25K + guardsmen at inauguration

Precious_b's Avatar
Just because *you* say it isn't a Coup doesn't make it so. Time to be a big boy. Supply some source that proves without doubt it isn't. Myself, I was in denial about it. Kinda still am. But it is a Coupe. The evidence is there and until you can supply what I ask for, I will do so in kind for what I say.
... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Still, where did Trump say write invite coerce tweet post for people to start a coup? He did NOT! He condemned the actions twice! Both got little attention by the lsm. He also said that he wanted the violators to be prosecuted!

He did what he should have to fight the stolen election! *THIS* really shows you don't get it. He lost and is leaving the WH.

Trump has done nothing wrong. Coup and insurrection is the jargon that the dims and lsm have implanted into the citizens!

Im not even gonna agree to disagree on this! I see clearly! 2022 is gonna be a BITCH! Originally Posted by winn dixie
*sigh* Guess you are falling back on Orange Man Good. dim lsm bad school yard mentality argument. For future reference i'll call it Childish Diversion #1 (CD1.) Hence why I won't put any effort into supplying a well vetted source until you want to act like a grown up and do the same. #TeamCheatoe sitting and watching the melee on TV and refusing to order authorities in to quell makes moot his gesture mouthing words that had the sincerity of Yasar Arafat condemning bombings on Israelis.
Hell, 2020 was a bitch. And trump got pwned.

It also has to be figured in that the breach of the barricades to the Capitol started before Trump's speech was even over. Plus there has been a lot of evidence found that this breach was coordinated and panned out on Facebook days ahead of time. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Really! I would like to see a source for that claim. I never checked out the timeline when activities started at the Capitol. But social media more than likely contributed to planning this event. And given time, the FBI will sniff out alot of it. Doing a great job so far with all the warrants they have out. Even have them for the murder of the CPD man.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Really! I would like to see a source for that claim. I never checked out the timeline when activities started at the Capitol. But social media more than likely contributed to planning this event. And given time, the FBI will sniff out alot of it. Doing a great job so far with all the warrants they have out. Even have them for the murder of the CPD man. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Timeline per the NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...-timeline.html
winn dixie's Avatar
Timeline per the NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...-timeline.html Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Thanks Crypt I was looking for that as well.
Precious_b's Avatar
It also has to be figured in that the breach of the barricades to the Capitol started before Trump's speech was even over. Plus there has been a lot of evidence found that this breach was coordinated and panned out on Facebook days ahead of time. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Timeline per the NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/...-timeline.html Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Thanks for the link. As stated in the article, the outer most barricades were overcome while rally still going on. I don't know how many layers of barricades they had, but i'd bet there were people already on site at the Capitol that were not at the rally. But that's speculation. I don't see that everyone involved was first at the rally and than moved to the Capitol.

As I stated, give the FBI time to do what they do best. Alot of the tips are paying off. Speculation at the moment but the person who had a tour of the building was a Congress woman and it *appears* her mom was the lady with a bullhorn directing people where to go in the building. Hasn't been confirmed as her to my knowledge but damn, the pictures in the face area look damn similar.
I stand corrected, 25K guardsmen and women, minus 2.
Ooops, now minus 25
winn dixie's Avatar
covid super spreader event for these guardsman.
fear mongering and waste of tax payers money.
Only 4 hours left for DiaperDon, think it's time to celebrate finally. Maybe by this afternoon he'll be arrested for Treason.
I forgive your lack of reality! And thank you for participating!
Where was YOUR outrage for the riots and looting that happened for months?
These were all super spreader events!
With these 2 examples, how many died and were injured? All over pc cancel culture propaganda and fear mongering! FACT!

Trump in no way stood up and said burn it down! Like the lefties did!
Trump condemned the actions at the Capitol, twice. The lsm was mum! He later stated that he hoped the trespassers would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!

Trump will be gone in a few days and ya'll can pick someone or some thing new to hate. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I never said I hated Trump. I find it difficult to hate the incompetent. HE encouraged the actions taken by the mob in DC. HE did not have to make a direct statement, he implied and by that action, he is guilty of incitement of a riot and attempting an insurrection. It is the same as if you as suggested to a friend (not that you have any) that they go into the theater and yell 'FIRE'. You did not yell it, but by your actions you share culpability in the results. That was Trump. He only 'condemned' (not really if you listen closely) the actions and results after being forced to by family and advisors.

