Running into a Provider in Public

Last year at a Rangers game I was setting behind three providers and their pimps. My son was wondering what I was laughing about. They were quite open about their connection and the pimps kept them running out for beer. My son in his forty's said those guys sure have them trained.
i agree as much as i would like to say hi to some people i would prefer to keep this life and me regular life separate
Even if I knew the lady I wouldn't do more that a discrete nod of my head. I also keep that part private despite the fact my children know what I am doing. I set up a date for a local New Years party last year then found out my daughter and her husband would attend. I canceled the date then informed my daughter of what happened. She laughed and said go for it she didn't mind. It was to late by then to go.
atxbrad's Avatar
Its actually happened to me pretty often.
If I know them, seen them socially before, and had interaction other than BCD I will definatly say Hi.
If it was a purely BCD experience, and had only seen the lady BCD a few times, I will give a quick eye contact so she will know I saw her and I will leave it at that. Maybe a follow up PM if Im really interested in seeing her BCD again.
GneissGuy's Avatar
The safe thing is to act as if you don't know her/him. If we're both alone, I'll make eye contact. I assume that if they don't want to talk, they'll break eye contact.

If they're not alone, I'll ignore them unless they approach me.

However, if they're not alone, don't be too obvious that you're avoiding them. Don't show shock, etc.

Be prepared for how you'll react. Especially if you're with a civilian. Sometimes your real world love interests have ESP about such things. Don't get caught "gawking." Be prepared for how you'll react if the SO says "who's she?" or how you'll react if the other person obviously recognizes you and the SO asks who that was.