
Geez - And I thought this thread was about a very pretty sexy young lady trying to change the method of contacting her.........WTF
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Kinda like the test(survey) most companys put out once year. To check on self, divisions, and managers. 5 picks for each "?", strongly disagree to strongly agree. Give to all providers. 5"?'s" for age and how long in this. And 20"?'s" on many things about the hobby. This being one. Problem some providers are providers to keep away from this kinda BS. But it would the first time I could stay awake doing the after reveiw.

Geez - And I thought this thread was about a very pretty sexy young lady trying to change the method of contacting her.........WTF Originally Posted by Perryay
Yes it was. But viviantonight brings up a point. What is good, and What is not. The change the young lady wanted was no phone # in review. But some like the number in the review. Some do not want reviews, others do. But I see that a survey like stated above will never work{1}. For we need to try to meet the wish of each providers, yet still have a active board.
vivian says review is more for are ego. Yet others may say that it helps or hurts them. And so we need to do more homework as to what each wants or needs. Yuck not as easy as one would think, but some never try.

{1} will not work, but could be fun. Over the years of taking employee surveys. I never remember seeing it do a company any good. But yet many still try. Its not the asking but the doing, that will change things for the better.
brutusbluto's Avatar
you know bob, if your dick is bigger than your ego, you must have to lug it around in a wheel barrow Originally Posted by jekemo48
The purpose of this board is for the exchange of valuable information. Comments of a personal nature are not allowed. Please refrain from making such comments to other members.

I had it on good authority that good reviews didn't do providers any good and that it was all about the guy having to strut his ego.

There goes another bad theory. Originally Posted by NormalBob
might not want to dismiss that theory just yet. This thread was because she wants the phone calls to stop. Now, I can only speak for myself but if the phone calls were generating $$$$$$$ I WOULD NOT WANT THEM TO STOP!! I'm just saying

and on a side note I love reviews! about me and about other providers. What I don't love is the bullshit that comes along with them. Specifically, when the author takes on a certain level of ownership in the provider's business. As if the review represents some sort of investment and should therefore entitle the reviewer to special privileges.
at any rate each his/her own!!
carry on

jokacz's Avatar
might not want to dismiss that theory just yet. This thread was because she wants the phone calls to stop. Now, I can only speak for myself but if the phone calls were generating $$$$$$$ I WOULD NOT WANT THEM TO STOP!! I'm just saying

and on a side note I love reviews! about me and about other providers. What I don't love is the bullshit that comes along with them. Specifically, when the author takes on a certain level of ownership in the provider's business. As if the review represents some sort of investment and should therefore entitle the reviewer to special privileges.
at any rate each his/her own!!
carry on

Originally Posted by viviantonight
At 170 bucks an hour you’re gonna get a feeding frenzy with any kind of decent review, especially in a town with a dearth of quality providers like Buffalo. On a similar note, didn’t we have trouble with a blackmailing reviewer/mod on the old board?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
might not want to dismiss that theory just yet. This thread was because she wants the phone calls to stop. Now, I can only speak for myself but if the phone calls were generating $$$$$$$ I WOULD NOT WANT THEM TO STOP!! I'm just saying

and on a side note I love reviews! about me and about other providers. What I don't love is the bullshit that comes along with them. Specifically, when the author takes on a certain level of ownership in the provider's business. As if the review represents some sort of investment and should therefore entitle the reviewer to special privileges.
at any rate each his/her own!!
carry on

Originally Posted by viviantonight

Ahhh part of my thinking was wrong. Thanks for this post. Sorry I was thinking you did not like reviews. But still thinking that some do not.

She may want the phone to stop ringing. And would rather PM or E-MAIL. I can see that. I would like pm or email rather than the phone myself. If it was my phone ringing all the time, I would have to turn it off before I
( can not find one for a cell). But some do like the phone over the computer. I hate txt'ing even more than the ringing. But I have one friend that is what she likes. So I live with it.
I also think that if we do a review, the provider dos not owe us anything for it. Even if it dos or dos not help.(edit to add)But we also do not owe a review of the provider if she wants one. Yet I wish more guys would do reviews. I have few only for the reason that I am seeing only one that is ok with reviews. And if I ever I tried to control her or mother her I hope she would

Pass again(for now)
I have recieved a message from Bridgette asking me to remove her phone number from posts. She is fielding a huge number of phone calls at this time and has become completely overwhelemed. Originally Posted by Docdave
Back to the subject...

I'm glad she's finding success. When decent guys who have been clients discuss a provider of common interest and her services, it will work out for her if she's a professional.
enough... lets get this back on track... lets make this very simple... the lady asked to have her number removed due to an overwhelming number of phone calls... I didnt think the request was too off base given her newness to this profession, and her request was fullfilled. If you have questions about her motives or business practices, take them up with her, on your own time... no need to do that here... As far as the review and ego comments, give it a break... obviously those comments hit a bone.. drop it and move on... but as Jymie said before, the personal comments WILL stop... no place for them... any questions... pm me...
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  • GP
  • 06-14-2010, 06:14 PM
To get back to the original topic. The Mod(s) did the right thing in honoring this young ladies request. Good job.