Trends in Provider Preferences

Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Wow. You can always learn. I never even suspected some of this shit. Forget whether we're more progressive here or not. DC, New York City and Boston are the most segregated cities in America. And, believe me, even North Dallas has a long ways to go to outpace Beacon Hill. But I never picked up on the fact that providers are worried that hobbyists object to chicks who allow blacks to visit. That's surprising, not shocking, but...
Let's not assume all pimps are black or have big dicks.
LOL, that's a good one! Yeah, not all AA men have 'snakes on a plane' goin' on, if ya' know what I mean. LOL, so for all of you hobbyists w/THAT stereotype - don't let the old high-school-locker-room-impression scar you for life. LOL

Just my 0.02 cents...and hey! Pimpin' ain't easy!! j.k, LOL LOL
Everyone have a great day

lilsmurf's Avatar
This thread belongs on Oprah, WTF
berkleigh's Avatar
This thread belongs on Oprah, WTF Originally Posted by lilsmurf
I got the popcorn you bring the budlight.
berkleigh's Avatar
Sounds like a plan!
Dennis666's Avatar
If I see a chick who doesn't see AA clients, I just say fuck it and move on to the next one. I mean you gotta remember that this is the DEEP south. Hell one of these women is in this thread right now. I remember when I 1st started this, A provider told me that I should have to tell them what race I am, which I thought was totally fucking gay but whatever, this is freakin Texas, a former confederate state. So my advice, take your vacation up north.

Thats my two cents.
Randall Creed's Avatar
This thread is more tempting than a big booty in a miniskirt.

But I'm going to be the bigger man and walk away.

Besides, we all know PPE would just come in and the thread anyway.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Let's not sugar coat it for the guy. It's more than a few. This is Texas. We're not as progressive as other areas. I include myself in this bucket. I didn't see my first ebony provider until last year because of preceived notions about black people (I am to embarrassed to say what they were). Old assumptions and beliefs die hard. The hobby lags society in this respect because ladies feel more vulnerable.

About half of providers in Dallas will not see black men. Some proudly advertise it. others are more subtle. But still leaves a lot of ladies for your black friend to choose from. Just look at some of the ladies in this thread.

Yes, some ladies do this because of pimps. But a lot do it because of personal preference. A number of top providers who are in their 20s and early 30s have thus policy. Originally Posted by BigEddie
Finally, a bit of honesty. Big Eddie, it takes courage to admit to what you said and it takes a big man with intelligence to reexamine old and deeply held views. Congratulations on all of that.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm going to say this and then leave it alone.....for real this time.

Compare Dallas' ratio of NBA's to any other city and if you don't see a difference...I don't know to tell you.

And Berk! Baby, damn! Yo booty looking RIGHT on that avatar!!!

DFK Hunter's Avatar
Why I'm even bothering to post to this idiotic thread where a bunch of no nothing bigots post things that clearly show they have no idea of what they are talking about. Honestly, at first I thought I should follow RC's example but if he doesn't have the self-discipline then why should I?

Remember, measure twice, cut once. That goes with posting too. Read my words before you challenge me, that all I ask.

If I see a chick who doesn't see AA clients, I just say fuck it and move on to the next one. I mean you gotta remember that this is the DEEP south. Hell one of these women is in this thread right now. I remember when I 1st started this, A provider told me that I should have to tell them what race I am, which I thought was totally fucking gay but whatever, this is freakin Texas, a former confederate state. So my advice, take your vacation up north.

Thats my two cents. Originally Posted by Dennis666
Actually, no, Texas is not, nor ever was culturally part of the Deep South even when part of the Confederacy. Geographically and culturally, Texas has always been part of the great southwest. Texas wound up aligned with the Deep South because of slavery as a direct result of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which limited slavery below 36° 30' N. So, by legislative fiat Texas was doomed to be a slave state just as the GTT (Gone To Texas) migration started. As a result, true "Deep South" southerners brought their slaves with them. During this time, my maternal Massachusetts ancestors moved here fleeing debt from one of the business panics that plagued that era, and my fraternal North Carolina dirt farmer ancestors moved here with dreams to farm their own land, not someone else's.

