CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually you were just looking for a excuse to smear shit dull knife. Scrape of your shoe. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The "dull knife" made a point, LittleEva. Just telling the truth.

The "dull knife" made a point, LittleEva. Just telling the truth.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
In your senile old head dull knife. The only point you made, was you are stupid.
RedLeg505's Avatar
IF they can prove Obama knew/ordered it, he's toast and should be. Originally Posted by Submodo
You the Dems had PROOF that Nixon knew/ordered Rose Mary Woods to erase 18 minutes of tape?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm reading this book called The Last Battle. It is about the close of World War II when some Americans, some French prisoners, and (get this) some German Wermacht defended a castle against the Waffen SS. The war was just about over, Hitler was dead, and orders had been given to the hard core Nazis in the SS to seize the castle and kill everyone inside (German and French alike). The Wermacht were soldiers not Nazis. Their war was over.

Makes me wonder who the Waffen SS are here and who are just the regular democrats. When you know you've lost you accept that and move on or do you use every underhanded trick to not win but to not lose. I can tell that EVA is SS and a few others as well.
You are surprised there are people stupid enough to believe a President, any President yet not surprised that folks might actually believe some of your nonsense!?

You asshole's sound like the Code Pink bitchs that wanted Bush impeached.

Impeach him at the polls. You had your chance in 2012. Originally Posted by WTF
what never surprises me is that WTF affects an above the fray superiority and pronounces a pox on both houses, but only and always in threads where even he finds it impossible to defend the liar party

with him its either defending democrats or acting like hes beyond and above either side of an issue
what never surprises me is that WTF affects an above the fray superiority and pronounces a pox on both houses, but only and always in threads where even he finds it impossible to defend the liar party

with him its either defending democrats or acting like hes beyond and above either side of an issue Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Richard Nixon must be looking down from Heaven, (or up from hell), in complete awe of this current administration.

If only he would have had a willing press, made up of loyal lackeys, to simply look the other way.
But wait, there's more. Now the IRS can't find emails from 6 more IRS employees involved in this. Geez, what a surprise.

Total BS. And the few remaining liberals who support Obama still find nothing wrong with this.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Richard Nixon must be looking down from Heaven, (or up from hell), in complete awe of this current administration.

If only he would have had a willing press, made up of loyal lackeys, to simply look the other way. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What does that even mean? That Obama is under less scrutiny than Nixon? Or that it would have been better if nobody exposed Nixon for Watergate?

In either case, you're wrong.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Richard Nixon must be looking down from Heaven, (or up from hell), in complete awe of this current administration.

If only he would have had a willing press, made up of loyal lackeys, to simply look the other way. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Nixon needed a few coats of Bronze My Face and he could have gotten away with murder.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you are not outraged by the behavior of this administration, you owe Nixon and Reagan an apology.
Nixon resigned, rather than drag this country down. Lets see what the... Omuzinazi does, next year... LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-18-2014, 06:15 AM

Makes me wonder who the Waffen SS are here . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Look in the mirror JD, it is you and your never compromise Tea Wackados.

If you can't figure out who the dumbest mofo in the room is, it is because it is probably you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-18-2014, 06:19 AM
What does that even mean? That Obama is under less scrutiny than Nixon?
. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It means that they can not believe that there are folks that do not think like them. It is because they live in the echo chamber of talk radio where they all march in lock step....
When the IRS confessed that it had "lost" the e-mails it tried to cover its tracks by moaning about the exhaustive and costly search involving hundreds of people. Congress instructed the IRS multiple times that it wanted "all" of Lois Lerner's e-mails and six other likely co-conspirators. The IRS slipped up when it admitted that it had been using search words to look for e-mails to recover them and review them for relevancy. The IRS also admitted that it had asked the Justice Department for relevant e-mails from Lerner. Does this sound like an attempt to recover all e-mails? Only a fool would believe that excuse. The cover-up has gone prime time. There are likely more people at the IRS guilty of obstruction of justice than are guilty of targeting conservative groups. Anybody involved in this cover-up should be ultimately heading to jail, just like the Watergate bunch. But it will likely never happen. I despair that not enough people care, and those that do are branded as partisan and dis-honest by the administration's propaganda machine.
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  • WTF
  • 06-18-2014, 05:26 PM
. I despair that not enough people care, and those that do are branded as partisan and dis-honest by the administration's propaganda machine. Originally Posted by trident60
Yea that is pretty much how it works....I remember those opposed to the Iraq war running into your book burning Dixie Chicks bullshit....