Lots of places you see YMMV. The idea behind it is that if the time is less than stellar, it's the hobbyist's fault.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Reality. It's not a matter of it being the "hobbyists fault". Nor does it necessarily mean that the session was disappointing because it was YMMV.
I for one find this idea of "menu items" quite distasteful. What happens happens, I have no lists of "acts" I guarantee. Like any civ date, we make out, we play, and things take a natural course of events. There's no list of things I do, no script. No two dates with the same man are the same, so it's impossible to start comparing dates with different gentlemen.
So each session is entirely different based on our chemistry and where our erotic energy naturally takes us. Those that believe in menu items call that YMMV.
BTW, I don't believe a poor/mediocre session can be solely blamed on the hobbyist, but I do believe it can solely be blamed on the escort.
I'm sorry but that's a disconcerting bias and disgusting attitude. A session can be disappointing for a variety of reasons, it can be the gents fault, it can be the ladies fault, it can be the fault of both parties. This isn't slave labour - if a guy is awful to a woman she shouldn't be expected to give him an amazing time regardless.
Why ask the question when you've already decided the answer?