Oh, and to continue our little history lesson, some of you haven't noticed that the Civil War ended some 145 years ago, and guess what? The North won! The Union has been Preserved! And by the way, it's been over two generations since the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Long enough for my blond, blue-eyed daughter to have a black boyfriend, but not long enough for his Mother, who forced him to break it off.

More to the subject of this thread, I once had a bad, very bad, encounter with a pimp that only by the grace of god and the pimp's own stupidity did I make it out unscathed. Hence, I'm rather sensitive to the presence of "management". I've talked to many providers about pimps and pimping and I have gotten one very consistent story I'll expound upon here.

As to NBA's, they primarily occur for three reasons:

1) Pimps don't like pimps poaching their hoes.
2) Hoe's don't like pimps blowing up their cell phone or wasting their time scheduling sessions where the pimp tries to recruit her while not paying for her time. (Physical intimidation is not uncommon at these recruiting sessions.)
3) The girl is just not into Black.

Now let's get one thing straight, like it or not, it's an indisputable fact that the overwhelming majority of pimps in the DFW area are Black. Shortly after my pimp encounter, I viewed hundreds of mug shots of men arrested for pandering and other pimping related crimes with my lawyer. I saw not one white face in the group. About 1 in 10 was Hispanic, and a few Oriental; however, none I saw at that time were white. Maybe they (white pimps) exist in this area, but as far as I seen, all the data shows that white pimps in Dallas are as plentiful as unicorns.

In all the frank conversations I've had with the providers I've talked to, roughly 80% of the NBAs are due to #1 and 20% are due to #2. Not one of the girls listed #3 as a reason. That doesn't mean some girls don't NBA for personal preference, but as one pretty 19 year old told me, "If I'm willing to fuck a fat, 60 year old white guy for his money, why wouldn't I fuck a black guy for his? It's not about who I'm attracted too."

Or as another provider (with an NBA) told me, "None of the black guys that call me want to pay. All they want is to pimp me out. It's not like it's (the NBA) losing me any money..."

For her the NBA was purely a business decision, or, as a good hobby buddy of mine calls it, a lazy way to screen. And note, I haven't even touched on the fact that a lot of these guys are real assholes, with misogynistic habits towards women, and aren't afraid to rough up some little 19 year old from the Arkansas backwoods to convince her of the benefits of working for him.

Ultimately, that's what it comes to, the pimps in this area are so aggressive that they themselves turn to NBAs to protect their turf (hoes), and independent providers feel they have to turn away a whole segment of the population to protect themselves and their income.

And the next time you wax whimsical about Dallas being blessed with the cornucopia of providing talent, take a moment to remember all those hard working pimps scouring the bus stops, truck stops, malls, and homeless shelters to bring you the very best in nubile providing pussy that Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana has to offer.

Yeah that's right. Where there are providers there are pimps. Dallas is blessed with a with a bumper crop of both.

THINK about it folks, there is a reason why so many of the young ones have NBAs, they are the ones most vulnerable. Why is that so hard to understand?

I suspect it's because a lot of you can't handle the very ugly truth. It's not PC and it grates against your biases and you'd rather lash out at the KKK or Confederate boogie man rather than admit that the pimps are behind all the wonderful Dallas pussy you crave so much, and the NBAs you so despise.

It ain't prejudice, it ain't a white vs. black thang, it is, as Don Corleone might say, just business.

Deal with it.

That includes you RC, deal with it. You bitch about it the way old farts in the corner hardware store bitch about the weather. And with the same results.

Have a nice day.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I could post in a thread in Bumfuck, Egypt, and you could bet your bottom dollar that a fucktard would post right behind me.

I get the impression that SOME people are disappointed that slavery came to an end.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I could post in a thread in Bumfuck, Egypt, and you could bet your bottom dollar that a fucktard would post right behind me.

I get the impression that SOME people are disappointed that slavery came to an end. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
In my almost 700 posts exactly how many times have I posted behind you before today? Oh, just once!!! Isn't that special?

Which makes your second comment even less accurate, and more a reflection upon you.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Funny, I counted TWO in just this thread alone.

Your credibility's already questionable, guy.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar