When pt is involved what do u do?

stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
Beating an addiction is a lifelong task that you never fully overcome. They say there are people, places and things that lead an addict back down that path. If she's in the same place with same people doing the same things it's not a good recipe. That said if you care enough to ask here, ask her yourself.
iscrewedmeganfox's Avatar
OH BOY do i have experience with this topic! I would change my previous angry statement that all providers use PT or alcohol to MOST providers do. It takes a rare breed to do this job sober. Most women would never even consider it unless they had a habit or other people's habits (pos boyfriend/pimp) to feed. I have met truly sweet caring women who naively get into this business thinking it is "easy" money and quickly get sucked in fully. It has to be a small minority of women who would be willing to fuck and suck any scumbag who waves some money at her WITHOUT the fear of withdrawal or a beating. I didnt say it doesnt happen it just has to be very very rare (before any providers flip out at me). The rehab issue is another story. IF the provider in question actually went and did the treatment with the intention of staying sober and was not just court ordered, I would be VERY skeptical of her intentions to return to hooking based on my previous statements. It's like going to the barber shop every single day, eventually you are going to get a haircut. Wish her luck, help her if you can, but don't get your hopes up too high. I know I have gone through this too many times.
jokacz's Avatar
Does it give confidence to a woman to be an escort? Originally Posted by poplips
No, it gives them money, and that is the central addiction. The drugs or booze allow the hooking to be tolerable.
well its nice to see gents admit not all providers are into the scene..cuz there are some of us that arent..we gotta make a living and micky d's aint coverern it..and im not interested in goin into the system..i dont think its the right way to show my lil ones how to live..might be cool for some and that s okay i def dont want to tell ya how to bring up yours..cuz i sure wouldnt want that type of situation happening to me..

any rate..goodluck and understand..life is a bitch for all of us..your not alone..
we all deal with the crap piled on us..however..we all have a choice on how we deal with it..be wise and look to the big pic..im outa out..
iscrewedmeganfox's Avatar
well its nice to see gents admit not all providers are into the scene..cuz there are some of us that arent..we gotta make a living and micky d's aint coverern it..and im not interested in goin into the system..i dont think its the right way to show my lil ones how to live..might be cool for some and that s okay i def dont want to tell ya how to bring up yours..cuz i sure wouldnt want that type of situation happening to me..

any rate..goodluck and understand..life is a bitch for all of us..your not alone..
we all deal with the crap piled on us..however..we all have a choice on how we deal with it..be wise and look to the big pic..im outa out.. Originally Posted by aj14620
I forgot to mention the other big reason women do this that you just did: support their children. Although, you have to admit it is usually the case that the girls abandon their kids when escorting. I salute you for being willing to sacrifice for your kids and to not be a parasite like so many others automatically do. You are in that tiny minority I spoke of.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Does it give confidence to a woman to be an escort? Originally Posted by poplips
It can give you confidence, it has improved mine. I am becoming a health nut (which can be an addiction)..it has improved my shyness and self conscious introverted tendencies..(Jokacz just shhhh :/ lol)

It can also chew you up and spit you out if you can't take the bad with the good.

You can only succeed mentally if you are proud on the inside and do not feel ashamed of what you do in life. You can only be happy if you enjoy what you do. I treat this biz as just that ..my profession. I take it seriously and care about the service I provide. I enjoy most of my clients quite a bit. I do not cross certain boundaries between professional and personal. I wouldn't recommend doing it forever but then again that's the same with any occupation.

An addiction looks for excuses to crawl back. "Faith makes things possible not easy" biblical quote..motivation thread.

All of this is jmho.
Being intimately involved with a provider that fits your description, pop, I think a lot has to do with what she did with the money. If she was excorting primarily to buy drugs, then the probability of relapse is high. If she was using the money to pay bills or buy clothees, jewlery, etc. Then the probability of that is high.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Don't know if anyone will answer this. But let's say a provider had serious pt issues and then goes to rehab and gets clean and sober but still remains a provider, what are the chances she is still using or will eventually go back even when the pt issues were everything you could think of or is the providing itself the only addiction she is not willing to forego? Does it give confidence to a woman to be an escort? Originally Posted by poplips
Why is providing considered an addiction to you?
Lexxxy's Avatar
I've never heard of a provider abandoning her children, most provide to keep their children and like aj said,to teach them not to go on welfare or expect hand outs. I hate to burst fantasy bubbles here but most providers are happily married and this is a kick, a way to have extra, fun, or a way to make ends meet when the unfortunate happens (lay offs, unemployment running out, hiring freezes, death, illness...) It's becoming more and more rare for a family to be able to live off of one income and who wants to be a boring ass house wife unless you have a bunch of kids? I did that bored housewife thing back in the day and it sucked. There is only so much shopping, cooking, Cleaning, and rearranging you can do before you lose your mind with boredom and start looking for trouble Lmfao.
I can see how some can get addicted to the adrenaline rush or money maybe if they came upwithout money or attention.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Why is providing focused on as the addiction here, perhaps one who seeks the service of a provider shouldn't judge ...one may consider hobbying an addiction. No offence ijs.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Why is providing focused on as the addiction here, perhaps one who seeks the service of a provider shouldn't judge ...one may consider hobbying an addiction. No offence ijs. Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
yup, shhhhhhhhhhhhh most do not want to know.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Why is providing focused on as the addiction here, perhaps one who seeks the service of a provider shouldn't judge ...one may consider hobbying an addiction. No offence ijs. Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
I did not mean to say that providing itself is universally an addiction. I meant to ask specifically with very low esteem or none at all people they may view men paying them for sex as a way to define their worth and that's what I meant by the addiction. Maybe this is more true for pt providers. But what I do want to ask the providers here, because some women that have expressed their views on this and think it shameful and degrading, is it really a shameless profession or what is it about the trade for those who provide and for those that seek it that marks as degenerates and lowlifes? The same is true for pornstars. Why is their trade acceptable and not the ones who remain off camera? I try to not judge myself too harshly when I see a provider but the pt ones do weigh on my mind. They say if they're hooking they're using but like FF said not all are PTs. The ones in Canada may not all be PTs. And why is the lore about providers always that they turn to pt as a way to repair their souls. I get conflicting views. I was talking to pt provider in Buffalo while she was high that she is jaded by the trade and had no place and goes in and out of jail for pt. She's only 35 with 4 kids. The last one by a john and adopted and hooked on pt because she couldn't stop. If a provider cannot stop using when she knows she's pregnant makes me understand how powerful that addiction is. So knowing this pt providers will definitely weigh on my mind. Is this something they would willingly do if they were free of pt ? I don't know for sure what is out there more of the pt provider or the stable educated provider who likes what she's doing and will do this for the rest of her life cuz it's fun and delightful. Or it's a temporary thing until they earn enough cash for something new in their lives. I truly do not know.
jokacz's Avatar
I've never heard of a provider abandoning her children, most provide to keep their children Originally Posted by Lexxxy
What alternate reality are you living in? I've lost count of the hookers that have had their children taken away from them by the government. Add to that the ones whose children are being raised by the kid's grandparents.
agreed ms.fine (YOU ARE FINE) I am a sex addict!