Trump insults John McCain - Says Heros Don't Get Captured

I don't care how you feel about McCain's politics. He is a war hero. He is a patriot. You don't talk that way about a hero and about POW's and expect to be taken seriously.

Fortunately Trump never really had a snowball's chance in hell before this latest gaffe, and his chances of winning the nomination now just dropped to below zero, so it really doesn't matter. His egomania, paranoia, and love of hearing himself talk made him an absolute ridiculous candidate to begin with. Sure, I agree with some of the things he says, and I laugh when he says them in some outlandish fashion. That doesn't mean I would ever consider for a nanosecond actually supporting him for president though. He's like a broken clock - he might be right twice a day, but the other 23 hours and 58 minutes of the day he is off in la-la land. To say that Trump is unstable is an understatement.

Oh and by the way, McCain is right. Anyone who camps out on a hotel lawn just to hear this buffoon speak is in fact, crazy.
I have always thought that they should all just leave Trump alone because he will ultimately commit suicide by himself. He just did. Watch his new poll numbers on Monday.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why don't we go back to 2008 and see what the dems said about McCain.
^Yeah IFFYtard, that sure helped.

Trump's just reaffirming what everyone on the left here was already saying: He's a loudmouth bozo. He's got nothing up there in his head, which is why you repubtards seem to like him. Very relateable, I suppose Originally Posted by shanm
You're not being realistic. Here's what we do know about McCain. First of all he wasn't that great of a pilot to begin with. He supposedly crashed five planes, that's not good. On the day he was captured his plane was shot down. He was imprisoned in a POW camp and endured extensive torture. It was said he had given up military secrets to alleviate the torture from his captures. Actually it's easy for people to hold that against him. Fear and pain will make you do many things you wouldn't ordinarily do. I wouldn't wish his experience on anyone. I think he should be commended for his ordeal and moving past it. Do I consider McCain a War Hero? Not as much as I consider him lucky. I don't align myself with what Trump said, because some things are just best left unsaid. We all need a hero. If McCain is a hero to some Americans then so be it. Trump had no good reason to shatter that. We all know Trump is no Politician. He shoots from the hip. If Trump was to be nominated and win the presidency only two things can possibly happen. He will either be the best president this country has seen since JFK or the biggest bust since Barack Obama. Now considering the other candidates from both parties Trump is no more of a gamble than any of the others.

John isn't running, why are you fucktards kicking him around? I know why the trumpet is, he doesn't know any better.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I don't agree with most of McCain's politics- but one thing I agree with is that McCain was a hero- Trump basically just shitted on every soldier who has ever put on a uniform.
The bigger embarrassment is that Trump is the leading GOP candidate????

Also, didn't Whirly make a post that he agrees with Trump? Well whirly do you still agree with this scumbag?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Why don't we go back to 2008 and see what the dems said about McCain. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes show me a post where Obama or any other DEM candidates said McCain wasn't a war hero?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You're not being realistic. Here's what we do know about McCain. First of all he wasn't that great of a pilot to begin with. He supposedly crashed five planes, that's not good. On the day he was captured his plane was shot down. He was imprisoned in a POW camp and endured extensive torture. It was said he had given up military secrets to alleviate the torture from his captures. Actually it's easy for people to hold that against him. Fear and pain will make you do many things you wouldn't ordinarily do. I wouldn't wish his experience on anyone. I think he should be commended for his ordeal and moving past it. Do I consider McCain a War Hero? Not as much as I consider him lucky. I don't align myself with what Trump said, because some things are just best left unsaid. We all need a hero. If McCain is a hero to some Americans then so be it. Trump had no good reason to shatter that. We all know Trump is no Politician. He shoots from the hip. If Trump was to be nominated and win the presidency only two things can possibly happen. He will either be the best president this country has seen since JFK or the biggest bust since Barack Obama. Now considering the other candidates from both parties Trump is no more of a gamble than any of the others.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
People like you make me sick- did you serve one day in the military? More than likely NO- so it's for you to sit on your fat ass and say -oh he crashed 5 planes-but you never flown a plan so wtf do you know about what's good and not good?
How silly would I sound if I told you Micheal Jordan should be heralded as not one of the greatest Basketball players because I watched him miss at least 5 game winning shots?
Or how would I come off if I pretended to be an expert in swimming and yet never been in the swimming pool?
I gave McCain and other person who donned a uniform and especially if they fought in a war all the credit and respect in the world because they are not afraid to bleed or die for a cause, but fat asses like you who sit behind a computer and have the audacity to criticize someone who fought in the war is reprehensible. You are probably afraid to walk down a dark alley at night yet alone fight in a war. Walk in McCain's shoes and you will have a different perspective.
Why don't we go back to 2008 and see what the dems said about McCain. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This. Trump has given huge amount of money to the Dems and backed Dems in the past. I'm beginning to believe whispers of him being a Dem plant.
People like you make me sick- did you serve one day in the military? More than likely NO- so it's for you to sit on your fat ass and say -oh he crashed 5 planes-but you never flown a plan so wtf do you know about what's good and not good?
How silly would I sound if I told you Micheal Jordan should be heralded as not one of the greatest Basketball players because I watched him miss at least 5 game winning shots?
Or how would I come off if I pretended to be an expert in swimming and yet never been in the swimming pool?
I gave McCain and other person who donned a uniform and especially if they fought in a war all the credit and respect in the world because they are not afraid to bleed or die for a cause, but fat asses like you who sit behind a computer and have the audacity to criticize someone who fought in the war is reprehensible. You are probably afraid to walk down a dark alley at night yet alone fight in a war. Walk in McCain's shoes and you will have a different perspective. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Fucking +1 from someone who is no fan of John Mc Cain. Well said.
Yes show me a post where Obama or any other DEM candidates said McCain wasn't a war hero? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Obama backer, West Virginia Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller, joined the Obama Democrats war on truth chorus and insulted Senator McCain:

