Foodies in Waco?

Fistofdollars's Avatar
wow captian, I had a similar experience at FUJI. they should rename the place to FUCKME because that's what they did.!
the service there sucks big time. twice while sitting at the bar, I waited about 20 minutes before the waiter said a single word to me. the sushi chefs didn't say a word nor make eye contact with me either. never did get to eat sushi in that place. stay away from that place Originally Posted by yohimbebrother
Is this the place?
I'm sorry you both got fucked the wrong way.
I know I dislike it when that happens!!
Wonder if what the mystery meat Monday is. Rats??

I think I'll start with Georges while I'm in town.
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
Georges is good
  • clegs
  • 04-27-2015, 09:08 AM
Captain Billy Whizz bangs has good burgers