The Hobby and a changed perspective and viewpoint

Charlie Brown's Avatar
They look good, they smell great, they're soft and sexy, some sound like angels. Many make me feel fantastic. It's a hormone thing I think. My testosterone is off the chats.

I have a totally different perspective today than when I was much younger. I did have the standard thoughts of whores - bad, not a whore - good. I also used to have the double standard views really hard.

As I grew to be more worldly and understanding, I hardly ever really separate my feelings for hobby girls and non hobby girls. I do recognize the obvious differences within both groups though. They're some at both ends of the quality scale - kinda like other parts of life.

I've discussed this with others and there seems to be a consensus agreement that hobbyist, both men and women, those at or near the top of the food chain, are intelligent, articulate, educated ( formally and non formal ), look you in the eye when speaking to you, walk with an air of confidence, draw you to them, and are just fun folks to be around.

A while back when I'd go to socials and converse with several girls, I'd leave thinking " man, they seem like they could do just about anything they want to do ". Then you find out they stepped in some shit in the past and are now having a hard time regaining their footing. Hence, the girls that are here for a short while, then POOF ! Others stay here because they're damn good at what they do and they make good money.

Sure, they're exceptions and some can be a little rough around the edges but I'll hang with a provider over a civilian almost any day.

And the tattoo's - I understand why but it's not my thing.
Even if I wasn't a working girl, I would be trying to fuck a guy with money, means and resources.

It's instinct.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-05-2017, 01:39 PM
Even if I wasn't a working girl, I would be trying to fuck a guy with money, means and resources.

It's instinct. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
They call those gold diggers where I come from BUT end up as baby momma and as the years go by, they become nagging b!&ches. Stick to the hobby $$ and be happy
FunInDFW's Avatar
<- point was that way. You went ->.
They call those gold diggers where I come from BUT end up as baby momma and as the years go by, they become nagging b!&ches. Stick to the hobby $$ and be happy Originally Posted by BLM69
Nah, that's just what happens when a woman solely relies on a man. Mama always told me to have your own shit together.
Marine, I guess it goes back to growing up deep in the bible belt and having to listen to people tell me that sex was a bad thing and not for pleasure.

There's a LOT of close-minded individuals in the sticks who will go to church Sunday morning, and they'll be swinging the night before.

I have met several providers who do this, NOT because they have to, but because they want to. Originally Posted by mrredcat43
Yes redcat...I grew up in East many closed minded folks out there... That teach their kids that sex is taboo... Supposed to be for marriage and mostly procreating not pleasure.

When you do this because you want to it makes the whole entire experience different than that of someone who must make a living this get burned out when you have that feeling that you have to take appts to survive.
[QUOTE=About how I view the hobby, everyone I dealt with is different so my feelings are all over the chart, You get what you give if that makes any sense[/QUOTE]

One way that hobbying has changed me in the RW is I'm a little bit more out going now. I'm usually really shy and not much of a talker, and have a very limited social life.

Since I'm now meeting many new ladies all the time now, and having all sorts of conversations with them, I'm starting break out of my shell a little bit. Which has translated to me being more talkative and social in RW situations. I wouldn't have expected that going in. So that is one way the hobby has benefited me for the better.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's going to take a lot more than screwing some tatted gals to get me to change my mind about tattoos. Sorry. I dint know that I had any particularly adverse preconceived notions about hookers or johns. I've always been a live and let live, they're performing a service and filling a need or there wouldn't be a market fir them type. But as I get older, I continue to be astonished how much lack of competence and professionalism insist in ALL WALKS OF LIFE. I guess when I was younger, I just figured a high percentage of people would have their shit together. Even in fields like law, medicine, engineering, etc., I am constant,y astonished at how many people do things half-assed or just mail it in. Hobby is no different. Though I never gave it a lot of thought, I thought there would be more professionalism, high service level, etc. among the women. At least until I got out of college and saw what fuckups everyday people are.
texassapper's Avatar
As someone who's recently started in the scene, it really hasn't changed my views all that much. Tattoo's: well some are beautiful, some aren't. We'll see how they hold up by the time we're all in a nursing home. As for Providers... being a courtesan has a long, and I would argue noble tradition. The ladies provide comfort to those who might not otherwise experience the tenderness of the fairer sex. I don't think of them as not having their Shit together... rather they are making a very logical economic choice. If they enjoy doing so, more power to them.

