John Kerry said what???

Kerry's statement is neither delusion or stupidity...

It is simple deceit and corruption of honesty from the Administrative State of Obama.
LexusLover's Avatar
They have accomplished their mission by literally putting terror or fear in your heart and mind. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So, you know what is in my "heart and mind"? And you know this how?

Now bigtex, he's got 20-20 hindsight over-the-horizon vision at 6,000+ miles.

Before the 2003 invasion he was able to determine there were no WMD's in Iraq! (Even though 90% of the intelligence agencies in the civilized world and the Iraqi military thought and said there were). And announced it after the invasion.

So, what is your special knowledge and the source of it, pray tell?
LexusLover's Avatar
Kerry's statement is neither delusion or stupidity...

It is simple deceit and corruption of honesty from the Administrative State of Obama. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

It's in his bone marrow ...

Now bigtex, he's got 20-20 hindsight over-the-horizon vision at 6,000+ miles.

Before the 2003 invasion he was able to determine there were no WMD's in Iraq! (Even though 90% of the intelligence agencies in the civilized world and the Iraqi military thought and said there were). And announced it after the invasion. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yet another misrepresentation of the facts from LL The Patriarchal Idiot!

What I actually said during the build up to the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. And numerous times since, was:

I did not know if there were still WMD's in Iraq at that particular time. What I did know was that there were (finally) UN Weapons Inspector's in Iraq "at that particular time." That is until Shrub and Darth Cheney kicked them out! My feelings were then and remain today that I felt that the Administration should allow Hans Blix and crew the opportunity to complete their assigned task. As I recall, Blix indicated that he needed an additional 4-6 months to complete their mission. Give or take a month or two!

I further went on to state that once the Weapons Inspectors completed their assigned task, if there were still WMD's present then (and only then) should they consider a full scale invasion.

How conveniently the Patriarchal Idiot forgets the real truth and resorts to childish lies, rumors and innuendo!

But what do you expect? He's a friggin' Idiot! A Patriarchal Idiot, to be exact!
LexusLover's Avatar
Yet another misrepresentation of the facts from LL The Patriarchal Idiot!

What I actually said during the build up to the ill fated and ill advised, spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq. And numerous times since, was:

That I did not know if there were still WMD's in Iraq at that particular time. What I did know was that there were finally Weapons Inspector's in Iraq "at that particular time." At the time, I felt that it was the prudent thing to do, to allow Hans Blix and crew the opportunity to complete their assigned task. As I recall, Blix indicated that he needed an additional 4-6 months to complete their mission. Give or take a month or two!

I further went on to state that once the Weapons Inspectors completed their assigned task, if there were still WMD's present then (and only then) should they consider a full scale invasion.

How conveniently the Idiot' forget the real truth and resort to childish lies and innuendo! Originally Posted by bigtex
It's amazing what bottom feeders will surface after a little chumming.

"As I recall, Blix indicated that he needed an additional 4-6 months to complete their mission. Give or take a month or two!"

You mean to tack onto the 12 fucking years of "inspecting" before that? So, it was ONLY "ILL FATED and ILL ADVISED" because a U.N. inspector wanted to sop up some more money from the sorry ass job he'd been doing for 12 fucking years ... which was "inspecting" shit the Iraqis produced for him and others to "INSPECT" ....

.. and you have the audacity to call me an "idiot"?

Thanks for making my day, month, and year.

No wonder you voted for Kerry and Obaminable .... "The Lying Waiters"
and you have the audacity to call me an "idiot"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
As a matter of fact, you are an "idiot."

But I'm certain that you have learned to live with that grim reality.
LexusLover's Avatar
As a matter of fact, you are an "idiot." Originally Posted by bigtex
Is that all you have? Your opinion?

You are a bottom feeder.... snapping at chum on the surface.

But I'm glad you "snapped" on Eccie .. ASPD days are a problem to research.

Obaminable and Kerry want the U.N. to conduct our military operations ...

.. AND tell the United States when and where the U.S. can deploy its force ... that why you voted for them .... you do too?

12 years fucking around with Saddam .. and you want to give him ...

