Here comes the sun☀️

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar

3A.2) In sum, be nice to each other. Pussy and prosperity grow faster when they're high on love. Let Donald Trump be the asshole, he seems to be really great at it.

Now please, discuss. (Metaphorical mic drop) Originally Posted by klovve
Nice touch adding the ultimate asshole Trump into your post. It really makes the point.

Nice touch adding the ultimate asshole Trump into your post. It really makes the point.

👍 Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
Personally, I call him Darth Cheeto.

However, in regards to the OP, you're getting all the sorority girl snaps from me. That was not only very well written but also "real" without being too blunt. You know how to walk the line. I love it!

Side Note: Don't ask why us sorority women snap in affirmation. I still haven't figured it out.
Dev Null's Avatar
Way too much drama on this site by the Grudge Holding faction of the Temporal Lobe League.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it chases a lot of business away. Too many thread hijacks for a reasonable person to be able to avoid the drama queens based on the thread title alone.
russellevans's Avatar
I heard klovve has a well manicured asshole
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 03-09-2017, 08:06 PM
MAklovve not war. Worth a visit.
I heard klovve has a well manicured asshole Originally Posted by russellevans
I can vouch for that!! it is VERY NICE indeed!!
Well said my friend.

Ralphey I miss you!!! Originally Posted by Daddys Girl ATX
thank you for the kind words!! I am surely not the same person you met over 10 years ago. Yes I post here but I not really part of the game anymore. The excitement and challenge I used to enjoy. Now its just a pain in the ass and I would just rather jerk off, (staff edit; ztonk) and watch, Travel Channel and BBC and anything about Nature..
Ms. James: I know about those snaps! I am on a mission to cultivate a better CoEd space for guys and gals, so thank you for chiming in! I am a find peace, spread love kind of girl. CoEd needs a little TLC

Trolls belong under the bridge, not anywhere in cyberspace. What bothers me the most is when I see nasty language and berating aimed toward an individual who can't/won't stand up for themself. It's here that I find myself in trouble because I have a big mouth and a natural instinct to stand up for strangers - probably a perk of growing up in an environment full of headstrong females.

I have never seen my asshole, so I have no comment on the subject
artist6338's Avatar
I don't know you but when I commented on your post about Trump I did it in fun. I don't have a problem with any body on eccie but 3 people
I was very naive about the goings on on eccie and how some people will lie and back stab you. I have made mistakes on here, and have learned the best thing to do is treat people how you would like to be treated . Have a great day!
^^ you are so sweet! I figured you were teasing I appreciate your candor. It's easy to ruffle feathers when the communication is exchanged over technology (email/text/community forums/etc.) Maybe that's one reason why mole hills become mountains around here. Maybe a misunderstanding of context leaves people to feel disrespected or attacked, when the content wasn't intended to offend. (Rhyme not intended.)

ECCIE is a forum. It's a coded space for people to exchange communication. The soul of ECCIE (or theme, vibe, whatever you call it) is whatever we make it. So if it's ugly and negative and combative, it's that way because we allowed those influences to grow. If we want a positive space, we have to change the way we communicate with and regard one another.

If you build it, they will come
artist6338's Avatar
I think we forget that we lead two lives. One on eccie and the others in the real world. But both are real world. I know it's hard to separate the two at times. I know I have said and done some things I should have kept to myself. I guess I am to nice and gullible
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I heard klovve has a well manicured asshole Originally Posted by russellevans
Dew yah happ'n ta know what she goes ta git'r done? Last time Ah tried ta git mah asshole manny-cured the l'il Viet-Congolese wimmins thet ran tha nail salon ran meh off wiff broom handles an' threaten'd ta call tha cops on meh!
Good read Klovve. I like you.
Tequila Rose's Avatar
In short don't feed the trolls
Nice post klovve.

I usually avoid Coed because trolls sap the life out of it. It's not just Coed. The Men's Lounge and Reviews are rife with them, but at least in those forums I can glean some useful information.

Perhaps if we all just ignored the trolls they would have to feed their insecurities (or whatever else drives their antisocial behavior) somewhere else.

The only time troll watching gets interesting is when the brilliant (and beautiful I might add) Miss Valentina decides to take them down a notch. That's fun!