Encounter lisa marie had me jumped and robbed after being a regular for 5 months

Handsomelake84's Avatar
A wise man once said on here “hooker love is a powerful thing”, you get blinded sometimes.
The thing about these girls who pull this nonsense is they don't stay in the game long. Once their reputation is out they don't get anyone to come see them then they move onto something else.
loose track of time but

if not mistaken she

has been doing this for about 5 years ?

she the one with c o p s tat on her nuckels?

off and on in my casual viewing
her biz prob picked up
sure there are guys seeking this out

the OP was pretty much there
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
She was the first provider i met with, she was fine for the most part until recently with the whole buying shit thing (she usually just asked me to get condoms or something). She got me hooked on her other hobbies too though so that was definitely also impairing my judgement a bit but yes i am a dumbass, behold my mistake Originally Posted by sucker45

At no point in her career has this girl been any good of a provider. It is rather shocking that you've continued to see her let alone running errands with her!! To each his own I guess???
Bro this is a hooker. Not your struggling sister. Idk how you even made it that far into the hole tbh ��
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I’ve no problem taking them to laundromat or for some food. (Staff edit). You do know they don’t buy it with money. And they are most likely packing serious sizes
Handsomelake84's Avatar
don’t use the same words that are in the activities, I know this now
Thanks for sharing this story, it reminds us all to practice safe actions.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
So do I lose the warning now you guys took those words out of the story?
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I’m waiting for Buffalo1966 to tell this harlot to get pepper spray. He can give them good advice on how to rob guys with a OG.
She's not on hippie juice she's on hood juice. Let's face it very few of these girls are doing this because they love the job... Are there some out there who do? Sure, but they're rarely like unicorns. I've been around a long time and never ran into these kinds of problems, like the era of New Times ads, but things have changed. In the last 6 months I got robbed once and a whole lot of bad experiences. It's a different world today. Everyone should review girls to stop this nonsense. As Ashley said to me is just suck the dick... If u find a girl u like try to stick with her but don't ever get attached. I walk in with a filled aluminum water bottle, why? So if u get jumped u can get at least one good thump in. Keep in mind I'm a big guy like Warren Sapp big so I assume that alone has saved me from other bad experiences. So be prepared for anything nowadays. No one is going to shoot you for a couple hundred bucks so keep that in mind. Just be prepared, period. After getting robbed that one time I'm in the never again camp.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
They don’t have the right to do this also, they are just as much in the wrong as we are, if not more. So these thieving pimps and whores can tell themselves anything they want. Nobody who is a bad person thinks they are a bad person. I did a review of a pimp and SWer robbing me on here and like two weeks later or less, Major Hands does a review for her talking about how good she is. Then they are making Albany news for it, he says they might be innocent. Well Major, Hotels have cameras everywhere and cash apps can be traced and said weapon was found in room, any lawyer would take the case, sorry.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
Major should go to court for a character witness for the pimp in question, give his speech about how his last sentence was short for the charges. He isn’t that bad, please let him go. It made sense to me when I read it, me and everyone else is lying he saying, they are innocent.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I didn’t experience the weapon like the other guys, imagine having a gun in your face and then have a guy say you’re lying. That other report on here from the guy in White Plains, it’s still first degree robbery, keeping it in your clothes. Even if it was a candy bar, that is how dumb he was. It doesn’t matter