No shame in her game!

08cris's Avatar
Nice threAD
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You guys are so funny.
loveitdou's Avatar
Well I think it's kinda sad. Akin to death wish IMO
You don't need a stats course to understand life....but maybe some do
I knew this thread would backfire on the OP as soon as I read it........ smh

^^It didn't backfire. I'm fine with the comments, I'm a big girl, I can handle differences in opinion. I wanted to laugh and I did. The thread served it's purpose. END OF STORY, DONE!
^^What exactly were you laughing about? What was funny?
What does Milfy have to do w/you?
You're not the buyer but you're taking notes from Milfys ad
so much until you had to start a threAD about her ad.

If you wanna advertise as Milfy does just do It Alyssa! Do you!!!!
Karlie Raines's Avatar
Why make a threAD like this anyway? You only make yourself look foolish unfortunately. Worry about the dick you suck n fuck everyday and not someone else's...
Fallout4's Avatar
^^What exactly were you laughing about? What was funny? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
She's laughing at the irony of claiming to be hygienic but yet offering BBFS. Thought that was obvious
  • Heman
  • 02-07-2017, 09:11 PM
is someone jealous ija
^^It didn't backfire. I'm fine with the comments, I'm a big girl, I can handle differences in opinion. I wanted to laugh and I did. The thread served it's purpose. END OF STORY, DONE! Originally Posted by Alyssa71

You just don't know when to DROP a subject........ do YOU...........??????

......Good thing is.......... I will never see you......... You just shined a "Stupid" spotlight on yourself....... Thank goodness..... Another girl to put on my 'DO NOT SEE LIST"........

Grow up. Old man . I don't see bitter fucktards. I suggest you give your stupid ass remarks to someone who actually will get their feelings hurt. I could careless about your bitter correspondence, it's funny to think you actually reply back with that nonsense. Go away! LMAO.
Grow up. Old man . I don't see bitter fucktards. I suggest you give your stupid ass remarks to someone who actually will get their feelings hurt. I could careless about your bitter correspondence, it's funny to think you actually reply back with that nonsense. Go away! LMAO. Originally Posted by Alyssa71

The "Meltdown" Starts here........................

take note gents..........

****BTW.... i didnt know me being 40 was an 'OLD MAN"...... but take notes gents.. for those of you 40 and older........ She considers you OOOOOOOOOOOOLD............... A real winner here.......

I'll be sure to warn my 40 year old friends that Alyssa71 thinks we're ALLL OOOOOOLd.....

So hookers browse other hookers' ads?

Muy interesante!
Let me go cry in the corner. Just give up already. You're not "cool". You obviously failed in English class because you're grammar makes me depressed. If you can't bash me with correct grammar, please give up now and grab a "grammar for dummies" book and take notes. You actually have friends? Seeing as how you're posting continuously even after I've warned you to stop while you're ahead . Who's more of an idiot? I think it's the guy that can't use correct punctuation, and do his research to use something better against me. "stupid" spotlight? I can't even take you serious when your grammar compares to that of an eight grader.