CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-30-2013, 12:15 AM
From Dec 1995 to Jan of 96 there was a Government shut down during the Clinton Administration. Maybe you remember. It only lasted about three weeks or so, but after things returned to normal Clinton balanced the budget. That was a very positive result of that Gov't Shutdown. Hopefully something as positive as that can take place again. Originally Posted by acp5762

yup, and congress had passed sever key bills to insure some things didn't get closed down ... not this time

but after 95 the VA made a big fuss and congress passed a bill allowing them funding for 2 years in a row just in case the republicans got stupid again
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets see, Clinton went in front of the Federation of Government Workers in June and said to save money for September. He then signed paperwork to borrow $60 billion from that same union. So how did Clinton know that there was going to be a shutdown in October in June? Any you think that it was the GOP who caused the shutdown..... idiots.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-30-2013, 12:23 AM
Lets see, Clinton went in front of the Federation of Government Workers in June and said to save money for September. He then signed paperwork to borrow $60 billion from that same union. So how did Clinton know that there was going to be a shutdown in October in June? Any you think that it was the GOP who caused the shutdown..... idiots. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Clinton isn't in the title of this thread

More certain, however, is that if a shutdown happens over Obamacare and Republicans wind up taking the heat, many GOP fingers of blame will point squarely at Sen. Ted Cruz.
The Texas Republican will likely become the face of the 2013 shutdown, just as Newt Gingrich became the poster boy of two government shutdowns of the mid-1990s

I wonder how Putin is going to bail him out of this red line.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Guess how safe Israel will be if China flexes its economic muscle and collapses the US economy, or even threatens to. They have security for their interest. Don't doubt it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It would be suicidal for the Chinese to collapse the US economy, even if they could do so. They need us worse than they need them. Who else is going to buy all the crummy counterfeit shit they make?
In the meantime, we have unemployed people who could get to work making essentials.
If the value of their US bond holdings collapse, they lose a fortune. They are diversifying into Euro's, which is smart but we can create all the money we need without them. This fool's paradise here in the US will only be stopped, long term, when the world wises up to the scam we are pulling on them via the Federal Reserve and QE2.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
CJ feels like his balls are in a vise from my correclty pointing out his lies in another post by trying to make hay over here. Too bad, so sad lying boy. My post is in response to another post. I'm good, I'm right, and you're still looking like a fooooollllll (sing it like Elvis).
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-30-2013, 08:33 AM
I'm good, I'm right, and you're still looking like a fooooollllll (sing it like Elvis). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, when are you going to come out of the closet?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey, you fat fucking anti-Semite, what the fuck can the Chinese do about it? Tell our congress to not shut down the government or what exactly are they going to do to us? They have the problem - they are the suckers who hold US debt denominated in dollars - which we control the value of and can keep printing the shit out of it until other countries wise up! In the meantime, who is going to buy their shitty products, and what currency will they use?
By the way, all you liberals predict decades of defeat for Republicans no matter what, because of demographics being against them. You might have a point, so why shouldn't the Republicans shut down the government and take the current set of Democrats down with them. Sure, the Republicans will get the blame, but many people might also decide the current crop of Democrats didn't show much brilliance either, backing the Republicans into the corner to commit suicide. What benefit do the Republicans get if they don't threaten to shut down the monstrosity in Washington - it is an act of righteous rebellion and they get to try to blast Obamacare at the same time.
In the 60's, the liberals bombed the government and got what they wanted, why shouldn't conservatives blow up that which they oppose at this point. What do they have to lose? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

Your time hey is up, Rocky. Either move or quit posting so we think you've moved, you fraudulent bag of wind.

But quit calling everybody who disagrees with you a faggot or an anti-Semite.

BTW -- how's that IP check working out for you! Kayla/Jane?