Random Acts of Kindness for Holiday

Texasquest's Avatar
Just posting to be under PAVEN !!!!!!!!!!
40F Cougar's Avatar
Let's keep this thread going all year! Random Acts of Kindness should be something we do all year round! Alluringava if you want to pm me I can tell you how to make some nice warm inexpensive shelters for the feral, abandoned cats you feed. It's getting colder and they need a nice warm place to go in out of the cold, rain.
Last year when I still had my job of 8 yrs I spent $10k of my own money rescuing, vetting, and rehoming dogs. I can't do it anymore, but I do still help other rescuers when I can if they have a need for vetting a dog or cat. I recently gave $185 for neuter, shots, ear meds for a dog that was found running the streets. I also helped pay for boarding him so he wouldn't have to go to the shelter. He is a pit bull so they don't have a lot of chance to get adopted out here
I also ended up w/2 more dogs and 1 more cat since I started rescuing and one dog is special needs, so I really can't take in any more My special needs dog requires so much that all my extra money goes to her care right now. I don't even spend money on myself much anymore unless it's a necessity
I did gift some services I had paid for and couldn't use by the expiration date. I also gifted a month payment on my disabled girl friends cell phone this month.
Great idea - always. Good topic.
I loved hearing about the people who helped to pay off the layaway fees for those moms and parents who had things set aside for their kids. It was like a a Secret Santa and a great surprise to those moms who came to the stores and found out they didn't owe anything on their layaways!! Originally Posted by alluringava
Where did you hear that? Sounds great.

I loved reading the story of the guy dressed as Santa who went around giving out $100 to people who looked like they needed it. (With a police escort - sorry no link.)
Let's keep this thread going all year! Random Acts of Kindness should be something we do all year round! Alluringava if you want to pm me I can tell you how to make some nice warm inexpensive shelters for the feral, abandoned cats you feed. It's getting colder and they need a nice warm place to go in out of the cold, rain.
Last year when I still had my job of 8 yrs I spent $10k of my own money rescuing, vetting, and rehoming dogs. I can't do it anymore, but I do still help other rescuers when I can if they have a need for vetting a dog or cat. I recently gave $185 for neuter, shots, ear meds for a dog that was found running the streets. I also helped pay for boarding him so he wouldn't have to go to the shelter. He is a pit bull so they don't have a lot of chance to get adopted out here
I also ended up w/2 more dogs and 1 more cat since I started rescuing and one dog is special needs, so I really can't take in any more My special needs dog requires so much that all my extra money goes to her care right now. I don't even spend money on myself much anymore unless it's a necessity
I did gift some services I had paid for and couldn't use by the expiration date. I also gifted a month payment on my disabled girl friends cell phone this month. Originally Posted by PrincessLeeGFE
How lovely, you sound like such a lovely person!

I love the programs on TV that cover pit bull rescuers but I never see anything like that for cats - does anyone know of any?
Where did you hear that? Sounds great.

I loved reading the story of the guy dressed as Santa who went around giving out $100 to people who looked like they needed it. (With a police escort - sorry no link.) Originally Posted by Leah Ireland

Leah, it was on CNN and the local news. Some moms had gone back to the store where they had to pay off a balance for their kids, only to find out the balances had been paid off already. I did wonder how the person who paid them off got the information etc to pay the balances off, but it was totally anonymous.
Roothead's Avatar
hmmm I am too dam nice I guess - we only adopt homeless pets (3 now, 6 overall), We do the united way thingy but only donate to specific charities, I try to always buy dinner or drinks for those in uniform... this year I gave nice cash $$$ bonuses to 6 single moms that I know, so they could, at this special time, be the great mom that they are the rest of the year.... I have paid for repairs of someone's furnace (not cash to them, but paid the bill upon repair)... we bought 5 indigenous families in Central America a few head of livestock, so that my kids can see first hand that they are the 1% of the 1% that gives back

My SO and I both grew up with little - however, via hard work, education and delayed gratification, we are now very very fortunate and we never forget that

Yes, I am awaiting the time when the Pope will elevate me for Sainthood consideration! lol
Throughout last year I collected all the soaps, shampoos, coffees, and anything else I could find out of my hotels that I get regularly and donated them to the woman's battered shelter last part of December!