4-6 more months, "give or take 1-2" ... which means from 2 to 8 months?

So Blix can burn some more U.N. money?

What's Webb say on the subject? U.N. controls the U.S. military?

4-6 more months, "give or take 1-2" ... which means from 2 to 8 months?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
4-6 months (give or take a month or two) as opposed to the eventual reality of multiple years of actual combat, at a cost of 4500+ American lives, tens of thousands of American wounded and a cost of $1 trillion.

At the exorbitant price we ended up paying, 4-6 months (give or take a month or two) seems like it would have been a very small price to pay.

Apparently, LLIdiot has no value for the loss of American life on the battlefield. (LLIdiot is typical of the 60's era Draft Dodger crowd!)
LexusLover's Avatar
Yet another misrepresentation of the facts from ...(posts the bottom feeder)....

What I actually said

As I recall, Blix indicated that he needed an additional 4-6 months to complete their mission. Give or take a month or two!

.... to be exact! Originally Posted by bigtex

Here's what I recall ...

Mr. President,

"UNMOVIC is not infrequently asked how much more time it needs to complete its task in Iraq. The answer depends upon which task one has in mind - the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and related items and programmes, which were prohibited in 1991 - the disarmament task - or the monitoring that no new proscribed activities occur. The latter task, though not often focused upon, is highly significant - and not controversial. It will require monitoring, which is "ongoing", that is, open-ended until the Council decides otherwise.

"By contrast, the task of "disarmament" foreseen in resolution 687 (1991) and the progress on "key remaining disarmament tasks" foreseen in resolution 1284 (1999) as well as the "disarmament obligations", which Iraq was given a "final opportunity to comply with" under resolution 1441 (2002), were always required to be fulfilled in a shorter time span. Regrettably, the high degree of cooperation required of Iraq for disarmament through inspection was not forthcoming in 1991. Despite the elimination, under UNSCOM and IAEA supervision, of large amounts of weapons, weapons-related items and installations over the years, the task remained incomplete, when inspectors were withdrawn almost 8 years later at the end of 1998.

"If Iraq had provided the necessary cooperation in 1991, the phase of disarmament - under resolution 687 (1991) - could have been short and a decade of sanctions could have been avoided. Today, three months after the adoption of resolution 1441 (2002), the period of disarmament through inspection could still be short, if "immediate, active and unconditional cooperation" with UNMOVIC and the IAEA were to be forthcoming.

1991 to 2003 = 12 fucking years.

How long is Mr. Blix's piece of string?

Do you see a parallel with Iran ... North Korea .... ISIS?

All you got to do is whine about Bush and call people idiots. Bottom Feeder.

"Bush and Cheney" kicked the inspectors out in 1998? Really?
LexusLover's Avatar
(LLIdiot is typical of the 60's era Draft Dodger crowd!) Originally Posted by bigtex
Have you found my OMPF yet? More namecalling? That's all you have?

You mean like this guy?

"typical of the 60's era Draft Dodger crowd!" ...

......... for whom you campaigned and voted 2x's!
LLIdiot, you can wager your 4-6 years of 4500+ American lives.

I will gladly raise you my 4-6 months (give or take a month or two) of Weapons Inspections.

Let the chips fall where they may!
Have you found my OMPF yet? More namecalling? That's all you have? Originally Posted by LexusLover
If the shoe fits, wear it!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I do not believe that he understood a single word of what he was saying. Sounds like those people of color that attempt to use language far above their intellect and ability to the point of making up words. I suppose that in his mind, if you are going to be an elitist you should try to talk like an elitist.

Of course, we must remember that the people they admire, Stalin, Lenin, Pol-Pot, Mao, and the likes, seem to make the Islamists junior varsity compared to those heroes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And Iran, North Korea, and Russia are JV in relation to God. So what? Originally Posted by LexusLover
And a festering canker sore you is JV in relation you. So what?
LexusLover's Avatar
LLIdiot, you can wager your 4-6 years of 4500+ American lives. Originally Posted by bigtex
The "invasion of 2003" lasted 4 to 6 years?