything beyond Dick and Jane books Originally Posted by chefnerd
Man, I am just asking for the CliffsNotes version of your initial post. If you would have provided that in a few sentences, maybe people would actually read all of that to see what your values are that you are referring to. Because you did not and with that format, few are going to actually read all of it because you never bothered to spend an extra 30 seconds to explain why it was worth a long read in a fucked up format. Instead, you obviously decided to insult people because they weren't in the mood to read a bunch of words jumbled together that may or may not actually be insightful to them.

Don't take it as an insult. Some like me are just lazy readers on this board and definitely more so at later hours like now.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
properly format your post. then i might read it. or not.

What, you can't read something at an elementary school level?
I'm sure that MILLIONS of US citizens understood it quite well at the time the address was given. Oh right, you have NO CLUE about this do you? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If you wrote it then double break between paragraphs. If you just copied and pasted, how about a citation for someone who put in the effort?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, I read it. It's good but wordy. I could cut it to a third with the same ideas but less poetic. This was written in the early 60s or late 50s in the last century. Eisenhower? Kennedy? McArthur? Stevenson? Graham? I could do a Bing search (Google is evil) but I'd rather let the OP do the work and explain what this means to you.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Well, I read it. It's good but wordy. I could cut it to a third with the same ideas but less poetic. This was written in the early 60s or late 50s in the last century. Eisenhower? Kennedy? McArthur? Stevenson? Graham? I could do a Bing search (Google is evil) but I'd rather let the OP do the work and explain what this means to you. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Eisenhower's First Inaugural Address, Jan 20, 1953. Richard Nixon was the VP.
biomed1's Avatar
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