A carefully crafted oddity about the Centennial shooter

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We really don't need your racism here Eva.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Big Louie I have said it for years, if you are going to kill yourself, do it first.

I guess he just did not understand that everybody is going to die at some point in their life. Some will die sooner than later but it should not be up to the government to make those decisions.
We really don't need your racism here Eva. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

We don't need your stupidity here either , but we tolerate it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If I suddenly stopped Eva would go right up my ass (he'd like that).
You love things in your ass don't you? (you would love it)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
REALLY? I changed my avatar and then you change your avatar to something that just keeps going forward. Does it really take a genius to understand the psychological meaning of your avatar? Talk about gay.....
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-16-2013, 02:49 PM
REALLY? I changed my avatar and then you change your avatar to something that just keeps going forward. Does it really take a genius to understand the psychological meaning of your avatar? Talk about gay..... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

going forward opposed to what ? ... only a gay would associate that avatar with gay ..
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I am glad you have finally put up a true avatar of yourself showing you have something stuck up your ass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Pretty weak opening shot. Guess you agree with my statement.

By the way...this is a picture of you toasting someone at last years Christmas party. You were pretty out of it so I guess you don't remember. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Weak opening shot? It was good enough for a weak topic.

If he asked you to suck his dick again you would assume he was agreeing with your statement.

You are as ignorant about wine as you are about everything else.

When they said let the wine breathe, the smell of ass wasn't what they had in mind.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Big Louie I have said it for years, if you are going to kill yourself, do it first.

I guess he just did not understand that everybody is going to die at some point in their life. Some will die sooner than later but it should not be up to the government to make those decisions. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
So you can parrot the quitter.

Care to explain why it matters to you that the government (who hands out entitlement after entitlement) decides and the cut your throat for a dollar insurance companies, who have profited from death since the concept of insurance policies was invented, don't any more?

Explain why you want a "for profit" board to decide instead of an "elected" board.

Because if you don't want one you get the other. Regardless.

There are 2 fucking choices. Why did you pick the one you did?
REALLY? I changed my avatar and then you change your avatar to something that just keeps going forward. Does it really take a genius to understand the psychological meaning of your avatar? Talk about gay..... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

You must be partaking of too much of that ass wine or is babbling your forte?
Pretty weak opening shot. Guess you agree with my statement.

By the way...this is a picture of you toasting someone at last years Christmas party. You were pretty out of it so I guess you don't remember. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes....again....by declaring that that someone is in agreement with you....you win. Does this strategy work for you in other areas of your life? You fucking dunce.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Number one point for the consumption of idiots, I don't drink. Beer, liquor or wine.

Munche there is absolutely nothing elected about a death panel. They are appointed as it says in the Obama plan.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Very simple, there is nothing wrong with making a profit even if it is from insurance.
I have never had any claim denied and have been covered for a phase one clinical trial of a drug that was not yer FDA approved for commercial sale. I fully believe that had I had to wait on a government bureaucracy to decide if I was eligible for coverage that I would be dead. My insurance company did not even blink.I have never had a delay in coverage from my insurance company.

Now about your elected people that will make the decisions,; can you tell me where and when I will get to vote for them? Can I vote the IRS out of office? What happens to my request when they find out I am a conservative libertarian? Will they make me answer questions like what my prayers are about other questions the IRS is known for? What makes you believe that the government is infallible? The IRS owes me money but they want me to hire a lawyer to get it from them. What happens when the government can no longer borrow money to fund this new entitlement? Do you think they are going to be easier to deal with or more difficult.

You live in a dreamland where you believe that somebody that makes a profit is out to fuck you rather than to supply a good product at a competitive price. So when the government has complete control we will enter into another era of inequality as the middle class bears the burden of paying for the ones that do not want to be productive members of society.

So what is next? Do you believe that the government should take over the sale and distribution of food and stop that horrible profiting by farmers, distributors, grocery stores, restaurants? How long before they control what you can buy in the name of good health? How about they control what you eat.

I do not think that the government is a better choice for anything when you have elected officials like Shelia Jackson Lee as an example of what you get when you elect somebody. Or how about Jesse Jackson's son who has government accommodations because of his corrupt deeds.
Yeah elected officials is the answer......not for me.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-17-2013, 06:49 AM

So what is next? Do you believe that the government should take over the sale and distribution of food and stop that horrible profiting by farmers, distributors, grocery stores, restaurants? How long before they control what you can buy in the name of good health? How about they control what you eat.

. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Do you not understand how they have been in the farming business for 50+ years.


The farm bill was first created during the Great Depression to give financial assistance to farmers who were struggling due to an excess crop supply creating low prices, and also to control and ensure an adequate food supply.[4] The first farm bill, known as the Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA), was passed by Congress in 1933 as a part of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal.[5] The bill allowed farmers to receive payment for not growing food on a percentage of their land as allocated by the United States Secretary of Agriculture. It also enabled the government to buy excess grain from farmers, which could then be sold later if bad weather or other circumstances negatively affected output. The AAA also included a nutrition program, the precursor to food stamps.[6]
In 1938, Congress created a more permanent farm bill (the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938) with a built-in requirement to update it every five years.[5] In 1996, the first major structural change was made to the farm bill when Congress decided farm incomes should be managed by the free market and stopped subsidizing farmland and purchasing extra grain. Instead, the government began requiring farmers to enroll in a crop insurance program in order to receive farm payments. This led to years of the highest farm subsidies in American history.[6]
Direct payments also began in the late 1990s as a way to support struggling farmers, regardless of crop output.[5] These payments allowed grain farmers to receive a government check every year based on yields and acreage of the farm as recorded the previous decade.[6]
Number one point for the consumption of idiots, I don't drink. Beer, liquor or wine.

Munche there is absolutely nothing elected about a death panel. They are appointed as it says in the Obama plan. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Drunk ? Stupid ? Well whatever.