
CellarDweller's Avatar
Dude, you probably would faint if you saw some of the places in the Philipines, Thiawan, Korea and back streets of Buenos Airies that I and others have partaken of this hobby! Been in several luxury hotels in those same places as well, you just go with the flow and enjoy the fruit!
All the best!
Any of you geniuses ever figure maybe he didn't want to use his regular account to post this? Especially when members here and pimps, sorry, I mean employers have shown themselves time and time again to be hostile towards anyone posting criticisms? Kind of like you guys are doing already. LOL ridiculous
Guess I shouldn't be surprised that many have no issue with unsanitary conditions when the majority here like to have their asshole eaten (a homosexual act even when performed by a woman and highly compromising for STDs) or seek out uncovered/Catholic services. It's called "bug chasing" look it up, and yes it is a mental illness
Guess I shouldn't be surprised that many have no issue with unsanitary conditions when the majority here like to have their asshole eaten (a homosexual act even when performed by a woman and highly compromising for STDs) or seek out uncovered/Catholic services. It's called "bug chasing" look it up, and yes it is a mental illness Originally Posted by Diabetes
You're uttering complete nonsense. First of all, as I told you already, getting your asshole eaten is not a homosexual act. If a man is getting his ass eaten out by a woman, how is that homosexual? You're making no sense.

And you further write that getting your asshole eaten is "highly compromising for STDS". Again, not true. When a woman eats out your ass, only her saliva gets in contact with your ass. There is no risk of catching any STDS from that.

"Bug chasing" is a very specific term in the gay community. A bug chaser is an HIV negative gay man who wishes to seroconvert and become HIV positive. This is a sexual turn on for him. He will therefore seek out a "gift giver", an HIV positive gay man who will share the "gift" of HIV with him. The bug chaser is trying to get "pozzed up" and refers to the HIV positive man's cum as "pozgleet". Trust me, I have a lot of gay friends and I know this stuff.

Straight men who visit AMPS, even the men seeking out Catholic providers, are NOT bug chasers. They have no desire to seroconvert and become infected. Furthermore, many men who visit AMPS do use protection. None of these men want to catch any STDS.

Please stop insulting & putting down your fellow ECCIE members. If you hate our community so much, then feel free to leave, my dear.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 10-06-2019, 03:52 PM
Guess I shouldn't be surprised that many have no issue with unsanitary conditions when the majority here like to have their asshole eaten (a homosexual act even when performed by a woman and highly compromising for STDs) or seek out uncovered/Catholic services. It's called "bug chasing" look it up, and yes it is a mental illness Originally Posted by Diabetes
Check you blood sugar dude
“The foods been ok up until now.”

Long time hobbyist, first time poster. Thank you very much.

How bad does it have to be to disgust CHUNG TRAN?

Ive been there. Is that shit ok with you?
We don’t have to tolerate third world conditions.

Considering all the money those mamasans are raking in off those girls...

What is wrong with you fuckers? You don’t have to wallow in filth.

You should demand a higher sanitation standard.
Those that hate Blue, please STAY AWAY!!!
Because that makes more room for me and easier for me to get an appointment with the girl I want.

Please, all whiney bitches stay away from Blue.
kind of a FRAUD.

one post ever, and it's a slam against Blue.. I have visited Blue more than probably 2-3 guys on ECCIE, currently, and none of what you posted has ever been true on any one of my visits.

I notice you didn't name your Provider, and of course you didn't write a review. that doesn't fit your aim, which is to fuck with Blue.

some of you guys have a very low Bullshit Meter.. after the recent mental tirades from PeterBota, and the inane trolling from Groot, the idea that you gave this post a whisper of believability strains credulity. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
If you don’t like sanitation complaints clean up your act.

Your whore house is disgusting.
BobbyMann's Avatar
That Jacubus voice is starting to sound familiar after all.

Jacubus, in addition to Chung's compelling points (with which I heartily associate myself), my excursions around DFW AMPS (and I go to all of them) convince me that Blue is among the cleanest and best kept. Note how Blue has white walls unlike some of the other AMPs which disguise the stains etc. Blue also shut down completely to clean everything including the carpets especially thoroughly over a period of a day or two within the last few months (as they do periodically).

Yes, we should demand cleanliness, but it is inaccurate and misleading to single out one of the best performers in this regard and condemn it when most are much less attentive and diligent to sanitation than Blue.
Solid_Latino's Avatar
Suckers !!! ...........and all of you are freaking ridiculous!
Solid_Latino's Avatar
Suckers !!! ...........and all of you are freaking ridiculous!
CaptainBlackBeard's Avatar
I'm not there for cleanliness. The shower rooms are NOT that pretty, but I am not there to do a remodeled. When a cute girl walks in for my table shower I just focus on that.
Ronald McDonald's Avatar
I wouldn't eat at my most places, knowing how unclean they are.
I stopped going to Blue for that reason. Place looked and smelled bad. Throw some bleach on the floor and I am fine, but I don’t know what the hell do with that ceiling. Mold or discoloration with that ugly ass air vent had me wanting out of there so bad. Rooms are totally clean, but there is a strong difference between a place like Blue and Luxury.