Jewel Jones, no show no call

Captain Gus's Avatar
This is some funny and crazy shit;;;
NSNC this shit happens all the time???
It doesn't seem like we are ever going to get the REAL story here.
Wakeup's Avatar
Dude.... First it was Thursday, now it's Friday.... If you can't keep the days straight, how can we be sure you can keep the story straight.... Just saying.... Originally Posted by srvfin
Now that's funny right there!
proper's Avatar
I nominate TG for entertainment promoter extraordinaire . Get ready for the onslaught of request for opening closed threads including mine.

For the record - Nov 18th was a Friday.
TexasGator's Avatar
I really don't fully know how to respond to you Mister TxGator, and not because I don't have an answer but because I don't understand what you are trying to find out. Consequently I cannot pinpoint my answers to your questions/statements, so I will go back over the entire event, as I have it in my cell phone text archives and emails.

I emailed her several days before and said I would like to see her. She text me back the same day and picked Friday at 7:30 PM. She picked Friday, she picked 7:30 PM. I said okay, so 7:30 PM Friday it is set. Again on Wednesday, several days before, a formal date was made and confirmed between me and Ms Jones.

On Friday, around midday, I text her and asked her to let me know when she was on her way. She said okay. I knew approximately where she was coming from and how long it would take. At close to 7:00 PM, 6:48 PM to be exact, on Friday, I had not heard from her, knowing how long it would take her to get to me, and knowing she should be on her way by now, I text her again to reconfirm. 15 minutes goes by after my inquiry, well after 7:00 PM on Friday, the night of the date, she text me back and asked to push it to 8:30. I said ok and asked her to contact me when she was on her way. This was our second conformation for a date.

At 8:00 PM. I had not heard from her so knowing where she was coming from and approximately how long it would take her to get to me, I was concerned again so I text her again to reconfirm, she text me back and wanted to push again to either 10:00 PM that night, or reschedule for the next day. I asked why, she said she had family issues; I said I can't go at 10:00 PM tonight, but tomorrow I could. She said I wouldn't regret it. I took that as a conformation for the next day. This was my third conformation from her. I text her again the next day, no reply. I called, no answer. I sent an email no response. I gave up. By the way she was wrong, I do regret it.

I guess every NCNS is a he said she said. I'd be happy to transcribe all the communications I have between her and I, get them notarized by a public authority, and send them on to you if you want. You seem so interested in this “he said she said”. It would be no trouble Non-WK, no trouble at all. Funny though, you’re interested enough to have this thread reopened. I guess I did do a big wrong here. I tried to participate on this board.

I guess it's not a good idea to ask for an explanation of why someone did something inconsiderate and rude, in a public forum. I won’t be making this mistake ever again.

We can take this to Private Mail to resolve, this Mister Gator if you want. I wouldn’t want to give this platform to anyone who’s only purpose would seem to be to wedge themselves into a fairly insignificant event, trying to find a conspiracy where there isn’t one. Originally Posted by Captain Noc

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

"I'd be happy to transcribe all the communications I have between her and I, get them notarized by a public authority,"

You wouldn't happen to have been at the Derek wearing a fanny pack, would you?
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-21-2011, 05:42 PM
You wouldn't happen to have been at the Derek wearing a fanny pack, would you? Originally Posted by TexasGator
Now, that's some funny shit, right there. I'm fucking dying here, T_G, tff.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That fanny pack thread belongs in the hall of fame... lol.

We need a link...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
9 'yes' reviews in only 12 days? I'm guessing you got bumped by someone with a few more bucks to spend or someone she already knew who was a big tipper. Don't sweat it. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
And in four different cites and two bout that?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
And in four different cites and two bout that? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Making that Houston/DFW/Shreveport circuit, but says home base is Houston.
john353's Avatar
I want to fuck her
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-21-2011, 08:10 PM
I want to fuck her Originally Posted by john353
Or lick her ass. ijs
john353's Avatar
thats a given, LOL
TexasGator's Avatar
That fanny pack thread belongs in the hall of fame... lol.

We need a link... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Ask & ye shall recieve.

absolut(ely) Randy Rogue was in a class by himself...until now.
Get over it and move on. Spilt milk aint gonna get back in the bottle no matter how much you cry foul. With that many ok's and reviews, get a replacement. She has said she chose not to see you. Sorry for my tone but i dont know how else to say it.