An example of the GOP imploding

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-21-2013, 11:59 AM
CJ! I am surprised at YOUR racism. I didn't see anything racist in the terms "love child" or "street walker". I understand that a person of any race can be one or the other (or both) but in your brain they can only be black. Your racism is on full display. I feel bad for you...

This is nothing new. How many times have Tea Party candidates been attacked by the GOP establishment and you said nothing. Actually, you usually laughed and thought it was good. Why the change of heart? I smell hypocrisy in the air. Ted Cruz got the same treatment when he took on the establishment candidate as did Nikki Haley. Two different philosophies. Lets look at this bozo. After all this is Chicago (all of Illinois is Chicago for political purposes) and like Massachusetts a republican is probably pretty liberal. Ooops! You forgot to mention that Allen has resigned. I think that is important. I guess his own party could not support his personal convictions. Cast a lot of doubt on your assumptions doesn't it? I also notice that the head of the RNC also called for the resignation of Allen. Also kind of important. You sure do leave a lot out.

So to conclude; CJ shows his own personal racism with certain distateful assumptions (kind of like Jim Allen) and the Illinois and national GOP can't stomach what he said. His resignation is demanded and recieved. We also know that the lefties here cannot tell the complete truth and hope that their lies go undiscovered. Shameful! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Idiot ^^^^^
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Very Weak, very weak, Like American beer. Is the real CJ on vacation this week?

Conservatives are the STUPIDIST smart people I know!!! Haven't they learned anything from the past past two elections?? Just continue spewing your trash and live in that bubble of yours and get used to being the minority.. yes your ARE the minority and this country has a history of flattening minorities so I suggest let's continue the trend why don't we...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-21-2013, 03:00 PM
the official cap of the GOP

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-21-2013, 07:52 PM
CJ! I am surprised at YOUR racism. I didn't see anything racist in the terms "love child" or "street walker". I understand that a person of any race can be one or the other (or both) but in your brain they can only be black. Your racism is on full display. I feel bad for you...

This is nothing new. How many times have Tea Party candidates been attacked by the GOP establishment and you said nothing. Actually, you usually laughed and thought it was good. Why the change of heart? I smell hypocrisy in the air. Ted Cruz got the same treatment when he took on the establishment candidate as did Nikki Haley. Two different philosophies. Lets look at this bozo. After all this is Chicago (all of Illinois is Chicago for political purposes) and like Massachusetts a republican is probably pretty liberal. Ooops! You forgot to mention that Allen has resigned. I think that is important. I guess his own party could not support his personal convictions. Cast a lot of doubt on your assumptions doesn't it? I also notice that the head of the RNC also called for the resignation of Allen. Also kind of important. You sure do leave a lot out.

So to conclude; CJ shows his own personal racism with certain distateful assumptions (kind of like Jim Allen) and the Illinois and national GOP can't stomach what he said. His resignation is demanded and recieved. We also know that the lefties here cannot tell the complete truth and hope that their lies go undiscovered. Shameful! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Even by your standards that is a dumb post.

I bet you don't see any racial connotations in fried chicken and watermelon comments either, do you?

Of course street walkers can be of any color, but you know quite well Allen probably saw only one color in his mind when he said that. Admit it--Allen is a bigoted loudmouth. Good for the Reps that they pushed him aside; bad for the Reps that they let a brainless loudmouth like that get into a position of responsibility. All parties have racists, and a few racists doesn't mean that mindset is present I all the rest--but at least admit it when one of "yours" outs himself so blatantly.