Congressman gets caught on Craiglist

Can we say it's sad he didn't figure how to use picasa or photoshop to crop the damn picture. Lordy even I know how to crop a pic. Originally Posted by SR Only
Actually, he did crop it. The pic was taken in the House Gym, and a nekkid John Boehner was standing next to him. Big Bad John was cropped out.
One online publication reported this event with a title something like this:

"Politician You've Never Heard of Caught in Sex Scandal with No Sex!"

(And, yeah, I agree with others: The real scandal is how much money these people are spending.)
I find it sad that even on this board we condemn this conduct. We're supposed to be open-minded here, aren't we. Just a guy with a need.
I dunno -- my own view is it's the hypocrisy that's galling: so when I see a homophobic, anti-sex, self-righteous right-wing prick get taken down for something which he would readily have condemned in others, my sympathy quickly yields to schadenfreude.

In other words, I totally agree, where former-Congressman Lee chooses to put his penis is between him, his wife, and any other person having direct contact with his penis. And wouldn't it be nice if not only our idiotic mainstream media, but *also* our federal and state laws reflected such enlightened respect for privacy. But, alas, Congressman Lee has spent his (suddenly-foreshortened) political career defending laws that affirmatively criminalize certain behaviors between and among consenting adults, as well as laws that enshrine discrimination against people based on who they happen to be attracted to. So pardon me if the cries of "leave the poor guy alone" ring a little hollow to my ears....

i'd like to see the exact wording of the ad the woman placed to see if she had any basis at all to out the poor guy.
My understanding was this was a straightforward "woman seeking man" personal: i.e., she -- single and available -- ISO single and available man for possible relationship. He responded to her ad -- apparently using his real name -- claiming to be a divorced lobbyist. Needless to say when she googled his name she immediately saw that he was in fact a very-married sitting Member of the House of Representatives (and was able to confirm based on the picture he sent).

Because the guy can't possibly be *that* stupid, and because I've seen first-hand how arrogant and full-of-themselves some politicians can be, my only thought is that he thought that being a Congressman is just so Teh Awesome that she would just swoon and melt into his arms notwithstanding his having a wife back in his upstate New York district....
I don't participate in this forum but since some are wondering about the original ad, you need to visit the original site that broke the news. The woman actually sent the emails to the gossip site.

Original story:!5755071/married-gop-congressman-sent-sexy-pictures-to-craigslist-babe

I dunno -- my own view is it's the hypocrisy that's galling: so when I see a homophobic, anti-sex, self-righteous right-wing prick get taken down for something which he would readily have condemned in others, my sympathy quickly yields to schadenfreude.

In other words, I totally agree, where former-Congressman Lee chooses to put his penis is between him, his wife, and any other person having direct contact with his penis. And wouldn't it be nice if not only our idiotic mainstream media, but *also* our federal and state laws reflected such enlightened respect for privacy. But, alas, Congressman Lee has spent his (suddenly-foreshortened) political career defending laws that affirmatively criminalize certain behaviors between and among consenting adults, as well as laws that enshrine discrimination against people based on who they happen to be attracted to. So pardon me if the cries of "leave the poor guy alone" ring a little hollow to my ears.... Originally Posted by Curious_Cat
I guess the problem is that from a public policy standpoint, I'm trying to promote a more live-and-let-live policy when it comes to the penile world, while your promoting an "I don't like his politics so screw him" policy. I would much rather live in a world which is like the one I promote than your punitive world. Do I understand the whole "he deserves to be treated like he would treat others" approach? Yep, I do. Does it change my opinion of what public policy should be. No.
I dunno -- my own view is it's the hypocrisy that's galling: so when I see a homophobic, anti-sex, self-righteous right-wing prick get taken down for something which he would readily have condemned in others, my sympathy quickly yields to schadenfreude. Originally Posted by Curious_Cat
Do you have any evidence of this, other than the "R" behind his name?
Oh, I'm sure he's smart. Probably got straight A's through college, and I strongly suspect he went to an upper tier school.

I find it sad that even on this board we condemn this conduct. We're supposed to be open-minded here, aren't we. Just a guy with a need.

Quite frankly, I think he should have stuck it out. The past indicates you can survive. Look at Bill Clinton. David Vitter. Others I can't remember right now. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I agree... Personally I could care less who the politicians are screwing... They are humans with needs just as everyone else, and yet everyone acts so appalled
Do you have any evidence of this, other than the "R" behind his name? Originally Posted by pjorourke
It was that "other" photo on Craig’s of him in a pink tu-tu and the fishnet stockings.

In a Triumph the Insult Dog voice: "I keed you, I keed you. It is a joke." (Triumph is the best).

Like I said why he couldn't how to figure out to keep his face out of the photos. In his case it was a lack of brain cells. We know regardless of political affiliation the little head talks louder. (he's my best friend I take him everywhere with me).
One set of rules for the rulers and another for the ruled! I agree with PJ... but I believe Monica is the one who balanced the budget...lmao. Frustrated people do frustrated things. Greedy people do greedy things. Happy people do GREAT things.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I believe Monica is the one who balanced the budget...lmao. Originally Posted by Lacey Companion

Clever observation! I like it. It did kinda put him in a “compromising” position now didn’t it?
Yes, I realize this thread is getting a little old - but was reminded recently of this classic Onion video, which shows an all-too-rare example of a Congressman handling a situation like this with grace and class:,14316/