Would you go back if given the chance?

blueball5's Avatar
If i went back all i would want back is the money... So i could spend it on some more girls.... YES I AM STUPID FOR IT, BUT AT LEAST I AM HONEST IDOT...
Elephant's Avatar
I'd also take the blue pill. Hopefully that blue pill doesn't turn out to be Viagra!!
squiretuck's Avatar
BB5 describes it best for me. I feel the most remorse when thinking about my pocketbook. Taking the blue pill would make the hobby disappear, but I was a sexaholic long before I knew this world existed. Everytime I regret it morally, I go home and talk to the wife for 5 minutes, and I am wishing I had enough money to go out and do it again.

I am a red pill guy. The hobby has made my life much more bearable. And OMG, some of the women; my female fantasies were never near as good.

If i went back all i would want back is the money... So i could spend it on some more girls.... YES I AM STUPID FOR IT, BUT AT LEAST I AM HONEST IDIOT... Originally Posted by blueball5
Ready2Rock's Avatar
I'm amazed at the number of blue pills. Maybe I'm missing something. Seems there are a lot of regrets. Despite the considerable money spent over the past 9 years, I would say the experiences have been worthwhile. I've had great times with many lovely ladies and can count my "bad" sessions on one hand. And I've managed not to let the fantasy world affect my real life. A couple of my best friends here have the same philosophy: have fun and give it a rest when it ceases to be fun. Without the hobby many fantasies would have gone unfulfilled.

I'll take a red pill.
MVP's Avatar
  • MVP
  • 07-07-2011, 09:56 AM
Having just had to say goodbye to a very dear friend and lover, my initial reaction was to take the blue pill, and forget everything that has happened.

But then I think of all the awesome times I have had. Who really cares about the money spent when the experiences you have are so rewarding. I don't regret a single second of my time in the hobby.

Morpheus, a red pill please.
interesting topic. I don't know if i could make this decision.
budman33's Avatar
No one checks out of this world wishing they hadn't Fucked so much. red pill
carpenter's Avatar
I took the red or it's equal abut 45 years ago at H&A in SF, then went and saw a Quicksilver concert and met a little mama, and what happened between us difies description. It is as clear in my mind's eye as today, and yes I would relive that event over and over if I COULD. I got it from "the little man that sells along the pier, he'll bring you up, he'll bring you down, he'll plant you feet back firmly on the ground" And yes, it was as it was "Nights in White Satin" and I think my whole life I have wanted to catch the lighting that was that night, but always knowing it could never be equaled but I have tried. And my red pill was called "Batman" by a little ol" pill maker named Owsley. T. Leary were have you gone? I still search.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Taking out a student loan is the worst financial decision anyone can make even if it was to get a degree in Rocket Surgery.

Well some degrees might be worth it but unless your starting salary is 60k and right now the avg is 35k then you willbe paying back a fortune for 10-20 years. Originally Posted by budman33

Howdy, Folks!

Read it and weep for the folks trying to go to college these days:

The Great College Hoax
Can I take half of each?
Munchmasterman's Avatar

With all of the negative aspects of P4P for both Hobbyists and Providers what would you do?......

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you awake in your bed, never knowing what P4P is. No Eccie, No Backpage, No P411. The acronyms GFE, DATY, BBJ mean nothing particular to you. You continue on completely oblivious to the P4P world around you....


You take the red pill, you stay in Hobbyland, and discover how deep the rabbit-hole goes.... Originally Posted by Elephant
"Take the reds, man!" Tommy Chong
NewWave's Avatar
great topic Elephant

Blue... I'd much rather have tried it a couple times and then stop... It has developed into an expensive form of therapy for benign issues that are long gone... Originally Posted by hype23
bro you sound like me. I was exposed to this world and its ugly side at too young of an age. Because of that, it would have been really hard to not avoid it, so I hope to make sense of it the best i can.

So for the Matrix analogy, i'd say I was a child of Zion who never had the choice, or at least the illusion of choice.

I'll definitely take the blame for going further down the rabbit hole than I had planned. That's my fault for trying to get to the root of things.

It has been an interesting journey though. Met some cool people, met some douches. Met some really juicy pussy too.

I suppose the most important thing is to make it out with your sanity and cock still in tact, like these guys...
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
I've been in the hobby many years and have enjoyed it very much....However, if I could wipe the slate clean and start over, I would do it in a heartbeat. Hotel California has many entrances.....there are no exits.........blue pill for me.
Trip's Avatar
  • Trip
  • 07-08-2011, 07:57 AM
levibob56's Avatar
I've only been in the hobby 2 years! Its been the ride of my life! O K somethings it's a bumpy ride but its been fun. I've gotten more out of it then its cost me.RED PILL PLEASE! There is one lady I don't want to forget! :P