I use to give socks filled with things to homeless people on the street till one thru it back at me and demanded the money that I would of spent on it! Ugh!
If I see a homeless person in a fast food place I'll buy him what he wants. One day I just gave the guy my hamburger and fries on the tray and re-ordered them for myself. I say that you don't have to do things on the holidays...do it everyday, a random act of kindness.
40F Cougar's Avatar
Leah I saw that on the news also. One kid took all the money out of his piggy bank and paid off someone's layaway! I thought that was exceptional!
Yes there are feral cat rescues if you do a google search for them you can find quite a few in different areas. The problem with feral cats is most people in the neighborhood don't want you to feed them because they will stay and multiply. So the idea is since you can't catch them to "trap, spay/neuter and release" to the area they are use to. Some people will trap and take them to someone's backyard who will agree to feed them. Unfortunately I've rescued several "feral" cats and if they are truly feral and mom's were feral they can be tamed, but you have to contain them so they don't get out and run away looking for a place to hide out. I took in 2 ferals and they both as soon as they could sneak out my door got out and never came back It takes a long time to get them tame and sometimes they never do, it depends on how scared they are of people.
Roothead, you and your SO sound like wonderful people, who are teaching your kids to be outstanding members of society! I love it when people teach their kids that there are others that are more needy and don't give them everything they want. Many kids these days are very "ME" oriented. All they think about is themselves....so sad.
Leah I saw that on the news also. One kid took all the money out of his piggy bank and paid off someone's layaway! I thought that was exceptional!
Yes there are feral cat rescues if you do a google search for them you can find quite a few in different areas. The problem with feral cats is most people in the neighborhood don't want you to feed them because they will stay and multiply. So the idea is since you can't catch them to "trap, spay/neuter and release" to the area they are use to. Some people will trap and take them to someone's backyard who will agree to feed them. Unfortunately I've rescued several "feral" cats and if they are truly feral and mom's were feral they can be tamed, but you have to contain them so they don't get out and run away looking for a place to hide out. I took in 2 ferals and they both as soon as they could sneak out my door got out and never came back It takes a long time to get them tame and sometimes they never do, it depends on how scared they are of people.
Roothead, you and your SO sound like wonderful people, who are teaching your kids to be outstanding members of society! I love it when people teach their kids that there are others that are more needy and don't give them everything they want. Many kids these days are very "ME" oriented. All they think about is themselves....so sad. Originally Posted by PrincessLeeGFE
Where I volunteer, we do the trapping and neutering. And there are some very kind people...a couple who uses their OWN money ( although they get donations too from the local feline medical center) and have spayed and neutered over ONE HUNDRED stray cats. They take care of a feral colony in the eastern part of my town. They even warm the canned food up in the cold months for these kitties!!!
Clouddancer's Avatar
I enjoy these types of threads.
Isn't it amazing how a person can do so much with a small effort?

I also believe that often, providers can be the kindest and most thoughtful.

I posted this story sometime back. Please excuse the small hijacking of this thread but it is another example of a random act of kindness.

We can all practice kindness, everyday, in so many ways.