Rockefeller believes McCain has become insensitive to many human issues. "McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit.
"What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues."

Lt. Col. Orson Swindle, USMC (Ret.), who shared a cell with McCain in the Hanoi Hilton, demanded that Barack Obama denounce Senator Jay Rockefeller's smear against John McCain and the men and women of our military:

Senator Rockefeller's statement is an insult to all the men and women who are serving or have served in America's military. Had Senator Rockefeller served himself, he would appreciate and understand that most who have been to war emerge with a much deeper concern for humanity than they otherwise might. If he knew what he was talking about, he would know that John McCain wasn't dropping laser-guided missiles at 35,000 feet in 1967.
Barack Obama has a responsibility to denounce Senator Rockefeller's smear against John McCain's character and military record.

So what is it with Obama and his supporters? Instead of joining in Senator McCain's call for a civil discussion, they insist upon campaigning with insults and "'Distortion,' 'Rank Falsehood,' 'Seriously Misleading' and 'Outright Lying'"
Obama promised better. Obama should apologize to McCain, and the nation, for Rockefeller's smear against McCain's character and military record.

Why doesn't Obama have the courage to stand up for the principles of 'new politics' he outlined in his book, "The Audacity of Hope?"

Image: A mob pulling John McCain from his plane after it was hit by a missile plunged into a lake.

Posted at 02:38 PM in Democrats, Presidential Campaign 2008 | Permalink ShareThis
Technorati Tags: 2008 Presidential Campaign, Insults, Jay Rockefeller, John McCain
People like you make me sick- did you serve one day in the military? More than likely NO- so it's for you to sit on your fat ass and say -oh he crashed 5 planes-but you never flown a plan so wtf do you know about what's good and not good?
How silly would I sound if I told you Micheal Jordan should be heralded as not one of the greatest Basketball players because I watched him miss at least 5 game winning shots?
Or how would I come off if I pretended to be an expert in swimming and yet never been in the swimming pool?
I gave McCain and other person who donned a uniform and especially if they fought in a war all the credit and respect in the world because they are not afraid to bleed or die for a cause, but fat asses like you who sit behind a computer and have the audacity to criticize someone who fought in the war is reprehensible. You are probably afraid to walk down a dark alley at night yet alone fight in a war. Walk in McCain's shoes and you will have a different perspective. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I can see why you get a lot of flak around here. First of all it's quite wimpy to attack me personally just because you don't like my post. First of all I am proud of our Military and I support those that serve in any capacity. I think to call someone a "War Hero" depends on your definition. If your definition of War Hero depicts John McCain I'll respect that. But don't fuck with me just because my view differs from yours, ok.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You stupid fuxtix don't want to acknowledge that McCain TOFTT for the GOP big time. He had to run with Palin against the first black president of the USA. No love for the poor Schmuck?

That's why the RWWs can't win nationally.
lustylad's Avatar

Obama backer, West Virginia Democratic Senator Jay Rockefeller, joined the Obama Democrats war on truth chorus and insulted Senator McCain:

Rockefeller believes McCain has become insensitive to many human issues. "McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit."

"What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn't know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Unbelievable! I missed this back in 2008. Only a dimotard could be so jaw-droppingly stupid in trying to smear a war hero without even getting the facts right. When McCain's plane was shot down in 1967, laser-guided munitions weren't even invented. He was shot down because he was flying at 4500 feet, not 35,000. It is self-refuting to the point of absurdity to suggest a man who spent 6 years in a POW camp stayed out of harm's way and is insensitive to human suffering. Jay Rockefeller is a POS who avoided Vietnam by joining the Peace Corps. His smear of McCain is beneath contempt - even worse than what Trump said.
