15 foods for your sexual health

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I'm 66, lost most testicle function to high fever in my 40's , I also take a poke every Tuesday.
It's quality of life.
The years I'm trading away are the ones you spend in a recliner slobbering down your shirt. Originally Posted by Poppa_Viagra

I am all about quality of life. However, I do not understand the mindset of those who are unwilling to see what is right before them. The fact that so many are suing pharmaceutical companies and winning those suits, along with the list of warnings that come with every medication, trumps any short term benefit one might receive from medications, should at the very least cause one to pause and reconsider what they will ingest or try, at least to me. Have you ever watched a commercial for prescription medications? Surely, I'm not the only one who has noticed that more time is spent announcing ALL the dangers of these "medicines", than on the miracle of alleviating the symptoms of whatever dis ease it is.

There are a multitude of natural foods that are tasty, vitamins and minerals, and even other alternatives that DO in fact work. Is it that these take an effort to consciously adhere to changes which might cause an effort on your part and which could actually cure the condition, as opposed to easily popping a pill which only ever addresses the symptoms of the condition that cause you to defend it? With the latter option, you may in fact end up slobbering down your shirt, but with the former options, you may actually live longer with this same or even better quality of life you seek...ijs.

I sent a list to a gentleman, who asked me to, and he began trying the easiest and free "fixes" first. The first was changing his habits enough to get out in the sun for 15 minutes or more a day during his exercise routine, and which he normally performed either before dawn or after dusk. Within a few days he was waking up each morning with a "happier disposition", and was thrilled with that one simple change. He has reported even more improvements with other things I suggested. FYI....he's not the only male discovering these things.

If you believe a blue pill is a miracle drug and cures what ails you, think again. If it's your preference to take such risks, I want you to be happy and just as thrilled as the gent who got out in the sun. I want everyone to be happy and healthier and to really enjoy their experiences, sexual or otherwise. However, it makes me sad to understand what could occur in the long run, to those who choose easy mehods and costly chemicals that are known to harm, over more healthy and conscious choices. Happy is happy, I guess. Kuddos to those who choose it for a longer term and I'm happy for those who at least found a miracle drug that works "right now"....
I have always heard it is good for women to eat sweet fruits such as kiwis for a sweeter tasting pussy!

Not sure if the former is true or not but google agrees!
Ladies load up on the fruit salad!