Adrienne said she'd be looking for a guy with money... that's not gold digging, that's evolution. Women want a mate with resources to care for them. Men want fertile women. It's in our DNA... if it weren't, the species wouldn't have made it off the veldt in Africa.

The hobby is just like everywhere else. People in boardrooms running 3 billion dollar companies can be as f*cked up as an $80/hr girl... and a girl who knows what she is about can have the same energy and entrepreneurial spirit as a captain of Industry. People are people....wherever you find them.
For the past couple of weeks this has been in the back of my mind. I find myself thinking how the hobby has changed my view on RW situations and issues, and how I view women.

For example, before the hobby, I HATED tattoos on women, and found it degrading. Now, I find them as something I'm drawn to and intend to get my first in the near future. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy an untouched body that has yet to feel the needle.

Next changed viewpoint is how I view a working girl and a John. Pre-hobby, I thought little of the game. Basically, I looked down at your working girl type and John and KNEW it was taboo, and just felt like they had less value than gum on the bottom of my shoe. Now, I look at the entire game, provider and client, with a profound respect. Why the change you ask? YOU CAN'T LOOK DOWN AT ANYBODY, YOU DON'T KNOW THE STORY AS TO WHY THEY'RE IN THE SITUATION THEY'RE IN!

There's not much difference between your working girl and the girl who has her shit together and not in the hobby. All it takes is one MAJOR life event and the girl who had her shit together is now a working girl.

Think back to pre-hobby and I know it's been a while for a lot, but how has the hobby changed YOUR views? Originally Posted by mrredcat43
So basically, you were a judgmental prick about women with tattoos. And now that these "women with tattoos" give you sex for cash, you suddenly respect tattoos. Okay.

Again, you were a judgmental prick and looked down on people and what they CHOOSE to do for a living. Up until you figured out these ladies will give you sex for money. Now you have tremendous respect for them. Okay.

Um no, there is absolutely NO difference in your so called "working girl" and the girl "who has their shit together". They are all EQUALLY women. Respect them as such. I don't care if I pay them, they are still women and I ALWAYS give them the respect as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING NO MATTER THE SITUATION. I thought that was a no brainer?

But then again, what do I know? To each his own.

And please do not blame shit on your upbringing. So many fall back on that as their go to excuse to being a horrible person. Guess what? Other people, including myself, had shitty upbringings. I was man enough to accept it, move on, and over come them. Either you're strong enough to define yourself or let others define you.
So basically, you were a judgmental prick about women with tattoos. And now that these "women with tattoos" give you sex for cash, you suddenly respect tattoos. Okay.

Again, you were a judgmental prick and looked down on people and what they CHOOSE to do for a living. Up until you figured out these ladies will give you sex for money. Now you have tremendous respect for them. Okay.

Um no, there is absolutely NO difference in your so called "working girl" and the girl "who has their shit together". They are all EQUALLY women. Respect them as such. I don't care if I pay them, they are still women and I ALWAYS give them the respect as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING NO MATTER THE SITUATION. I thought that was a no brainer?

But then again, what do I know? To each his own.

And please do not blame shit on your upbringing. So many fall back on that as their go to excuse to being a horrible person. Guess what? Other people, including myself, had shitty upbringings. I was man enough to accept it, move on, and over come them. Either you're strong enough to define yourself or let others define you. Originally Posted by Tronhorn356
You clearly didn't wait to sober up before posting this crap.

I believe the OP intention was positive and to create an interesting topic here for us all to discuss.... Not for you to insult him and put him down based on his own experiences in this and in life.

I don't think the OP was blaming his upbringing...but if all you're used to or taught is a certain thing how are you supposed to know different unless you go out in the world and educate yourself on things and what the true reality is. That's basically what the OP did.

I highly doubt his view changed because he figured out he could get sex for money... He already knew this was a possibility. I imagine he was trying to say that after hobbying and meeting providers the hobby and tbose that provide aren't like he once thought. He realizes we are regular people too. With regular things happening to us just like everybody else. Maybe he grew an appreciation for the tats because he could hear the ladies story behind it.

You never know what someone is going through....

You turned this into something negative... That was not the tone of this thread until your post.

Maybe you don't know what it's like growing up in an area that we came from...East Texas has very closed minded individuals... That are extremely conservative and judgemental. They have much different morals and viewpoints on wordly things like the hobby. Don't put someone down because of where they come from...

Exactly.... What do you know.... You assume from his post he has no respect for women... Please don't make assumptions about another and how they treat women.. Don't put this guy in a bad light...