I had and have outrage for the BS that Trump and others like him forced upon this nation these past 4 years, and especially of this past year with various actions and results of racists ON ALL SIDES. Where was I? Not here, as I had better things to do with my time than wasting it arguing with you. I did protest, I did ask why, I had frank and serious discussions over what could be done to prevent these actions in the future. I took action, I voted. Where were you? Likely curled up whining that Trump was right and the left wingers did it all, it is their fault, the right is perfect in their actions, oh boo hoo, poor us. No one was right.

If I had been in law enforcement that day at the Capital, I would be facing murder charges for emptying my weapon into the first several people to break into the building. "There are millions of us out there and coming" "Yeah, you wanna be the first to experience the 21st Century version of immediate justice? Or would you care to stand down and leave, asshole." I do not forget, nor am I a forgiving person.

Precious, I know WD is just simple minded fool, but sometimes he gets under my skin, and I just have to say something.
Precious_b's Avatar
Only 4 hours left for DiaperDon, think it's time to celebrate finally. Maybe by this afternoon he'll be arrested for Treason. Originally Posted by Hdtown
That would be so hilarious as he stepped off the plane in Florida that there would be a subpena (sp) waiting for him LOL!

I never said I hated Trump. I find it difficult to hate the incompetent. HE encouraged the actions taken by the mob in DC. HE did not have to make a direct statement, he implied and by that action, he is guilty of incitement of a riot and attempting an insurrection. It is the same as if you as suggested to a friend (not that you have any) that they go into the theater and yell 'FIRE'. You did not yell it, but by your actions you share culpability in the results. That was Trump. He only 'condemned' (not really if you listen closely) the actions and results after being forced to by family and advisors.

I had and have outrage for the BS that Trump and others like him forced upon this nation these past 4 years, and especially of this past year with various actions and results of racists ON ALL SIDES. Where was I? Not here, as I had better things to do with my time than wasting it arguing with you. I did protest, I did ask why, I had frank and serious discussions over what could be done to prevent these actions in the future. I took action, I voted. Where were you? Likely curled up whining that Trump was right and the left wingers did it all, it is their fault, the right is perfect in their actions, oh boo hoo, poor us. No one was right.

If I had been in law enforcement that day at the Capital, I would be facing murder charges for emptying my weapon into the first several people to break into the building. "There are millions of us out there and coming" "Yeah, you wanna be the first to experience the 21st Century version of immediate justice? Or would you care to stand down and leave, asshole." I do not forget, nor am I a forgiving person.

Precious, I know WD is just simple minded fool, but sometimes he gets under my skin, and I just have to say something. Originally Posted by forge223
Forge, don't play into his CD1 (I have this listed already.) Let him supply some actual documented source material that supports his claim. Unless you like feeding the trolls.
winn dixie's Avatar

Precious, I know WD is just simple minded fool, but sometimes he gets under my skin, and I just have to say something. Originally Posted by forge223
Rude and insulting remarks are not allowed per forum rules you agree to when logging in!

To the rest of your post.......
winn dixie's Avatar
That would be so hilarious as he stepped off the plane in Florida that there would be a subpena (sp) waiting for him LOL!

Forge, don't play into his CD1 (I have this listed already.) Let him supply some actual documented source material that supports his claim. Unless you like feeding the trolls. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Ever heard of google? Not gonna do any ones homework for them!
Precious, I know WD is just simple minded fool, but sometimes he gets under my skin, and I just have to say something. Originally Posted by forge223

On behalf of "simple minded fools" I resent the implication!!
winn dixie's Avatar
I keeo it simple so the libs can try to follow. They still cant keep up!
Precious_b's Avatar
Ever heard of google? Not gonna do any ones homework for them! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You mean this?

Everytime I use it the results always say winnie goto is CD1.

Hey, till you put in the work, you already know what people expect from you.

Come on, for old time sake, give us the orange man good bit