Gentlmen, What made you choose youre handle?

otrdriver's Avatar
mine is work related. I'm a long haul truck driver. so "Over The Road DRIVER"
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 12-29-2009, 03:39 PM
A totally made up set of initials and numbers that bear little relation to anything else in my life. I would be hard to cross reference.
repairman's Avatar
I repair furniture for a living.....I know...pretty lame
boo-boo bear's Avatar
Well, an interesting post! I picked mine because I figured that it wasn't unique enough to be easily searched and only pull up my posts, yet no one else had thought to use. Plus, I always did like the cartoon, and figured that some of the ladies might like it as well. (playing the cuteness factor!)
xperiment's Avatar
About 6 years ago I was kind of curious about hobbying and adult personals. Was really trying to get my feet wet and feel around and see what it was like. So really just experimenting but figured since it was adult fun that just call it xperiment.
gman44's Avatar
mine is pretty self explainatory
MiniMeat's Avatar
Tara, I'd love to SHOW you how I got MINE! ;-)
Duke was my dear old Labrador who passsed in 99. He was a handsome, fun loving, loyal dog with no brains and the biggest set of balls you could ever see. Duke and I are a lot alike!
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
  1. Disney-Pixar's Chicken Little the movie was coming out at the time.
  2. I'm told my Handle is a mouthful and that's a double entendre
  3. Finally, often I'm asked what's my favorite part of a woman, my reply is I like the whole bucket of chicken: breasts, thighs, backs, legs, wings, and necks

Other than's really nothing special.
GuyFawkes's Avatar
Due to being caught in the hobby, I needed a new identity and looked for something that represented anonymity. I had been watching V for Vendetta and the following lines seemed to represent what I was trying to achieve.

Evey Hammond: Who are you?
V: Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
Evey Hammond: Well I can see that.
V: Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.
I was reading some article several years ago and ran across the word "ithyphallic". I had never heard it before and I looked it up:

ith·y·phal·lic (th-flk)
1. Of or relating to the phallus carried in the ancient festival of Bacchus.
2. Having the penis erect. Used of graphic and sculptural representations.
3. Lascivious; salacious.

Apparently, the ancients made a lot of sculptures of gods with erect phalli(?). They actually coined the phrase "Rock out with your cock out".

I added the -us because it sounded like Maximus from Gladiator.
  • MrGiz
  • 12-30-2009, 07:08 AM
Most hobby people think my longtime handle refers to "Jiz" , jizzum.... ejaculate.... cum! Not even close!

It's a nickname (long story) I've had since mid-teens , still used, only by a very small handfull of friends. . . . and now.... all of you!

BTW.... it's a "hard" "G".

smokeater's Avatar
Smokeater is an nicname given to a fire fighter who can go places most people run away from. Call us crazy but when there is a burning building most people run out, not a Smokeater!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
place + name + DOB

pretty basic....
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Pretty much self-explanatory...I Luvs havin' Fun!

Besides, if I went with Joey Greco y'all might think I'm a D-bag or something and not want to see me .