Redcat is a great guy to spend time with and has always been a respectful gentleman to me.... Nothing like what you described.
I took OP's original post fairly positive as well. Seems like a pretty cool guy.

A big part of the fun of this is meeting so many different ladies with so many different backgrounds that you would never meet or talk to in the RW. And with so many threads popping up about seeing providers in RW ordinary situations, proves most providers are ordinary people that just happen to have a fun hobby they like to participate in.

I stated earlier that I've had a certain level of respect for providers long before I ever considered hobbying myself. Meeting them has increased that respect. I always felt if you enjoyed what you did, knew how to act professional, and kept it together, you could achieve great things. Of course, this doesnt apply just to the hobby, but anything in life.
I took OP's original post fairly positive as well. Seems like a pretty cool guy.

A big part of the fun of this is meeting so many different ladies with so many different backgrounds that you would never meet or talk to in the RW. And with so many threads popping up about seeing providers in RW ordinary situations, proves most providers are ordinary people that just happen to have a fun hobby they like to participate in.

I stated earlier that I've had a certain level of respect for providers long before I ever considered hobbying myself. Meeting them has increased that respect. I always felt if you enjoyed what you did, knew how to act professional, and kept it together, you could achieve great things. Of course, this doesnt apply just to the hobby, but anything in life. Originally Posted by OneStarLuck07
I think it's awesome the hobby has brought you out of your shell allows me the same opportunity... I didn't think you were shy really... Especially not for a first meet
You clearly didn't wait to sober up before posting this crap.

I believe the OP intention was positive and to create an interesting topic here for us all to discuss.... Not for you to insult him and put him down based on his own experiences in this and in life.

I don't think the OP was blaming his upbringing...but if all you're used to or taught is a certain thing how are you supposed to know different unless you go out in the world and educate yourself on things and what the true reality is. That's basically what the OP did.

I highly doubt his view changed because he figured out he could get sex for money... He already knew this was a possibility. I imagine he was trying to say that after hobbying and meeting providers the hobby and tbose that provide aren't like he once thought. He realizes we are regular people too. With regular things happening to us just like everybody else. Maybe he grew an appreciation for the tats because he could hear the ladies story behind it.

You never know what someone is going through....

You turned this into something negative... That was not the tone of this thread until your post.

Maybe you don't know what it's like growing up in an area that we came from...East Texas has very closed minded individuals... That are extremely conservative and judgemental. They have much different morals and viewpoints on wordly things like the hobby. Don't put someone down because of where they come from...

Exactly.... What do you know.... You assume from his post he has no respect for women... Please don't make assumptions about another and how they treat women.. Don't put this guy in a bad light...

Redcat is a great guy to spend time with and has always been a respectful gentleman to me.... Nothing like what you described. Originally Posted by Analeese
Well shit, that is the thing about having a free will, we each view things differently. My comments are not law, they are strictly my opinion and really doesn't mean shit to anyone else besides me. If you disagree then post a reply or ignore me. Either way, I stand by my opinion until proven wrong.

I personally felt Redcat's comments were judgmental. ONLY AFTER he was able to pay and fuck a lady/ladies, did his opinion change about those that CHOOSE to be a part of this community. In a sense, it benefits him, hence why his opinion changed. In my book, that is being fake.

And what is there to discuss? OP had a change of heart, the women he donates to are no longer "whores" but "ladies" to him. As long as they fuck him...

Can't remember, but please link me to a public post about me being sober or not sober as your post implies. I won't report you. Just wanted to remind you to stay within your limits, ma'am.

You can never tell what someone is going through? Please. All you have to do is ask and talk to a person and show sincerity. Which actually proves my point. When you actually give a fuck about a person you will ask them questions and try to get to know them. So basically, Redcat did not give a fuck about providers until he saw some benefit for himself. And NOW he is all for it and so understanding. Such a sweetheart, lol........

Yeah, I may have a certain "persona" on the forums, but I'm actually chill as fuck. You can go ahead and PM any provider I've seen ask them about me. Call me out if I'm bullshitting or lying about anything. There has NEVER been a session where I have not asked how a provider is doing/feeling or gotten to know her on a more personal level.

Honestly, how much of a bitch does Redcat look like right now? He only wants a tattoo because a girl he fucked has tattoos and wants to relate to them some how? Yet, said provider gives no shits about To each his own. Tattoos are personal, you don't get them so you can feel closer to someone, especially if that other party does not feel the same way.