To review or not to review

Reviews are worthless. Period. Whether here, TER or any other review site. There are many reasons. Some of them are:
  • Not all hobbyists review, so there's not a complete record
  • Some hobbyists that do reviews, don't review all providers
  • Some hobbyists are WKs for providers, so "fake" reviews get on the board
  • Some providers harass hobbyists who write an accurate, but negative, review
  • Some hobbyists have never written a "bad" review. Which leads you to believe they've never had a "bad" session. That's BS. All hobbyists (even the king, L, has had at least one).
  • Not all ladies are reviewed. A number of ladies from BP are never reviewed. And a number of ladies (mostly HDHs or a tier just below them) are never reviewed.
All reviews suck because they never tell the whole story. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
i wouldnt say worthless. if you see CBJ over and over...chances are you will recieve the same service. so if that is a deal breaker for you...its good to know. and not all providers are very specific on what they offer.

i bet if more of the ladies on BP got reviewed, they would get more business. i least we would know they are legit.
burkalini's Avatar
Charles I do tend to disagree a little bit in that they are for hobbyists mainly. I get emails all the time asking me opinion of a provider because I have reviewed them previously. I don't favor any provider except to the point that they give good or bad service. I am in agreement that services listed are a good gauge on whether the providers does them or not as long as there are multiple reviews listing the same stuff. Now if your rude or stanky your not going to get the services anyway lol
Charles...if your rude or stanky your not going to get the services anyway lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Damn!!! Been wondering what the problem was.
I personally think providers should have access to the entire content of their reviews. Otherwise, we can't utilize the reviews - good or bad - to better our level of service.

If I see what appears to be a great review on me, but can't see the detailed comments, then it's difficult for me to know exactly what made the session so good for that particular hobbyist. Along the same lines, if I were to receive a bad review, but couldn't see details, I would have little to no idea what the hobbyist felt was missing or "off" in our session.

ECCIE is a venue for information exchange. But at this point, the exchange of information is somewhat limited between hobbyists and providers. TER allows verified providers access to their reviews, and I'm a member of more than one regional board that allows all verified providers full access to all reviews. On those boards, this practice seems to be far from a catalyst for drama. Instead, it seems to speak to the provider in a way that encourages her to continue doing the things the hobbyist likes, and improve service where necessary. On top of that, providers can see what other providers are doing right... and then follow the same practices. And it works. Well. The overall level of content with sessions seems to be higher on those regional boards for both sides of the hobby. Just a thought.
burkalini's Avatar
Natalie, I think your the exception to the rule as most providers don't really take any suggestions to improve themselves as a positive and react with negativity. I applaud your outloook. I would think you are a successful provider
John Bull's Avatar
Natalie, there are boards that allow providers to see all the review. Those board reviews suck because, due mainly to provider retaliation, there are no bad reviews. Consequently, ladies who consistently perform badly get away with it. Also, the wk's thrive.
The Eccie way is for the benefit of the hobbyists, not for the ladies. Our way is what makes a review worth something.
Leave it to the mods to defend the board the way it is.

In everything, there's always room for improvement.

On this board, it won't even come close to being valuable until all hobbyists honestly review every escort, whether HDH or BP.

Until this are absolutely worthless and a waste of time.
daty/o's Avatar

On this board, it won't even come close to being valuable until all hobbyists honestly review every escort, whether HDH or BP. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Mariah Moore's Avatar
I think you should definitely review but stay honest. I can not speak on the nasty remarks you receive after you post a not so nice review, but I do think that you should review because guys and some of us girls would love to hear what you have to say just my .02...
burkalini's Avatar
Charles I agree that honesty is the key. I can tell you from experience that drama does follow it. I have had some on this site. All I can do is continue and hope for the best
ANONONE's Avatar
Reviews are worthless. Period. Whether here, TER or any other review site. There are many reasons. Some of them are:
  • Not all hobbyists review, so there's not a complete record
  • Some hobbyists that do reviews, don't review all providers
  • Some hobbyists are WKs for providers, so "fake" reviews get on the board
  • Some providers harass hobbyists who write an accurate, but negative, review
  • Some hobbyists have never written a "bad" review. Which leads you to believe they've never had a "bad" session. That's BS. All hobbyists (even the king, L, has had at least one).
  • Not all ladies are reviewed. A number of ladies from BP are never reviewed. And a number of ladies (mostly HDHs or a tier just below them) are never reviewed.
All reviews suck because they never tell the whole story. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Reviews are VERY important. Those that doubt it, were not around hobbying when there was no internet. I shudder at the idea of going back to cold calls from sex classifieds and yellow page ads for agencies.

