How many dates have to come and go?

This may be of importance when commenting on politics. Mitch is not speaker of the house, Damn!
bambino's Avatar
I don't care what else you and Bam are arguing about but you are the delusional one when you ignore actual printed facts on the subject of Americans thinking the election was rigged and Americans thinking someone else is calling the shots instead of the senile bastard Biden. So keep leading your Cult of Ignorance

"How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election?"

Very or Somewhat Likely-
White - 51%
Black - 49%
Oth Non-White - 56%
Dem - 30%
Unaffil - 51%
GOP - 74%
All Voters - 51%

Majority Of Americans Believe That ‘Others,’ Not Biden, Are Calling The Shots In The White House: Poll Originally Posted by berryberry
I already posted those FACTS.
bambino's Avatar
Or the latest...Matt Gaetz is going to nominate him for speaker of the house in 2022. Likely - he could do more damage in that role but I'm pretty sure Mitch isn't leaving so soon. He's still trying to be an asshole time and money wasting machine. I think there needs to be some serious change in Congress specifically in the Senate. That speaker has way too much power to not even let bills see the light of day. Hundreds of people work on each of those bills, and they never even get voted on. The people who lose out are us taxpayers who pay for the creation of these things, and they aren't even looked at. Despite having merits or perhaps appeasements to both sides, but bills that are for the American people. These assholes want to play games all day. These two parties have shown they can't work together or for the people. Just special interests. They should all be voted out or better yet -hung out to dry Originally Posted by eyecu2
Take a Civics lesson. “Mitch” isn’t the Speaker of the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. Pelosi is. “Mitch” is the MINORITY leader in the SENATE. Are you following this? It’s a fact. But I agree, most of them don’t represent WE the PEOPLE. They sold out to the DEEP STATE. WAKE UP. Most are corrupt. No matter what PARTY they belong to.
lustylad's Avatar
A few of the posters in this deranged sandbox have mentioned some dates, and all of them have came and went without anything happening. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Your grammar sucks. Again. You mean "have come and gone", not "have came and went".

This is the second time I've had to correct you for the same boo-boo. Don't make me do it a third time.
berryberry's Avatar
I already posted those FACTS. Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah, it seems 1pittsburgh likes to ignore actual facts so I just wanted to share them again. Not sure why he continually ignores facts and lies about them. For some people, it can be a lack of mental capability, for others they are too weak willed to admit they are wrong and others are just plain dishonest. Not sure what is his reason
Yeah, it seems 1pittsburgh likes to ignore actual facts so I just wanted to share them again. Not sure why he continually ignores facts and lies about them. For some people, it can be a lack of mental capability, for others they are too weak willed to admit they are wrong and others are just plain dishonest. Not sure what is his reason Originally Posted by berryberry
Mods, could you ask BerryBerry to stay on topic? You know how he likes that. Thanks.
berryberry's Avatar
Mods, could you ask BerryBerry to stay on topic? You know how he likes that. Thanks. Originally Posted by Mistershark
I am always happy to follow the rules and stay on topic. But seems this thread has no topic as the posts are all over the place on different topics. I was simply responding to other posts in this thread that were not on topic. But thanks for your kind concern.
bambino's Avatar
More fraud found in Georgia

The day of reckoning is coming. Not a matter of if but when.

I am always happy to follow the rules and stay on topic. But seems this thread has no topic as the posts are all over the place on different topics. I was simply responding to other posts in this thread that were not on topic. But thanks for your kind concern. Originally Posted by berryberry
The topic is how many dates have to come and go before Trump supporters realize they’ve been duped. It’s right there in the title and first post. Happy to clear that up for you.
bambino's Avatar
But wait, there’s more!!!! Chuck Grassley now has Hunter’s laptop!!!! The laptop from hell!!!!

Not a good day for Joey Bribes. The content in the laptop makes Al Capone look like a Boy Scout!!! Who’s been duped?????
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen this thread is getting way off topic let’s get it back on track

Topic is dates that have come and gone for 45 to be reinstated
bambino's Avatar
Gentlemen this thread is getting way off topic let’s get it back on track

Topic is dates that have come and gone for 45 to be reinstated Originally Posted by Dr-epg
In all due respect Dr. What exactly is he talking about? I dunno. Who’s dates is he referring too? Is it targeted to a specific member? He’s been quite derogatory in his comments about people in this forum who disagree with him.
Dr-epg's Avatar
1Pittsburgh started the thread about dates and #45 being reinstated this is and has been the threads subject.
bambino's Avatar
1Pittsburgh started the thread about dates and #45 being reinstated this is and has been the threads subject. Originally Posted by Dr-epg
Nobody can give an exact date. I’ll say when the results of the Forensic audits are reported in Az, Pa and Georgia. That brings Biden under 270 EVs. That’s when shit will hit the fan.
bambino's Avatar
I will not predict an exact date. That’s a fools errand. A crime this big needs time to take down. Lindell predicted 8/13. He has the PCaps. That’s the internet traffic the night and following days of the election. But Trump already has them. He made the SpaceForce a dedicated branch of the military. They had it in real time. Like I said, it’s not a matter of if but when.

Now, I did say Trump would enforce this EO on 12/18

But the DNI report was delayed 30 days because the CIA wouldn’t sign off on it. No surprise Jeanna Haspel left the CIA during that time. It was completed on 1/18/2021. Biden has not cancelled it. . Wonder why. Two days before the inauguration. Trump renewed it at that time. Trump left DC at 9am on 1/20/2021 on AF1. Still the POTUS and CIC. He had the nuclear football. Biden had to charter is own jet to the inauguration. He wasn’t offered a government plane. First time in history that that happened. When planes were available. All this is fact.

The citizens of this country will expose the fraud thru the audits. Trump and the military already know it. It’s going down. It’s a matter of time.