Sleeping in separate rooms/beds?

Been married over 3 decades and slept apart for 12 years now. Why?
I snored loudly so she pokes me to turn over.
She loves big ass comforter on her at all times I like a sheet only in summer.
she sleeps in L shape and you can get biggest bed available and still not enough room for her.
So ideal solution is our own rooms. Not ideal for relationship I must admit. I like to be alone in my room reading or watching TV when I'm home. We seem to do ok and do other things together just not real affectionate most of the time.
boredjohncandy's Avatar
This was the recent death of my relationship with my SO, I like to cuddle, she's so sensitive I couldn't ever cuddle up to her at night when sleeping. I always found my self sleeping on the edge of the bed when I was in town just so I wouldn't get a jab in the ribs or heaven forbid the twig and berries.

After the tenth night of sleeping in a separate room just to get some uninterrupted sleep I came to realize that hey that was my damn bed, and my house, cuddle with me or YOU can sleep on the couch. She didn't like the couch much so she had to go.