40F Cougar's Avatar
thanks for sharing clouddancer, that was a wonderful story, and what made it especially nice is that you recognized the young lady even though you didn't know her personally.
alluringava that's wonderful that you help with ferals, they need so much help.
A lot of people don't like cats hanging around. I rescued one last year from the shelter, an owner surrender, that was going to be killed; and PollyKita is a polydactyl cat (many toes) and was very sick with a respiratory infection when I got her, she was also skinny and looks like someone may have kicked her in the mouth as her front teeth are broken off and she looked like she might have had some fights as her ear is tattered. She spent 3 weeks in my bathroom as I nursed her back to health. She was really quite sweet and loving and talked a lot to me. Then as soon as I let her out of the bathroom she "hates" all my other rescued animals LOL I think she is scared of them...so she stays hidden most of the time under the bed or in the closet. She has gotten fat from inactivity and good food LOL the only time she comes out is when I'm in the bathroom she will come in there to see me and get some love. I think she feels safe in there, like it's "her room" LOL I wish I could find her a home where she would be the only animal as I think she would be much happier, but sadly no one wants a 6 yr old cat, even though she is a great cat with no bad habits.
thanks for sharing clouddancer, that was a wonderful story, and what made it especially nice is that you recognized the young lady even though you didn't know her personally.
alluringava that's wonderful that you help with ferals, they need so much help.
A lot of people don't like cats hanging around. I rescued one last year from the shelter, an owner surrender, that was going to be killed; and PollyKita is a polydactyl cat (many toes) and was very sick with a respiratory infection when I got her, she was also skinny and looks like someone may have kicked her in the mouth as her front teeth are broken off and she looked like she might have had some fights as her ear is tattered. She spent 3 weeks in my bathroom as I nursed her back to health. She was really quite sweet and loving and talked a lot to me. Then as soon as I let her out of the bathroom she "hates" all my other rescued animals LOL I think she is scared of them...so she stays hidden most of the time under the bed or in the closet. She has gotten fat from inactivity and good food LOL the only time she comes out is when I'm in the bathroom she will come in there to see me and get some love. I think she feels safe in there, like it's "her room" LOL I wish I could find her a home where she would be the only animal as I think she would be much happier, but sadly no one wants a 6 yr old cat, even though she is a great cat with no bad habits. Originally Posted by PrincessLeeGFE

Well what's interesting is we have certain areas here in the city where animals get 'dumped' and it really makes me angry. The cats get dumped over this area downtown and then over near the hills near an actual marsh area. The dogs get dumped in the downtown area. And there are some packs of feral dogs that this couple also feeds too, the dogs are very wary of humans and they could potentially pose a threat to people in those primal packs they go back to when they revert to feral ways.

A LOT of people don't mind helping animals, but feral cats are definitely last on the list. I had a garage sale that said I was specifically raising money for cats, and when I mentioned in passing to a few people there that this was a fundraiser to raise money for food and spaying for stray cats, they said, " Why would you bother? They should be destroyed. " My first temptation was to tell them to fuck off, but I said," Those cats belonged to people at one time, and it isn't their fault that they've been left behind to fend for themselves generation after generation. People need to be educated not to leave their pets behind." And then they seemed to get it. But so much more work needs to be done. I also donate to Alley Cat Allies to make life for stray cats in big urban areas a little easier with food and spaying, etc.
40F Cougar's Avatar
AlluringAva yes the feral dog packs can be dangerous especially when they perceive that someone may be out to harm them. A lot of dogs and cats weren't feral until they were "dumped" and then because of people treating them so mean they have gotten leary of people and unfriendly. Alley Cat Allies is a great organization and I also belong http://www.alleycat.org/ they do wonderful things. I like what they say on their front page "feral cats have a home it's outside"! Too many people look at pets as "property" not as "part of the family". If you had a problem with your kid, or had to move, you wouldn't dump your kid in Downtown and leave him/her I get so tired of the excuses from people as to why they can't keep their pets. They are disposable like an old sofa So sad. Thanks for doing what you do for them. I wish everyone would see that they can help in some way, whether it's doing a garage sale to give a donation to an organization that does good things for animals; collecting warm blankets, dog clothes, kundra beds, food for the shelters and rescues; starting a pet food bank for low income and homeless. While you are at it take your old coats, shoes, warm clothes to a homeless shelter. Carry a bag of non-perishable food and supplies in your car and give it to a homeless person. I also carry an extra bag of dog food, cat food, etc in case they have a pet. I loved the idea a lady said above about collecting the soaps, shampoos, etc from hotels and giving them to the women's shelter, or homeless. It's little things that make a lot of difference. And for the lady who had her "gift" thrown back in her face, remember some of the homeless are addicts, mentally ill, etc but don't let one person ruin what you feel is something you want to do to try to help. A lot of people are not willing to give money because they feel it will be used for alcohol or drugs....if they ask for money you can ask them what would they spend the money on. If it's food, offer to go to the drive thru and get them some food. If they refuse that then you did what you could.