Outing /bashing/shaming ... Is never ok in my book!!!!

No thanks SS
beelzebubba's Avatar
I can clearly see now, you got what you deserved.
Law of attraction, keep attempting to out my handle.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Lol u just registered when 5/7/19... Only 2 ppl i could think of but it doesnt matter.. Carry on ..

Birds of a feather flock together.
Yes im a sweetheart and so are my dear gfs!!
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Lmfao seems fitting as well..
Very very clever..

beelzebubba's Avatar
That’s a shame, only can come up with two?
I can think of dozens.


I’m thinking G is the smart one of this group.

Anyone want to bet on how long it is before my real name shows up one of these providers Twitter feed?
Secret Encounters's Avatar
I honestly dnt care bc ur violations will catch up to u..
Sff? Hmm quite a bit of research to do on my own but when I have time i will get bk to u ..lol
I'm a bit im a busy gal ❤

Enjoy your day as we are.. PUMPKIN
dpe? Hmm?
beelzebubba's Avatar
My violations? Perhaps you’d like to clue us in?

Let me guess, busy Tweeting? lol
Secret Encounters's Avatar
I hve no twitter
Random handle started two days ago uses the exact acronym not only in her pathetic cashapp to me, but also in her nasty message and then claims to have a "good memory" of past indiscretions of other providers but again... is a brand spanking new handle and is commenting on a thread that's clearly triggering them.

Only the blind wouldn't be able to see what's going on. And we all have our vision. Shoo fly, you're bothering us.

I don't have time to go back and forth with lunatics. So I will also bow out because I have much better things to focus on. Seek help please. You need it desperately.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Do I need to send a dick pic?
What we are actually seeing is two bsc paranoiding out.
I made a comment about Twitter being idiotic, and you two have gone completely bsc.
That’s what we are seeing.

These emotions you are expressing are why women never get ahead. They cannot for the life of them keep their emotions in check.

They should consider outlawing female rights to post on social media.
Vindictivly posting bullshit without even knowing what they are talking about. Why? Cause they have a feeling. Bwahahaha
No basis in reality, but they have a feeling.
Mmmm. Yeah, so paranoid. I didn't deserve this rude ass message. You sure like that BSC term. #Shrugs

[Staff edit. M]
I have been nothing but nice. This isn't the first time you've assumed. It's ok, I forgive you, just leave me tf alone. Thanks

[Staff edit. M]
beelzebubba's Avatar
Man when you finally figure out how wrong you are, you’re not going to feel good about yourself.
You’re already showing signs of being unhinged, don’t go doing anything stupid because you’re thinking I’m a provider, because you are way the fuck off base.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
How is this unhinged is actually disgusting behavior. Hell if ur a dude I'd ask why so much hate towards a gal u do not know? If u are truly a gent you would see what nasty & disgusting behavior this is. $5.00 make a wish cancer sucks.. Wtf.. Thats evil.

Smh. Its ok please close my thread.. The victim of ugly & hate has spoken & has chosen to not reply any longer to this mandle.
I've said what I've needed to. Please close this as we will no longer feed into HATE & UGLY behavior!!

Thank you!!

Secret Encounters
Im not unhinged baby cakes. Just annoyed and appalled that you'd send such a disgusting DM to someone who just found out that their parent has cancer. That's all. ��

A random tweet about bat shit crazy women shouldn't trigger someone. If it doesn't apply, then let it fly. Have a great rest of the week everyone.