Foodie News

Good Morning;

Have a look here and then tell me about the dullness of English cuisine.

Stereotypes are the lazy man's crutch, when they either don't know or can't be bothered with the facts.

And, by the way, Harrods are most likely stocking goat meat because the new owners are the Qatari Royal Family, and the Bedu of Qatar raise both camels and goats.

Good Night
Stereotypes are the lazy man's crutch, when they either don't know or can't be bothered with the facts. Originally Posted by Mr.Oneeye
Very true! However, it's a British magazine that caters to an almost entirely British audience, so I'm sure that influenced the selections somewhat.
Very true! However, it's a British magazine that caters to an almost entirely British audience, so I'm sure that influenced the selections somewhat. Originally Posted by Natalie
Good Morning Natalie;

Right here

But to get back to the major point of my post, stereotypes are lazy and, to all intents and purposes, nothing but a stepping stone to racism. I would have expected better from the area of this website claiming to deal in "Glamour, elegance & sophistication".

Guest012211-3's Avatar
Good Morning Natalie;

Right here

But to get back to the major point of my post, stereotypes are lazy and, to all intents and purposes, nothing but a stepping stone to racism. I would have expected better from the area of this website claiming to deal in "Glamour, elegance & sophistication".

Cyclops Originally Posted by Mr.Oneeye
Oh relax already! I live in London, and the English are the first to joke about the food

The point (for me) to post the article, was the fact that goat is now a "high end food", lol. It's been available at some of the local butchers here for years, and it's cheap.

AS for the new owners of Harrods, well I didn't exactly feel the need to point that out. It's just a guess on your part as to why they are selling goat, it's not a fact, is it? Maybe I'll stroll in there tomorrow and ask for myself
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  • 08-15-2010, 09:00 AM
Doesn't matter to the goats as to why!
Guest012211-3's Avatar

On a side note, I do enjoy a nice Yorkshire pudding, Cambridge sausage, Horseradish sauce, Coleman's mustard ( I could put it on everything), clotted cream and jam, and British cheese is actually underrated ( I think its quite tasty.) Of course the standard Fish and Chips ( yes, with mushy peas), meat pies, and Sunday Roast is incredibly delicious, however from a culinary point of view I do not find it exciting.

Oh, let's not forget the sandwich. They invented it...
awl4knot's Avatar
Some will argue that this is the greatest contribution the Brit's have made to fine dining:

Yes, it really is called Spotted Dick and I recently stuffed myself with this formidable creation. It is really amazing stuff. I was surprised at its initial firmness and turgidity, but once I closed my eyes and focused on the sensations, it really was quite pleasant. Lip smacking good, in fact. No wonder the Brits are crazy about it.

And it makes for lively dinner table conversation, especially if you have teenagers at home. Also, it makes a great hostess gift.

I highly recommend it.
Isn't there a shot for spotted dick?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Isn't "British cuisine" an oxymoron????

. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I would like to think that most of the finer restaurants employ French Chefs because of there disciplined work ethics . Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
French Work Ethic? Isn't that the epitome of an oxymoron?
In the old days you could only get a good meal at Waterside Inn or Gaveroche. Now there are over a dozen really good places London. Last year I liked Wild Honey and Gordon Ramsey Hospital Road.

Just went to a place in Chicago called "The Girl and the Goat" with a woman from the ASPD days. It is Stephanie Izzard's (Top Chef winner) place that is been open a month and is about the hottest ticket in Chcago. They have about four goat items on the menu.

Nicole, "crap" is one of the favorite words the French use. You are right about the serious French chefs are all about pride,work ethic and ingredients. I am sure you are learning alot. I am hoping some day to eat in what ever restaurant you open.
Hope you have found a good wine bar to help get rid of the stress from the crazy French
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  • 08-15-2010, 02:14 PM
Isn't there a shot for spotted dick? Originally Posted by pjorourke
TexTushHog's Avatar
French Work Ethic? Isn't that the epitome of an oxymoron? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Spoken like someone who has never done a stage in a French kitchen. You obviously have no idea how hard the crew works in a real French kitchen in France. Or how hard French vintners work. I've seen both.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Spoken like someone who has never done a stage in a French kitchen. You obviously have no idea how hard the crew works in a real French kitchen in France. Or how hard French vintners work. I've seen both. Originally Posted by TexTushHog one here is trying to keep you in fact I think we'll take up a collection to send you Bon Voyage to your Gay Paris....
TTH is gay?
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  • 08-15-2010, 11:18 PM
TTH is gay? Originally Posted by pjorourke
That is a bunch of Hogwash!