I am sorry, but the above post was the most foolish thing I have read on this board in months. Charles is a good guy, but I think he is letting his funk/bitterness over whatever happened to him color his posts a bit black and blue.

Operating in the hobby without research is not just problematic. . .it is stupid.
I'm not recommending the yellow pages.

I'm just saying that reviews don't give you the whole story because the whole story just isn't there. Even (or especially) in the ROS. You have to read all these reviews not with just a grain of salt, but with a pound. There are just too many influence affecting the reviews, and it's well known that they don't always reflect the truth.

It may be better now than in the ice age of the yellow pages, but you still can't rely on the reviews. And it's more than just YMMV. One can be absolutely sandbagged by reviews.

One thing that stood out is that the best service I got was from ladies that weren't reviewed. So does that mean the best service is on BP? I couldn't tell you b/c I've only been w/ one BP girl. But the point is...the ones that had splendid reviews tended to fall down on service. Maybe it was b/c they had such good reviews and lived on their reps, I don't know. But that has been my experience.
ANONONE's Avatar
I'm not recommending the yellow pages.

I'm just saying that reviews don't give you the whole story because the whole story just isn't there. Even (or especially) in the ROS. You have to read all these reviews not with just a grain of salt, but with a pound. There are just too many influence affecting the reviews, and it's well known that they don't always reflect the truth.

It may be better now than in the ice age of the yellow pages, but you still can't rely on the reviews. And it's more than just YMMV. One can be absolutely sandbagged by reviews.

One thing that stood out is that the best service I got was from ladies that weren't reviewed. So does that mean the best service is on BP? I couldn't tell you b/c I've only been w/ one BP girl. But the point is...the ones that had splendid reviews tended to fall down on service. Maybe it was b/c they had such good reviews and lived on their reps, I don't know. But that has been my experience. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
You are extremely misguided or inexperienced if you really believe that.

Reviews are one of the best tools we have for research. Period.
Natalie, there are boards that allow providers to see all the review. Those board reviews suck because, due mainly to provider retaliation, there are no bad reviews. Consequently, ladies who consistently perform badly get away with it. Also, the wk's thrive.
The Eccie way is for the benefit of the hobbyists, not for the ladies. Our way is what makes a review worth something. Originally Posted by John Bull
This is no small matter. Think about what ladies demand in terms of information in many cases in order to see a hobbyist. Basically, they demand enough information to make a hobbyist's life into a living hell if they so desire.

Obviously, in most cases, that is not the purpose. The purpose is to make the hobbyist accountable (and know in advance that he is accountable) so that force and fraud will be abolished from the transaction. Obviously, a woman who is not in fear can do better at ANY task. And the only retaliation ever on the part of a provider should be reserved for cases of force or fraud.

But provider retaliation for a bad review is a very real thing. I know hobbyists who have successfully prevailed upon board administrators to get reviews yanked after coming under fire from a provider who would stop at no level of destruction in order to get that review yanked. This serves to make hobbyists very hesitant to accurately report the truth if it is unfavorable to the provider.

So as sad as it is, I believe a system where providers can't see their reviews is worthwhile to protect the integrity of the system.

If a provider DOES want feedback so she can improve; there are other ways to get it. For example, set aside a questionaire on your website that all your clients have a password to access and fill out. It's the same password for all clients, so the client who left the feedback is not identifiable. This way a hobbyist who is so inclined can leave data for you that can help you improve or just give kudos.
burkalini's Avatar
Laurentius thats a great idea. I don't believe most providers will do that but I would be impressed with the ones that do. I also like the fact that the ROS on this site is not avail to providers. when I review on or Ter and the review is less than positive. Here comes the drama. Not always but most of the time