Concerning Treetop and his "war on AMPs"

Yolo, some of what you say about TT is true (I have no opinion at all about sharing priviledged info, but that is an easy accusation to make).

HOWEVER, your posts have the look and smell of someone who is VERY much a car dealer than a customer. You objectivity is difficult to believe.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I honestly could not care less about whether or not AMPs thrive and prosper or get busted and closed down. How can yoy say my objectivity is hard to believe when I don't suggest nor talk down on one establishment or the next? My issue is, TT is on a hooker board trying to get hookers arrested and/or put out of biz lmao. How is this not a problem for anyone else? Why is this guy still here?

Treetop claims to care for these females well being...GO ASK ANY ONE OF THEM IF THEY WANT TO BE "SAVED" AND GO BACK TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN! 10/10 will say NO because whatever circumstances they may be living in here are going to be SIGNIFICANTLY better than the ones back in korea, thailand, vietnam or where the fuck ever. They WANT to be here doing what it is they do. Otherwise a simple phonecall to any LE agency would fix their dilemna. Most of them are taking care of their families back home.

I knew a girl whos father died and had a handicapped mother...she was here working to support her mom and 2 sisters back in Korea. Without her "job" here they would be homeless, starving and freezing their ass off in the hardsh korean winters.

Treetop is a terrible ignorant son of a bitch who is doing no good for anybody but himself.
Treetop78759's Avatar
You get called out and you run and hide! Little tree you are a liar and a bum, so just admit it and quit bringing unwanted attn. to the hobby and to our board. I have had so many pm's from people saying the same thing. For you to shut-up. You had your feelings hurt and now you are acting like a white knight. You sir are no w k! Again any time any place! Again bring mrs. mata with you I would love to spank his little illiterate butt too. I know who both of you are, and have no doubt that mrs. mata and yourself would come out of our meeting with a different perspective on life. Please message me so we can set this up!! If not shut-up.. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Life is a sugar cookie.
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  • Old-T
  • 06-10-2017, 11:39 AM
I honestly could not care less about whether or not AMPs thrive and prosper or get busted and closed down. How can yoy say my objectivity is hard to believe when I don't suggest nor talk down on one establishment or the next? My issue is, TT is on a hooker board trying to get hookers arrested and/or put out of biz lmao. How is this not a problem for anyone else? Why is this guy still here?
Neither you nor TT seem intent on actually reading what is said--you both want to selectively hear what you want to hear.

I see nothing in TT's posts about wanting to shut down "legitimate" massage parlors. But I would hope that ANYONE on here, IF they knew of women who were in this line of work because of coersion, threats, or force, WOULD want that part of it ended. Can we agree on at least that much?

If so, then the only real issue is HOW MANY are working in AMPs (and other places) against their will? You seem comfortable believing the answer is zero. TT seems comfortable thinking the answer is all. You are both living in a fantasy world.

Treetop claims to care for these females well being...GO ASK ANY ONE OF THEM IF THEY WANT TO BE "SAVED" AND GO BACK TO THEIR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN! 10/10 will say NO because whatever circumstances they may be living in here are going to be SIGNIFICANTLY better than the ones back in korea, thailand, vietnam or where the fuck ever. They WANT to be here doing what it is they do. Otherwise a simple phonecall to any LE agency would fix their dilemna. Most of them are taking care of their families back home.

Only true if you have access to a phone, or can get out on your own and walk into a police station. Without fear that your family will suffer serious reprisals. For some/many women, that is not the case. They either are physically prevented from raising a complaint, or has been pointed out here and elsewhere, they have family--in the US or "back home" who are essentially hostages to ensure they "behave".

Again, the issue is how many. I do know some for whom their life in this country and in AMPs is indeed voluntary. They have been out to dinner with me, in my car, and I have met some of their family living in decent housing, going to school, etc.

I also have personal first hand knowledge of a number of now-defunct white slavery rings where TT's description is very much accurate. Children held as collateral for good behavior. Women who don't speak English, are NOT allowed freedom of movement, etc.

Often these are business enterprises run by criminal gangs with long reach, and profits often get co-mingled with drug deals, gun running, and other very unsavory operations.

I knew a girl whos father died and had a handicapped mother...she was here working to support her mom and 2 sisters back in Korea. Without her "job" here they would be homeless, starving and freezing their ass off in the hardsh korean winters.

Yes, that does happen. But it is far from all. The issue of ladies VOLUNTARILY working needs to be separated from the kidnapping and slavery parts. Just as LE needs to acknowledge that not all sex work is fundamentally linked to drugs and guns.

Treetop is a terrible ignorant son of a bitch who is doing no good for anybody but himself. Originally Posted by Yoloswagginz
Sadly, by your insistence that there is NO forced prostitution, you are every bit as ignorant as TT insisting that it ALL is.

Life is a sugar cookie. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Ah yes, the more you act stupid, the more people will ignore your posts that are supposed to be taken seriously.