sorry ass mod folllow up

Ok, everybody, please stop bumping this thread. If you want this to stop please jump in and bump up a thread with a hot chick that is trying to catch our attention.
single1utr's Avatar
rjdiner's Avatar
Not again!!!! Come on man!! You complain about a dweeb Mod. running off members, what about the members you run off with the above dribble you continue to subject the members to ???

Hey JW, I could not have said it better. Funniest thing I have read on here this month.

+1 JW
+1 PD
+1 ML
+1 WC
+1 Mokoa Originally Posted by DocHolyday

And best of all cunt hunter -2.

You guys are so simple...hahahaha
dearhunter's Avatar
How many points you got left?

  • 11-06-2016, 09:39 PM
Here we go again. Wait please, let me go grab some popcorn in case this gets interesting.
  • 11-06-2016, 09:46 PM
Oh btw, I like the blonde one, those nipples are not so common, the redhead is in my wishlist, I hope santa finally delivers this Christmas, fat fucker always drops the ball. Maybe i need to leave more cookies.
dearhunter's Avatar
Here we go again. Wait please, let me go grab some popcorn in case this gets interesting. Originally Posted by CIFER
There will be no "again".........rjwhiner doesn't have the chips to play with anymore. You will have to settle for the kinder gentler rjwhiner.
DocHolyday's Avatar
RJ, when I'm wrong I'm wrong. I didn't see it happening but it did so my apologies to you Sir. You're the MAN!!
dearhunter's Avatar
You thinck rjwhiner had a say in anything..............hahahaha hahahahahahahah

The question is........does rjwhiner want to take credit for said modtard being gone?
  • 11-07-2016, 05:02 PM
He didn't? So why did he leave then? Also what's the deal with the chips?
rjdiner's Avatar
Don't feed the troll
Chica Chaser's Avatar
The question is........does rjwhiner want to take credit for said modtard being gone? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Excellent question, one I'd love to hear the answer to. Step up to the plate RJ.

Wait, I'm probably just a troll too.
  • 11-07-2016, 07:59 PM
Shoo shoo, go away troll. No but seriously I want to know more.
single1utr's Avatar
Great job RJ!!!