Questionable Quality In Little Rock

Originally Posted by arkansasknight:
"Some guys just think the girls on here are street walking trash that should drop everything for them. I am here to tell you all that these girls are very special LADIES that spend their time and passion with us guys because they love what they do. They all have lives and families. If you treat a woman with respect you will get respect in return. Things happen. I have had to cancel and have had a few cancel on me, but most made it up because I was kind and understanding about it, as they were me. There will always be a few bad apples on both sides, but the ladies here I have never had an issue with. A little compassion goes a long way in life and respect even further. I understand your view. I have been there in other states and waited hours for someone to show up late, but I made the call that day so I knew it was a risk. If you don't make a day or two advance appointment you are lucky to get same day service. Just keep that in mind. Lucky. We could not have these fine women at all. Peace out......"

Now, you see, with an attitude like that I would drop everything and go to meet up with him right now if he asked me to. You definitely win more flies with honey, Honey.
joeonthago's Avatar
Some guys just think the girls on here are street walking trash that should drop everything for them. I am here to tell you all that these girls are very special LADIES that spend their time and passion with us guys because they love what they do. They all have lives and families. If you treat a woman with respect you will get respect in return. Things happen. I have had to cancel and have had a few cancel on me, but most made it up because I was kind and understanding about it, as they were me. There will always be a few bad apples on both sides, but the ladies here I have never had an issue with. A little compassion goes a long way in life and respect even further. I understand your view. I have been there in other states and waited hours for someone to show up late, but I made the call that day so I knew it was a risk. If you don't make a day or two advance appointment you are lucky to get same day service. Just keep that in mind. Lucky. We could not have these fine women at all. Peace out...... Originally Posted by arkansasknight
Some guys just think the girls on here are street walking trash that should drop everything for them. I am here to tell you all that these girls are very special LADIES that spend their time and passion with us guys because they love what they do. They all have lives and families. If you treat a woman with respect you will get respect in return. Things happen. I have had to cancel and have had a few cancel on me, but most made it up because I was kind and understanding about it, as they were me. There will always be a few bad apples on both sides, but the ladies here I have never had an issue with. A little compassion goes a long way in life and respect even further. I understand your view. I have been there in other states and waited hours for someone to show up late, but I made the call that day so I knew it was a risk. If you don't make a day or two advance appointment you are lucky to get same day service. Just keep that in mind. Lucky. We could not have these fine women at all. Peace out...... Originally Posted by arkansasknight

That's so true and how you worded the whole thing very sweet!!
And you are a very great client, an attitude like yours gets you far!!

Look forward to a visit with you again soon.
Some guys just think the girls on here are street walking trash that should drop everything for them. I am here to tell you all that these girls are very special LADIES that spend their time and passion with us guys because they love what they do. They all have lives and families. If you treat a woman with respect you will get respect in return. Things happen. I have had to cancel and have had a few cancel on me, but most made it up because I was kind and understanding about it, as they were me. There will always be a few bad apples on both sides, but the ladies here I have never had an issue with. A little compassion goes a long way in life and respect even further. I understand your view. I have been there in other states and waited hours for someone to show up late, but I made the call that day so I knew it was a risk. If you don't make a day or two advance appointment you are lucky to get same day service. Just keep that in mind. Lucky. We could not have these fine women at all. Peace out...... Originally Posted by arkansasknight
Oh some guys are going to burn you alive because you realize that providers are actual people too.

Well done.
I think there are very few hobbyists who do not appreciate the risk and personal sacrifice ladies make to serve the needs of their clients.
I also think many rash generalizations are made in the heat of anger and comments will be more moderate and accurate if one waits until his blood has cooled a bit.
  • MrGiz
  • 03-04-2010, 07:33 PM
There's a case to be made for a little time in front of the mirror for at least a few of the "questionable" whining dawgs who have populated the boards, recently.... Good Lord.... ya'll don't have a freaking clue!!

I'm not necessarily referring to the OP here.... but more of a general observation. I mean... how much more do we have to hear about ya'll being too poor , too ugly , have too small of a dick , too socially inept , can't get laid any other way.... Jeeeeez.... I hear needs a challenge....


P.S. - When all else fails... blame the girls, eh?
Jeeeeez.... I hear needs a challenge....


P.S. - When all else fails... blame the girls, eh? Originally Posted by MrGiz
Then why don't you give them a try?
  • MrGiz
  • 03-04-2010, 07:44 PM
Then why don't you give them a try? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'm doing just fine , Thank You.... not a complaint in the world...
We are blessed with a fine-fine group of playmates, here in Arkansas!!
